UMAP Utility

Overview of Messages

UMA0001 | UMA0002 | UMA0003 | UMA0004 | UMA0005 | UMA0006 | UMA0007 | UMA0008 | UMA0009 | UMA0010 | UMA0011 | UMA0012 | UMA0013 | UMA0014 | UMA0015 | UMA0016 | UMA0017 | UMA0018 | UMA0019 | UMA0020 | UMA0021 | UMA0022 | UMA0023 | UMA0024 | UMA0025 | UMA0026 | UMA0027 | UMA0028 | UMA0029 | UMA0030 | UMA0031 | UMA0032 | UMA0033 | UMA0034 | UMA0035 | UMA0036 | UMA0037 | UMA0038 | UMA0039 | UMA0040 | UMA0041 | UMA0042 | UMA0043 | UMA0045 | UMA0046 | UMA0047 | UMA0048 | UMA0049 | UMA0050 | UMA0051 | UMA0052 | UMA0053 | UMA0054 | UMA0055 | UMA0056 | UMA0057 | UMA0058 | UMA0059 | UMA0060 | UMA0061 | UMA0062 | UMA0063 | UMA0064 | UMA0065 | UMA0066 | UMA0067 | UMA0068 | UMA0069 | UMA0070 | UMA0071 | UMA0072 | UMA0073 | UMA0074 | UMA0075 | UMA0076 | UMA0077 | UMA0078 | UMA0079 | UMA0080 | UMA0081 | UMA0083 | UMA0084 | UMA0085 | UMA0086 | UMA0090 | UMA0092 | UMA0093 | UMA0094 | UMA0443

UMA0001 Selected name already exists in the SD file or load library

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The map name requested for the CREATE function exists in the SD file or load library.

System action:

The CREATE command is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

The UMAP menu remains for the user to select an option and/or alter the name.

UMA0002 Map saved in load library and deleted from SD file

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The map has been placed in the designated load library and removed from the SD files.

Terminal operator info:

The specified map has been saved into the designated load library and deleted from the SD files.

UMA0003 Selected map does not exist in the SD file

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The requested UPDATE function found no map in the SD file.

System action:

The UMAP menu remains for the user to enter another map name or select another option.

Terminal operator info:

The map could not be found in the SD files

UMA0004 Selected map was not there for deletion

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The map has already been deleted.

System action:

The menu screen remains for other operations.

Terminal operator info:

The map could not be found in the SD files.

UMA0005 Selected map has been deleted from the SD file

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The map in the SD files has been deleted as requested.

System action:

The map in the SD files has been deleted. The user is returned to the UMAP menu to perform other UMAP operations.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0006 Edit COPY CODE function aborted by the user

This message is associated with UMAP utility. The EDIT COPY CODE function was aborted as requested.

System action:

The EDIT COPY CODE function is terminated, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0007 Retrieval from COMPLIB invalid for function

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The selected function is terminated, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The user specified that a map should be retrieved from the Com-plete COMPLIB load library chain what is not valid for:

  1. Creating a map

  2. Deleting a map from the SD files

  3. Saving a map from the SD files to the load library

UMA0008 DELETE function aborted by the user

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The DELETE function was aborted as requested.

System action:

The deletion of a map from the SD files was aborted by the user clearing the screen. The map was not deleted, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0009 COPY FROM function aborted by the user

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The new map was not created, and the user was returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The user requested an abort of the COPY function and was returned to the menu screen.

UMA0010 CREATE function aborted by the user

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The CREATE function was aborted as requested.

System action:

The CREATE function is terminated with no map saved into the SD file. The user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0011 Map not found in COMPLIB load library chain

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user requested that a map be retrieved from the Com-plete COMPLIB load library chain. The map was not found.

System action:

The function is terminated, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0012 No indicators found on entered CREATE screen

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The CREATE function found no field indicators on the create input screen.

System action:

The user's symbolic screen is retained for adding the desired indicators.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to return to the previous screen and make the desired modifications.

UMA0013 Blank found after indicator on entered screen

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. At least one indicator on the create screen has an indicator followed by a blank.

System action:

The user is returned to the full create screen after the ENTER key is pressed.

Terminal operator info:

A field may not begin with a blank character.

UMA0014 Two inidcators found together on entered CREATE screen

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. Two indicators were found in adjacent bytes, which violates the definition of a field.

System action:

The user is returned to the full create screen to resolve the problem after the ENTER key is pressed.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the input and reenter.

UMA0015 Field description code (FDC) is invalid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An undefined FDC code was found.

System action:

UMAP reprompts the user with the attribute screen.

Terminal operator info:

Select only valid FDC codes.

