UPDS Utility Menu (OS Only)

Overview of Messages

PDS0000 | PDS0001 | PDS0003 | PDS0004 | PDS0005 | PDS0006 | PDS0007 | PDS0008 | PDS0009 | PDS0010 | PDS0011 | PDS0012 | PDS0013 | PDS0101 | PDS0102 | PDS0103 | PDS0104 | PDS0106 | PDS0107 | PDS0110 | PDS0111 | PDS0112 | PDS0201 | PDS0202 | PDS0203 | PDS0204 | PDS0205 | PDS0206 | PDS0207 | PDS0208 | PDS0209 | PDS0210 | PDS0301 | PDS0302 | PDS0303 | PDS0304 | PDS0305 | PDS0306 | PDS0307 | PDS0400 | PDS0401 | PDS0402 | PDS0403 | PDS0404 | PDS0405 | PDS0500 | PDS0501 | PDS0502 | PDS0503 | PDS0504 | PDS0505 | PDS0506 | PDS0507 | PDS0508 | PDS0509 | PDS0510 | PDS0511 | PDS0600 | PDS0601 | PDS0602 | PDS0603 | PDS0604 | PDS1001 | PDS1002 | PDS1003 | PDS1004 | PDS1005 | PDS1006 | PDS1007

PDS0000 Enter UPDS command

This UPDS message indicates one of the following conditions:

  1. The UPDS utility has been invoked from a hard copy terminal, and no command has been entered on the initial call.

  2. The attention key of a hard copy terminal was used to interrupt output to the terminal.

System action:

The UPDS utility remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a UPDS command or terminate the utility.

PDS0001 Command line too long

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The input line is ignored; UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a UPDS command that does not exceed a length of 160 characters. On formattable devices such as 3270 display terminals, hardware features are used to prevent entering too much data.

PDS0003 Invalid keyword

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The keyword in question, all subsequent keywords on that line, the command, and all positional operands are ignored. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid keywords, enter the HELP command.

PDS0004 Invalid command

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command and all positional operands are ignored. Keyword parameters that have been specified in the same command are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid commands, enter the HELP command.

PDS0005 Unknown library code

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The LIBRARY keyword operand will be ignored. The invalid value will not be used to replace any of the existing parameter values. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the LIBRARY keyword specifying a valid library code. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid library codes and their associated DSNAMES, enter the FILES command. To ass modifications to UEDTB1, see the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This problem may be caused by one of the following conditions:

  1. A new library code table was not loaded by UPDS because an old one was link edited into the program.

  2. A new library code table was not loaded because it was not properly cataloged to the Com-plete online program library.

In order to cause UPDS to access the correct version of the library code table, make sure it is link edited to UPDS or cataloged to the Com-plete online program library correctly. If the table is cataloged, make sure that no other version is link edited into UPDS.

PDS0006 Invalid value(s) for the following operand(s):

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The operands in question are ignored. They do not replace the previously specified values. Other operands that have been specified in the same command are retained for future use. The command is not executed but will be used as default for further requests. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected operands. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For an explanation of the positional operands of the respective commands enter the HELP command.

PDS0007 Unbalanced quotes

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command line is ignored. Keyword parameters that have been analyzed before this condition was detected are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. Use quotes only where necessary and only for the DSNAME operand or the DSNAME portion of the MEMBER operand. Use quotes only as described in the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

PDS0008 Security violation

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command and all positional operands are retained for future use. The command is not executed. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

For information on why a specific request is disallowed, consult the individual responsible for security. Have all information available that was used in the command or assumed from previous commands. (To do this, it may be advisable to execute the HELP command and retain or copy the information about the values in effect at the time of the request).

PDS0009 Library is read-only

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is not executed. In the case of a SCRATCH command that accesses more than one data set, all scratch operations preceding the disallowed one have been completed; those that follow it are ignored. All keyword parameters and the last positional parameters encountered are retained for future requests. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

For information on which libraries are read-only, consult the Com-plete system programmer. The current parameter values shown refer to the request that failed.

PDS0010 Unsupported access method

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values are retained for use in later commands. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

UPDS does not currently support access methods other than partitioned or sequential. Use one of Com-plete's editing utilities to inspect source text stored in PANVALET or LIBRARIAN format.

