JES2 Interface Module (JIM) Processing (z/OS)

Overview of Messages

ZJ20001 | ZJ20004 | ZJ20010 | ZJ20011 | ZJ20012 | ZJ20013 | ZJ20014 | ZJ20015 | ZJ20016 | ZJ20017 | ZJ20018 | ZJ20022

ZJ20001 JES2 system is not active

This message is associated with Com-plete's JES2 Interface Module. It indicates that during initialisation of the UQ/JES2 interface, it was detected that either JES2 was not active or it was not the primary Job Entry Subsystem in use.

System action:

Normal Com-plete initialisation continues; however, most UQ functions will be permanently disabled.

System programmer info:

Reinitialise the operating system, making JES2 the primary Job Entry Subsystem, then restart Com-plete .

ZJ20004 $1 error loading $2, Reason Code X'$3'

JES2 interface initialisation attempted to load the JES2 interface module as specified by the 'JES' Com-plete sysparm. The module was found, however, the BLDL or LOAD failed. The following indicates what is returned as 'reason code' for the two situations.

Function - Reason code

BLDL - R0 from the failed BLDL request.

LOAD - Abend code which would have occurred if the LOAD macro did not specify that the LOAD routine should return in the case of an error.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation will continue with the JES2 interface disabled.

System programmer info:

Determine why the load failed and correct the error. Some system message may also be issued which may help determine why the failure occurred.

ZJ20010 Load failed for interface module '$1'

The JES2 Server attempted to load module $1 as it's interface module. This reason for the failure is indicated via the return and reason codes.

System action:

JES2 Server initialisation is terminated

System programmer info:

The return and reason codes indicated correspond to those returned from the BLDL and LOAD macros. Consult the documentation for these macros and determine why the load failed.

ZJ20011 Invalid interface module name length

The name of the JES2 interface module specified in the paramters is longer than eight characters.

System action:

The Server intialisation is terminated.

System programmer info:

Specify a valid JES2 interface module name (ie. eight bytes or less) and retry.

ZJ20012 Invalid subsystem name length in parameters, subsystem ignored

In the SERVER parameters specified, a subsystem name of zero or more than four was supplied.

System action:

The subsystem parameter is ignored and processing continues with the next subsystem parameter specified if any.

System programmer info:

The subsystem name can only be a maximum of four characters long. Correct the error and retry

ZJ20013 Subsystem '$1' interface initialization successful

The initialisation for the JES2 subsytem '$2' was completed successfully

ZJ20014 Subsystem '$1' interface INIT failed, Rc $2 Reason Code $3

The user specified that the subsystem $1 should be initialised, however, the initialisation process failed. The reason for the failure is indicated by the return and reason codes.

Return Reason

code code

08 04 Not enough storage available

08 08 XCOMJESC could not be loaded

08 36 JES susbsystem unknown

System action:

Requests to access this JES2 subsystem will be terminated with a JES2 not active message

System programmer info:

Determine the reason why the initialisation failed based on the return and reason codes and correct the error.

ZJ20015 Subsystem '$1' terminated successfully

Termination of the JES2 interface to subsystem $1 has been terminated successfully.

ZJ20016 Subsystem '$1' termination failed, Rc $2 Reason Code $3

A termination request was issued for the interface to JES2 subsystem $2, however, this request failed. The return and reason codes are the same as for ZJ20014.

System action:

No new requests will be accepted against this subsystem interface, however, it is possible that interface storage and allocations may be left outstanding. Also, the system will not accept a request to restart this interface until such time as the interface is successfully terminated.

System programmer info:

Determine the reason as to why the interface could not be terminated. When the reason is not installation dependant, report the circumstances to your local support centre.

Computer operator info:

When the return and reason codes indicate that users are still using the system, termination should be possible after the last request has completed. Reissue the command after a number of seconds and termination should complete. When this does not happen, report the circumstances to you systems programmer.

ZJ20017 Invalid JES2 server command starting '$1'

The operator command $1 was issued against the JES2 server, however, $1 was not a valid JES2 server operator command.

System action:

The operator command is ignored.

Computer operator info:

Correct the command or the command syntax and reissue the command.

ZJ20018 Missing or invalid parameter for JES2 server '$1' command

The operator issued a JES2 Server command with parameters, however, the parameters are invalid.

System action:

The parameter and all parameters following the paramter are ignored.

Computer operator info:

Correct the paramters and reissue the command.

ZJ20022 No JES2 subsystem interfaces active

This will be issued in response to the 'STAT' JES2 server command to indicate that no JES2 interfaces were active to report the status on.