UMA0016 Type invalid, numeric can only be 'F, H, P, Z'

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user is attempting to modify a numeric data field to an alpha field.

System action:

The user is reprompted for the field type.

Terminal operator info:

The attribute screen allows the user to modify numeric data types to other numeric data types. If an alpha field is desired, delete and add the field using the full modify screen.

UMA0017 Invalid characters in field name

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. Invalid characters were specified for the field name.

System action:

The user is reprompted to correct the name field.

Terminal operator info:

Field names must be entirely blank or begin with a letter followed by zero or more letters and digits.

UMA0018 The UMAP utility is honoring a ULIB utility disable

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The save or retrieval from the load library is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu to select another function.

Terminal operator info:

A ULIB disable command has been used. Access to the load library is prevented until a ULIB enable command is entered.

System programmer info:

A ULIB disable command has been used. Because the disable may be associated with maintenance of the load library, UMAP will not retrieve or save the designated load library.

UMA0019 User is not authorized to save a UMAP map

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user is attempting to save a UMAP map.

System action:

The operation to save the map into the LOADLIB is inhibited, and the user is returned to the menu or cleanup screen for further processing.

Terminal operator info:

The maps named U2MxFx are defined as UMAP maps. Saving these maps into the load library is restricted to user ID 'UMAP'.

UMA0020 Write error on load library SAVE

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The SAVE function is terminated, and the map is not deleted from the SD file.

Terminal operator info:

An I/O error has occurred on the designated load library. The SAVE function was not completed, and the SD file was not deleted.

UMA0021 MOVE or PAD operation did not find target field name

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The move or pad operation did not find the target field name.

System action:

The arrange buffer screen is returned to the user.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a correct field name.

UMA0022 Field to be moved was not found

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user specified a non-existent field name to be moved.

System action:

The arrange data buffer screen is returned to user.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a correct field name.

UMA0023 A blank indicator is invalid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. Blank indicators were found.

System action:

The function is terminated, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

UMAP requires the indicators to be non-blank.

UMA0024 Field name already exists in this map

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted to change the field name.

Terminal operator info:

Field names are required to be unique or blank.

UMA0025 DELETE KEY or ERASE EOF use invalid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

After ENTER is pressed, the full screen is returned to the user as it was prior to the use of the DELETE key.

Terminal operator info:

The use of DELETE and ERASE EOF keys introduces nulls, which are not returned to UMAP. This condition makes it impossible for UMAP to find the indicators from the screen.

UMA0026 Invalid programming language specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Valid arguments for programming language are:

  1. 'COBOL' -----> COBOL


  3. 'PL' followed by anything ---> PL/I

UMA0027 Please enter programming language (and member name)

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The user requested the EDIT COPY CODE function with a blank in the first position of programming language. The user may specify optionally a member name so that UMAP can fetch a map with the recover option using the member name.

UMA0028 Invalid default FDC specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An invalid FDC code was specified for a create or modify operation.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the default FDC.

UMA0029 No full screen operations specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. It indicates that the user did not specify an operation before pressing ENTER.

System action:

The UMAP menu remains for the user to select an option.

Terminal operator info:

An operation must be specified.

UMA0030 TCC update function aborted by the user

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The TCC UPDATE function is aborted as requested.

System action:

The TCC code is not altered, and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0031 Only 'YES' and 'NO' are valid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the TCC update screen.

Terminal operator info:

The TCC option can be defined only as yes or no.

UMA0032 Only 'C', 'D', OR 'F' are valid for constant TCC

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the TCC update screen.

Terminal operator info:

The TCC option must be C, D, or F as explained on the TCC update screen.

UMA0033 Only 'B' and 'W' are valid for ERASE SCREEN TCC

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the TCC update screen.

Terminal operator info:

The only valid TCC options are B or W.

UMA0034 Decimal point invalid for zoned data type

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the attribute screen.

Terminal operator info:

Only type H(alfword), F(ullword), and P(acked) are allowed to have decimal places.

UMA0035 Internal length only valid for packed data type

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the attribute update screen.

Terminal operator info:

Type H(alfword) will be defined as length 2, type F(ullword) length 4, and type Z length of screen field. The internal length should only be specified for type P(acked) fields.

UMA0036 Invalid data offset specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. Non-numeric character(s) were entered into the field.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the attribute update screen.

Terminal operator info:

Field data offset must be numeric.

UMA0037 Invalid number of decimal places specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the attribute update screen.

Terminal operator info:

The number of decimal places specified must be 0 through 9.

UMA0038 Invalid internal length specified

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An invalid internal length was specified.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the attribute update screen.

