Overview of Messages

UMP0001 | UMP0002 | UMP0003 | UMP0004 | UMP0005 | UMP0006 | UMP0007 | UMP0008 | UMP0009 | UMP0010 | UMP0011 | UMP0012 | UMP0013 | UMP0014 | UMP0015 | UMP0016 | UMP0017 | UMP0018 | UMP0019 | UMP0020 | UMP0021 | UMP0022 | UMP0023 | UMP0024 | UMP0025 | UMP0026 | UMP0027 | UMP0028 | UMP0029 | UMP0030 | UMP1000 | UMP1001 | UMP1002 | UMP1003 | UMP1004 | UMP1006 | UMP1007 | UMP1008 | UMP1009

UMP0001 Level already used

The LEVEL= command could not be accepted because the level was already in use.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Try to use another level.

UMP0002 Program not found

A suspended program or service program cannot be located.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Check that a valid name was specified.

UMP0003 Invalid number

The level number should be between 1 and 9.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Ensure that a valid number is specified.

UMP0004 Invalid level number

The LEVEL= number should be between 1 and 9.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Ensure that a valid number is specified.

UMP0005 Invalid fetch request

Invalid input length for new program.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Ensure that the length is not greater than six characters.

UMP0006 Invalid PF Key

An invalid number was supplied when defining a new PF key, or a PF key was defined more than once.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Supply a valid PF key number between 1 and 24.

UMP0007 PF key already defined

A PF key (or keys ) was (or were) defined twice.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Ensure that PF keys are only defined once.

UMP0008 PF key not assigned

A PF key was used that had no program assigned.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Assign a program to the key.

UMP0009 No program suspended on that level

The user attempted to restart a program on a level that was not in use.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Verify on which level the program to be restarted is suspended.

UMP0010 Nothing to recall

The user attempted to recall the last suspended program, but there were no suspended programs.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Use the RECALL command only when there are susoended programs.

UMP0011 Invalid case selected

Invalid modification in the 'C' (case) column.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Use only 'L' for lower or 'U' for upper case in this column.

UMP0012 Invalid page number

Invalid Parameter for the 'PAGE' (or 'P') command.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

The page number may only be set between 1 and the maximum page. For users with no more than 9 menu programs, this command is not useful.

UMP0013 'Disable' not possible while program(s) suspended

DISABLE is not permitted with suspended programs.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

You must not disable stacking while anything is in the stack.

UMP0014 Set o.k.

The setting caused by a COM-PASS command terminated properly.

System action:


Terminal operator info:


UMP0015 Invalid hard copy device

The hard copy device name or TID number could not be found.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Use 'HC ?' or '*USCHC' to select the hard copy device from a list.

UMP0016 Parameter missing or invalid

A COM-PASS internal function requires a parameter or the parameter is wrong.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

See the COM-PASS description.

UMP0017 Expert mode not available

Alternate COM-PASS mode is not available.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:


System programmer info:

The UTAB modules are not linked to USTACK.

UMP0018 'M=E' expert, 'M=S' standard mode, 'M=T' TPF mode

Displays the syntax of the COM-PASS 'M' command.

System action:

The operation is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command line as shown.

UMP0019 Terminal not DBCS capable...

The KANJI command has been entered on a terminal uncapable of handling DBCS (Double Byte Character Stream).

UMP0020 last defaults were $1

Self-explanatory message.

UMP0021 error in last defaults $1

Self-explanatory message.

UMP0022 last defaults SD file in use

Self-explanatory message.

UMP0023 Security violation - access to program disallowed

The userid does not have authority to run the program requested.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your system administrator if you require access to this program.

UMP0024 Logic error - unexpected return code from subfunction

A Com-plete logic error has occurred.

System programmer info:

This indicates that a logic error has occurred during the executing of the utility. Report the error and the steps taken to produce the error to your local support centre.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your system administrator.

UMP0025 No eligible thread for program

The requested program has been catalogued with a region size which is too large for it to run in any of the threads currently defined to the system.

Terminal operator info:

Report the problem to your system administrator.