PDS0011 Pointer table full

An attempt was made to define too many NOTE/POINT locations.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

No more additional NOTE/POINT locations may be defined.

PDS0012 Pointer not defined

A POINT command was issued for a non-existent NOTE.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

PDS0013 Print options conflict

A PRINT command cannot be completed.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

PDS0101 Dataset not cataloged

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This situation can be caused by several conditions. In order to determine the cause, refer to the description of the DSNAME, VOLSER, CVOL, and MEMBER parameters of the UPDS utility in the Com-plete OLSER User Utilities Manual. The command can be re-executed by entering only the VOLSER keyword parameter.

PDS0102 Volume not mounted

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Check to see that the volume serial number entered or obtained from the catalog is correct. Then follow the installation procedures to have the requested volume mounted.

PDS0103 Dataset not found

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

There are several possible causes for this condition. The DSNAME and/or VOLSER may have been spelled incorrectly. An old CVOL parameter may still be active. The system catalog or the library code table UEDTB1 may be pointing to a volume that does not contain the data set. Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual for information about how UPDS determines the name of the volume to be accessed for a data set. Rectify whatever situation has caused the problem or inform the person in charge of maintenance for affected part of your system. As an immediate remedy, access the data set by using the VOLSER keyword parameter in conjunction with the correct volume serial number after specifying or implying the DSNAME.

PDS0104 I/O error on disk

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is terminated. All parameters are retained for future use.

Terminal operator info:

This condition may be caused by the removal of the disk volume that was currently accessed by UPDS. This can be verified by reissuing the request. The reply should then be the message UPD00102. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to inform operations and/or obtain an online dump of UPDS to diagnose the problem. To obtain an online dump of OPDS, enter '*CANCEL'; an abend code of S0C3 will result.

PDS0106 Dataset in use (Batch)

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command at a later time. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to have the queue control tables checked. For a more detailed explanation of this condition, refer to the system programmer information that follows.

System programmer info:

For all accesses that modify data stored on a disk, UPDS attempts to gain control of the necessary resources by executing the ENQ macro. SYSDSN is the major name and the DSNAME is the minor name. An attempt to obtain exclusive control is made first. If it fails, a second ENQ attempts to get shared control, and the condition is marked for the user security exit (the message PDS0008 may result from the user security exit, disallowing shared accesses for SCRATCH or RENAME commands.) If shared control cannot be obtained, the above message is issued. For information on other ENQs done by UPDS, refer to the explanation of message PDS0107.

PDS0107 Dataset in use (Online)

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command at a later time. This condition is usually of a temporary nature; another Com-plete user may be saving a member or the OS linkage editor may be copying a load module. UPDS tries to gain control several times at certain intervals before the message is given. If the problem persists it may be necessary to have the queue control tables checked. Refer to the system programmer information below.

System programmer info:

For all accesses that modify data stored on disk, UPDS attempts to gain control of the necessary resources by executing ENQ macro instructions. SYSIEWLP is the major name and the DSNAME is the minor name. If the ENQ fails, another ENQ is attempted after an interval of a few seconds. If control cannot be obtained after a fixed number of attempts, the above message is issued. For information on other ENQs done by UPDS, refer to the explanation of message PDS0106. Usage is normally limited to short periods of time. This message should rarely be seen; therefore, if the problem persists, something may be drastically wrong and the Com-plete system programmer should be consulted.

PDS0110 Dataset has no extents

An attempt was made to display an empty data set.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:


PDS0111 Invalid dataset name

DYNALLOC refused to accept the dataset name you specified, indicating that this is not a valid datset name.

PDS0112 Unable to open the dataset

&TMON was unable to open the dataset

System action:

The program is terminated

System programmer info:

Check the console for system messages issued during OPEN.

PDS0201 Dataset is no PDS

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is terminated after displaying the DSCB information for the data set (in the case of a LIST command). All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a DISPLAY command in order to inspect the contents of the dataset.