Terminal operator info:

The internal length must be between one and eight.

UMA0039 Screen fields not allowed to overlap or no user input

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the symbolic full screen as it appeared before the user altered it.

Terminal operator info:

Screen fields are defined so that they are not allowed to overlap. The add, move, or copy operation was not done.

UMA0040 Map name is invalid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The map name field must

  1. Be blank (valid only for help operations)

  2. Have the first character alphabetic and characters two through four alphabetic or numeric

UMA0041 Zero length field not allowed

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An add or S operation would have resulted in a zero-length field.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the symbolic full screen as it existed before it was altered by the user.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter with the correct length or delete the field.

UMA0042 Not enough main storage for load library STOW call

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The SAVE function was not completed due to insufficient main storage in the thread. The system programmer should be contacted to discuss the merits of cataloging UMAP in a larger region.

System programmer info:

UMAP has written the member to the load library but was unable to do the stow call because of insufficient storage in thread. The directory was not updated. The function may have failed because thread storage was fragmented; however, insufficient storage is the most common cause. In the latter case, UMAP should be cataloged in a larger region.

UMA0043 I/O error on load library open

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An I/O error has occurred on the load library file during an OPEN.

System action:

The retrieval or save operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Retry operation. If the message recurs, contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

The load library is not available for this operation.

UMA0045 Loadlib dataset is full - no save done

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the UMAP menu. The save was terminated and the map was not removed form the SD file.

Terminal operator info:

The designated load library has been filled up. The SAVE function was not completed and the map was not deleted from the SD file.

System programmer info:

A write operation into the designated library failed due to a library-full condition.

UMA0046 ENQ failed for SYSIEWLP

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Retry operation. If the message recurs, contact the system programmer.

UMA0047 ENQ failed for SYSDSN - opening load library

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The save operation is aborted and the user is returned to the UMAP menu or the CLEANUP screen.

Terminal operator info:

Retry operation. If the message recurs, contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

The load library is not available for this operation.

UMA0048 Member not found in SD file or load library

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The map was not found in either the SD file or the load library.

System action:

The requested function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0049 I/O error at close of the load library

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. An I/O error has occurred on the designated map library. If a SAVE function was in progress, it was not successfully completed.

System action:

The function is terminated. If the operation was a SAVE, the SD file will not be deleted.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0050 Deletion of the only map field is invalid

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The field deletion is inhibited and the user is reprompted with the symbolic screen after pressing ENTER.

Terminal operator info:

Maps are required to have at least one field. The deletion of the only map field is, therefore, invalid.

UMA0051 The source and target field names are the same

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user has specified duplicate field names for the operation.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the arrange buffer screen.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter with a correct field name.

UMA0052 Blank field name not allowed

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the arrange screen.

Terminal operator info:

A move or pad operation is not allowed on fields with blank fields.

UMA0053 Not enough existing pad to satisfy request

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user has requested to remove more filler bytes than exist. The request was ignored.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the arrange screen.

Terminal operator info:

Specify the correct filler amount.

UMA0054 UMAP does not account for padding at end

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user has requested that padding be added to the end of the data buffer.

System action:

The user is reprompted with the arrange screen.

Terminal operator info:

Current Com-plete maps only account for the data buffer location of fields; fillers are not defined.

UMA0055 User security exit has disallowed this UMAP function

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The function request is not honored and the user is returned to the menu screen.

Terminal operator info:

The requested function was disallowed by a user exit routine. For further information, see the responsible installation personnel.

System programmer info:

The return code 4 from UUMAX2 inhibited this function.

UMA0056 The SAVE function was aborted by the user

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. When the SAVE function is selected, the user's map is displayed, allowing verification that the correct map is being saved. In this case, the CLEAR key was pressed after the map was displayed, aborting the SAVE function.

System action:

The SAVE function was terminated. The save was not done and the delete of the SD file was not done. The user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The user request to abort the save by using the CLEAR key was performed.

UMA0057 Too many outstanding SD files

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

UMAP restricts the user to active SD files in one session. Saving a map in the load library will free one SD file.

UMA0058 Valid options are 'D', 'S', or 'R'

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

UMAP deletes, saves, or retains maps until an error is detected. The user is then prompted with the remaining map names.

Terminal operator info:

The user is required to respond to each outstanding SD file with D, S, or R.

UMA0059 No saving of UMAP maps is allowed from cleanup

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is reprompted to choose between deleting and retaining the SD file.

Terminal operator info:

Users have no need to alter UMAP maps.

UMA0060 Operation terminated, map has no variable fields

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user requested an arrange buffer operation for a map that has no variable fields.

System action:

The arrange buffer operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Select a valid operation.

