Terminal Initialisation

Overview of Messages

ZIT0001 | ZIT0002 | ZIT0003 | ZIT0004 | ZIT0005 | ZIT0006 | ZIT0007 | ZIT0009 | ZIT0010 | ZIT0011 | ZIT0012 | ZIT0013 | ZIT0014 | ZIT0015 | ZIT0016 | ZIT0017 | ZIT0018 | ZIT0019 | ZIT0020

ZIT0001 $1 not found for CUU $2, Tid/Lid $3

This indicates that the system control block, UCB for z/OS or PUB for VSE, could not be found for the CUU address $2 for the TID or LID number $3 as defined in the TIBTAB.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Verify that the CUU address as specified in the TIBTAB is correct.

ZIT0002 No device support for Tid/Lid $1

This message is associated with Com-plete TIBTAB initialisation and indicates that the TIBTAB identified an unsupported device for TID/LID $.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is abnormally terminated.

System programmer info:

Correct the TIBTAB definition or link edit Com-plete to include the device support modules for the device specified in TIBTAB.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of the problem and/or start Com-plete specifying a different TIBTAB.

ZIT0003 $1 $2, $3 $4 not allocated - already allocated

During TIBTAB processing, Com-plete attempted to allocate the indicated device, however, it was unsuccessful because the device was already allocated somewhere else.

System action:

The line or tid will be left deleted.

Computer operator info:

Determine where the line or tid is allocated. If the device can be made available, issue the 'ADD' operator command to cause Com-plete to c attempt to allocate it again.

ZIT0004 Tid $1 has no LGCB

This message is associated with Com-plete TIBTAB initialisation. It indicates that the TIBTAB is in error. The TID shown does not have an LGCB defined for it.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is terminated.

System programmer info:

The listed remote TID is not listed in any LGCB in the current TIBTAB.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer and/or start Com-plete with a different TIBTAB.

ZIT0005 Storage not available to build TIBTAB

This message is associated with Com-plete TIBTAB initialisation to indicate that there is insufficient space in the region or partition for the TIBTAB.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is abnormally terminated.

System programmer info:

Increase the size of the region or partition.

ZIT0006 TIBTAB $1 $2

TIBTAB processing is complete. If the TIBTAB was loaded, the following will appear....

TIBTAB tttttttt LOADED Where 'tttttttt' is the TIBTAB to be loaded.

If the TIBTAB is built dynamically, the following will appear....

ZIT0007 TIBTAB $1 not found in library

This message is associated with Com-plete TIBTAB initialisation. It indicates that the requested TIBTAB was not found in any library.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is abnormally terminated.

System programmer info:

Specify a valid TIBTAB name in the TIBTAB startup parameter.

ZIT0009 Contents of TIBTAB $1 are invalid

This message is associated with Com-plete TIBTAB initialisation. The probable cause is an attempt to run an earlier version of Com-plete l TIBTAB instead of a tibtab for the current version of Com-plete . OM-PL Another possible cause is that the module is not a TIBTAB.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is abnormally terminated.

System programmer info:

Check the last assembly and link edit of the specified TIBTAB.

ZIT0010 Load failed for TIBTAB '$1'

This message is associated with Com-plete initialisation and indicates that the requested load for the TIBTAB failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is terminated.

Computer operator info:

Execute Com-plete again. If this fails, notify the Com-plete system programmer.

ZIT0011 PAGEFIX for TIBTAB failed, PAGEFIX bypassed

If applymod 74 is NOT on, Com-plete will attempt to page fix the TIBTAB. This indicates that the page fix has failed for some reason.

System action:

Com-plete continues processing without a page fixed TIBTAB.

System programmer info:

Determine why the page fix failed. The most likely cause would be due to a shortage of real storage at the moment when the page fix was issued.

ZIT0012 $1 $2, $3 $4 not allocated - Device offline

Com-plete attempted to allocate the indicated device, however, this failed because the device was offline.

System action:

The line or tid will be deleted in Com-plete .

Computer operator info:

When the device is online to the system again, issue the 'ADD' operator command to cause Com-plete to attempt to allocate it again.

ZIT0013 $1 $2, $3 $4 not allocated - see previous message for details

Com-plete attempted to allocate the device, however, the allocate failed. There will have been a previous message indicating why the allocate failed. Please refer to this for more details.

ZIT0014 Dynamic TIBTAB initialization completed

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0015 Dynamic TIBTAB initialization aborted: TIBTAB exhausted

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0016 There are no dynamic TIB updates

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0017 TIB $1 allocated to $2

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0018 TIB $1 already in use, dynamic definition $2 skipped

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0019 TIB $1 ($2) data replaced by override definition

Self-explanatory message.

ZIT0020 TIB definition $2 skipped, alredy existing with TID $1

Self-explanatory message.