PDS0202 Member $1 not found

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Determine whether the DSNAME and/or VOLSER and/or LIBRARY parameter values currently in effect are correct. If appropriate, reissue the command by entering the keyword operand(s) to be changed and their new values.

PDS0203 No member specified

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command specifying one or more member names (in the case of the SCRATCH command) or a member and a new name in the case of the RENAME command). The MEMBER and NEWNAME operand values must be set in the command itself and do not default to anything previously specified.

PDS0204 All requested scratch operations completed

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command has been executed. In the case of SCRATCH, the name of the last member scratched is retained for future use along with the most recently entered values of all other parameters. In the case of RENAME, the value entered for NEWNAME is retained as the new MEMBER operand value. UPDS remains in conversation mode.

Terminal operator info:


PDS0205 Stow failed

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is not executed. All parameters except NEWNAME are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversation mode.

Terminal operator info:

This message is issued whenever a return code greater than 8 is given by the STOW macro. Of the four possible causes, two (DCB not open for output and insufficient virtual storage) do not apply. A SCRATCH or RENAME request will usually not fail for insufficient directory space; therefore, a permanent I/O error probably occurred suring the STOW.

PDS0206 No Newname specified

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. The NEWNAME parameter does not default to a previously specified value.

PDS0207 No ALIAS specified

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversation mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reissue the command specifying a valid alias name for the member.

PDS0208 Scratch $1 first

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters except the NEWNAME positional parameter are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Issue a SCRATCH command for the member specified in place of the characters 'xxxxxxxx' in the above message; then reissue the RENAME command, specifying again both the MEMBER and the NEWNAME parameters. If LIBRARY and/or DSNAME and/or VOLSER parameter values have been entered in the MEMBER parameter of the previous RENAME command, they do not have to be respecified.

PDS0209 Rename completed

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The RENAME function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The member has been renamed.

PDS0210 Alias assigned

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The ALIAS function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The member has been assigned an alias.

PDS0301 Spooling class violation

This UPDS message indicates one or more of the following conditions:

  1. A PRINT command was issued for a receiving terminal that is not authorized to receive messages or spooling class 1.

  2. A PRINT command was issued from a terminal or user ID that is not authorized to send class 1 messages.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Check to see that the receivin terminal(s) are authorized to receive class 1 messages and spooling. If appropriate, choose a different ROUTCODE and reissue the command. On a formattable device, such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. Inform the Com-plete system programmer so that he can rectify the situation.

System programmer info:

If this error occurs, an invalid TIBTAB or an invalid TTMSRO is probably in use. In addition, the SMC entry in the user ID accounting record may be invalid. For information on how to rectify this situation, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

PDS0302 Spool I/O error

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is probably a hardware error. Inform the Com-plete system programmer and/or operations about this condition.

PDS0303 Too many receiving terminals

This message is associated with the UPDS utility. With UPDS, only one destination code (in the ROUTCODE parameter) may be entered.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Information the Com-plete system programmer about this condition.

System programmer info:

This error should not occur. Com-plete's printout spooling functions do not allow a single message to be sent to more than 100 terminals at a time; therefore, it is not possible to define destination codes in the TTMSRO table that contain more than 100 TIDs. If the problem persists, the TTMSRO table is probably invalid. For information about the TTMSRO table, refer to Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

PDS0304 Invalid destination

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use.

Terminal operator info:

Reissue the command specifying a valid TID number or a valid destination code (installation-defined). In addition, the PA1 key on a 3270 or compatible terminal should be programmed to initiate a print command while UPDS is active.

PDS0305 Printout Id $1 queued to $2

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command has been completed. All parameters are retained for future use. Whether or not the next command will default to print or to the previously-issued command depends on how the request was made. The PRINT command will be retained as the default for future use only if it has been entered explicitly (but not if it has been invoked by pressing the PA1 key). UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:


PDS0306 Printout started asynchronously

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The printout requested is being processed asynchronously by UPDS. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The printout requested is being processed asynchronously by UPDS.

PDS0307 Printout aborted by user

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use.

Terminal operator info:

The printout requested was aborted because someone purged all messages queued to the receiving terminal. Repeat the command.

PDS0400 --- End of Data ---

This message is associated with UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is an informational message indicating that the end of data has been reached.

