Creating or Modifying a User Exit

To create or modify a user exit, follow the procedure below:

Step 1

Ensure that a backup copy is made of the exit and of Com-plete or the affected utility. (Errors in user exits may render Com-plete or the utility unusable.)

Step 2

Modify the current source of exit or the sample in the distributed source library.

Step 3

Assemble and link edit the user exit as follows:.

z/OS Assemble and link edit the user exit into COM.USER.LOAD.
z/VSE: Assemble and link edit the user exit into SAGLIB.COMUSER.
Step 4

Make the user exit/utility available to the terminal user by either:

  • refreshing the user exit with ULIB if the user exit is loaded dynamically and Com-plete is currently active. Note that the region size parameter of the utility may need to be increased using ULIB in order to accommodate the exit. If the thread is too small to contain the online utility and the exit, an abnormal termination will result; or:

  • adding the user exit with the RESIDENTPAGE parameter. RESIDENTPAGE routines save storage that would be needed if the user exit executed in the thread. Note that RESIDENTPAGE routines must be reentrant. If Com-plete is currently active, you can activate the exit by issueing PGM LOAD,userexit from UUTIL MO.

If the exit is a nucleus exit, Com-plete must be terminated and then reactivated.

Step 5

Test the function of the exit.