System programmer info:

To avoid this, the program must be catalogued with a smaller region size such that it fits in one of the currently defined threads, or the Com-plete sysparms must be changed to allocated one or more threads large enough to run the program.

UMP0026 No eligible processor group for program

An attempt was made to start a program which is associated with a processor group, however, this processor group has not be defined or is in the process of being deleted.

Terminal operator info:

If you should be in a position to run the program causing the problem, report the problem to your system administrator.

System programmer info:

The program in question has been assigned a processor group in it's ULIB catalog definition. Either remove the specified processor group or insure that the processor group is available when required.

UMP0027 Program cannot be started, system is quiescing

A request to start a program has failed because the system is quiescing.

Terminal operator info:

A system quiesce is started by the computer operator prior to terminating the system. Should this program be available to you during this processing, report the problem to your system administrator.

System programmer info:

If the program in question should be available while the system is quiescing, the catalog options for the program must be modified using ULIB. Refer to the ULIB documentation for more information.

UMP0028 System quiescing - please finish your work and logoff

This message is issued when no other errors are evident in USTACK as a warning that the system is currently quiescing. This indicates that the operator has started a process which will lead to the eventual shutdown of the system. For this reason, any work in progress should be finished and a logoff issued from the system.

Terminal operator info:

THe system is in the process of being shutdown. Therefore you should complete any work in progress and logoff the system.

UMP0029 Your session has been recovered

Com-plete was restarted with Recovery after a Com-plete or System Abend. Or your session has been switched to another Com-plete.

UMP0030 Use of this application has been suspended by an administrator

Start or continuation of the application was denied because its use has been suspended.

System programmer info:

The "suspended" flag for an application can be switched in ULIB.

Terminal operator info:

If you feel like the use of the application should not be suspended, contact your Com-plete system administrator.

UMP1000 COM-PASS is active

The COM-PASS function has been requested and is now active under Com-plete .

UMP1001 COM-PASS activated but NO menu data found

The SYSPARM ACCOUNTING must be set to YES in order to include COM-PASS.

System action:

Initialisation continues but without COM-PASS.

System programmer info:

Make the necessary change.

UMP1002 Not enough storage for COM-PASS, $1 bytes unavailable

The region size is too small for building the in-core COM-PASS tables.

System action:

Initialisation continues but without COM-PASS.

System programmer info:

Increase the region size.

UMP1003 SUSPENDKEY and HARDCOPYKEY equal, defaulted to PA1 and PA2

The SUSPENDKEY and HARDCOPY keys have been specified as the same program function key. This is not possible with COM-PASS under Com-plete and so the defaults of SUSPENDKEY=PA1 and HARDCOPYKEY=PA2 are used.

System action:

Initialisation continues with SUSPENDKEY=PA1 and HARDCOPYKEY=PA2.

System programmer info:

Correct the Com-plete Sysparms to have a different program function key for the SUSPENDKEY and HARDCOPYKEY definitions.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

UMP1004 $1

This indicates that a system file access error has occurred. The text of the message is the access error as recorded by the system data access method.

System action:

Processing continues, however, Com-pass is disabled for this run of Com-plete .

System programmer info:

This is an internal Com-plete system data access method error. Contact your local support with the details of the message and text.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

UMP1006 SUSPEND- and RECALL-characters are equal - defaulted to NO

This indicates that COM-PASS has been requested, however, the SUSPEND and RECALL characters specified in the Com-plete Sysparms are the same.

System action:

Initialisation continues, however, COM-PASS will NOT be active for this run of Com-plete .

System programmer info:

Choose a different character for both the SUSPENDCHAR and RECALLCHAR Sysparms or do not specify so that 'no' will be taken as default.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

UMP1007 $1 Userid definitions have been deleted from COMSYS.USERDEF

These records were selected according to the value set for USERID-EXPIRE.

UMP1008 Next delete of unused Userid records : $1

As long as a value is set for USERID-EXPIRE in the sysparms an automatic delete of userid definitions will be done once every month.

UMP1009 Userid $1 (last logon $2 ) has been deleted

The userid record has been deleted because it matched the USERID-EXPIRE parameter.