PDS0401 --- Printout aborted by User ---

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is terminated. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The user has requested that the PRINT or COPY command terminate prior to completion. This request was done by pressing the RESET key and the ENTER key on a local 3270 terminal.

PDS0402 --- Block truncated ---

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is an informational message indicating that the full block could not be listed due to a shortage of space - only the first part of the block was displayed. If the whole block is needed, contact the system programmer and request that UPDS be cataloged with a larger region size.

PDS0403 Scan data not found

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This informational message indicates that the scan data was not found.

PDS0404 Scan aborted by user

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The informational message indicates that the scan operation was aborted.

PDS0405 --- $1 records printed ---

Self-explanatory message.

PDS0500 Record updated

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is an informational message indicating that the ZAP command has been completed and the record has been updated.

PDS0501 Missing zap operand(s)

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

There are three necessary parameters in the ZAP command: displacement, verify address, and replace address. One of these parameters is missing.

PDS0502 Invalid zap displacement

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The displacement parameter of the ZAP command is invalid. This parameter should be one to four hexadecimal digits or a decimal column number preceded by a double quote.

PDS0503 Invalid verify data

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The verify parameter of the zap command is invalid. This parameter should be an even number of hexadecimal digits or character data that is enclosed in quotes.

PDS0504 Invalid verify length

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The verify parameter of the ZAP command is invalid. This parameter should be an even number of hexadecimal digits or character data that is enclosed in quotes.

PDS0505 Invalid replace data

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The replace parameter of the ZAP command is invalid. This parameter should be an even number of hexadecimal digits or character data that is enclosed in quotes.

PDS0506 Invalid replace length

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode. This parameter should be an even number of hexadecimal digits or character data that is enclosed in quotes.

Terminal operator info:

The replace parameter of the ZAP must be corrected.

PDS0507 Requested record not found

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The requested record to be zapped was not found. You may use the K command to identigy the record number that is being zapped.

PDS0508 Verify reject

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The requested record to be zapped did not verify with the given data. Use the D command to display the record.

PDS0509 I/O error during update

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

During an attempt to update the record, an I/O error occurred. The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Attempt to ZAP the record again. If the ZAP still fails, a permanent I/O error has occurred and the system programmer should be notified.

PDS0510 Zap rejected, PDSE program library does not allow update inplace

The ZAP function of UPDS is not applicable to PDSE program libraries, since the system does not allow a program object member to be updated inplace.

System action:

UPDS processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Please refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for more information about PDSE program libraries.

PDS0511 No zap; block truncated

A ZAP request was not performed because there was insufficient storage available to read the block.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Recatalog UPDS with a larger region size.

PDS0600 Job submitted

A SUBMIT command completed successfully.

System action:

The current member was submitted to the operating system for execution.

Terminal operator info:


PDS0601 Invalid format for Submit

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

During an attempt to update the record, an I/O error occurred. The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the SUBMIT command and reenter.

PDS0602 RJE currently unavailable

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

During an attempt to update the record, an I/O error occurred. The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer or attempt to submit later.

PDS0603 RJE disallowed

This message is associated with the UPDS utility.

System action:

During an attempt to update the record, an I/O error occurred. The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The current execution of Com-plete does not permit job submission.

PDS0604 No submit; block truncated

A SUBMIT request was not performed because there was insufficient storage available to read the block.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. UPDS remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Recatalog UPDS with a larger region size.

PDS1001 Please enter function

No function was entered.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid function.

PDS1002 Unknown function given

An invalid function was requested.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Request a valid function.

PDS1003 Library or DSN operands missing

The operation requires a valid library or DSN operand.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Supply the missing information.

PDS1004 Member operand missing

The operation requires a MEMBER operand.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Supply the operand.

PDS1005 No newname or alias given

The operation requires a NEWNAME or ALIAS.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Supply the missing information

PDS1006 Unknown PF key entered

The PF key entered was not defined.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Check the PF key settings.

PDS1007 This function is not applicable to a PDSE load library

Some of the features of a PDS are not supported by DFSMS for PDSE load libraries, hence the corresponding UPDS functions are not applicable to this type of datasets.