UMA0061 Operation would have caused a security violation

The requested operation would have violated installation security standards.

System action:

The requested operation is not performed.

Terminal operator info:

Select a valid operation.

UMA0062 Invalid color code

The color code selected does not exist.

System action:

The user is prompted again for a valid color code.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid color code.

UMA0063 Invalid programmed symbol set code

The symbol set code entered is invalid.

System action:

The user is prompted again for a valid symbol set.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid symbol set code.

UMA0064 Device does not support symbol set load

The device being used does not support the loading of a symbol set.

System action:

The user is prompted again for a valid symbol set.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid symbol set code.

UMA0065 Invalid storage id requested

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a correct symbol set storage ID.

UMA0066 Invalid image symbol set module found

The module loaded is not a valid symbol set.

System action:

The operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a correct symbol set name.

UMA0067 Screen I/O error

An I/O error occurred from UMAP writing to the terminal.

System action:

The function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0068 Symbol set module not found

The symbol set requested could not be loaded.

System action:

The function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0069 VSAM error accessing symbol sets file

A VSAM error occurred accessing the symbol set.

System action:

The function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0070 Symbol set name missing

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. A symbol set is required but has not been entered by the user.

System action:

The user is prompted again for the symbol set name.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid symbol set code.

UMA0071 Module found is not an image symbol set

The module loaded is not a valid symbol set.

System action:

The operation is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a correct symbol set name.

UMA0072 No free storage planes for last module

The control unit does not have enough storage planes to load the required symbol set.

System action:

The application is abended and control is returned to COM-PASS.

Terminal operator info:


UMA0073 Invalid extended attribute, use (B, ,V,X)

This message is associated with UMAP.

System action:

The user is prompted again for valid extended attributes.

Terminal operator info:

Enter valid extended attributes.

UMA0074 Map already in use

The map to be modified is being used by another user.

System action:

The function is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

Try again later.

UMA0075 Volume not mounted

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The volume which contains the map data set is not online to the systems. The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Verify and correct the volume information you supplied to the system. If the error persists, notify your installation's system programmer.

UMA0076 Dataset not found

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Verify and correct the data set name supplied to the system. If necessary, reallocate the data set.

UMA0077 I/O error on dataset

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

This may be a temporary condition, and the operator should retry the command. If the error persists, notify your installation's system programmer.

UMA0078 Dataset is sequential

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Reallocate the data set as partitioned.

UMA0079 No member specified for the PDS

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort the open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Enter the member name.

UMA0080 Not enough main storage

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Retry the utility when the system is less busy. If the error persists, notify your installation's system programmer and see if Com-plete's region size could be increased.

UMA0081 ENQ failed for SYSDSN

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Retry the command and if the error persists, contact customer support.

UMA0083 Member not found

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Verify and correct the member name.

UMA0084 Dataset not cataloged

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The effort to open the data set is terminated and the user is returned to the UMAP menu when he presses the CLEAR key.

Terminal operator info:

Catalog the data set which contains the map.

UMA0085 Invalid selection

This message is associated with the UMAP utility. The user has selected an invalid function on the UMAP menu.

System action:

The requested operation is not performed.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a selection from those listed on the menu.

UMA0086 Invalid fetch request

The program issued (*xxxxxx) did not have an alphabetic character in the first position of the name, e.g., #*2UDS" (2 is invalid).

System action:

The requested operation is not performed.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid program name.

UMA0090 Access denied by security

Self-explanatory message.

UMA0092 Delete UEDIT SDfile at this stack level, then retry

An UEDIT SDfile exists at the COM-PASS stack level UMAP is currently running on. UMAP needs to create a new SDfile for execution of the current function.

Computer operator info:

Invoke UEDIT, press 'PF7', and delete the SDfile from the level UMAP is running on. Depending on the type of SDfiles installed, you can also use UUTIL SD (USDLIB) or IDCAMS to delete the SDfile.

UMA0093 Library in use, try later. (DS allocation error)

Self-explanatory message.

UMA0094 The map will be cataloged and the linkjob will be submitted

The object module of the map will be cataloged and a linkjob submitted to create the phase.

System action:

The object module will be directly created. The linkjob will be submitted using RJE calls.

UMA0443 Directory of loadlib is full - no save done

This message is associated with the UMAP utility.

System action:

The user is returned to the UMAP menu.

Terminal operator info:

The directory of the designated load library is full - the new member cannot be added to the directory. Removal of any other member in the PDS will free one directory entry so that the new member can be added. The load library should be recreated with more directory blocks.

System programmer info:

The member was written into the directory, but the stow operation failed because there was no free directory space.