Page File Processing

Overview of Messages

PAG0001 | PAG0002 | PAG0003 | PAG0005 | PAG0006 | PAG0007 | PAG0008 | PAG0009 | PAG0011 | PAG0012 | PAG0013 | PAG0020 | PAG0021 | PAG0022 | PAG0023

PAG0001 Paging function requested and page file not open

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that the user program issued a PREAD, PWRT, or PLIMIT function without first opening a page file with the POPEN function.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Change the logic of the application program so the page file is opened before it is used.

PAG0002 Invalid page number requested in PREAD or PWRT function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of a PREAD or PWRT function:

  1. The location specified to contain the page number was not within the area available to the user program.

  2. The value specified for the page number was negative.

  3. The page number specified did not exist in the page file.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Register 1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the PREAD or PWRT functions. The second word in the list contains the location of the page number parameter.

PAG0003 Invalid area or length specified in paging function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of a paging function:

  1. The location specified to contain the page number was not within the area available to the user program.

  2. The value specified for the page length was either greater than the maximum allowable page size or greater than the value specified for the page length when the paging file was opened (for the PWRT, PREAD, and PLIMIT functions only).

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Register 1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the POPEN, PREAD, OR PWRT function. For the PREAD and PWRT functions, the first word in the list contains the location of the page area. For the POPEN function, the first word in the list contains the location of the length of the page area.

PAG0005 Invalid page length or number of pages on POPEN function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of the POPEN function:

  1. Two parameters were not included in the POPEN function.

  2. The location specified to contain the page length and/or number of pages was not within the area available to the user program.

  3. The value specified for the page length or number of pages was either negative, zero, or greater than the maximum.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 contains the location of the POPEN parameter list. The first word in the list contains the location of the page length parameter. The second word in the list contains the location of the number of pages parameter.

PAG0006 Too large a page file requested

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that the size of page file specified in a POPEN function was greater than the free space available in the Com-plete SD dataset.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The appearance of this message may be caused by one or both of the following reasons:

  1. The application program has tried to create too large a paging file.

  2. The Com-plete SD dataset is becoming full.

Check the size of the SD dataset and the percentage of space used. Backup and / or delete some of the older SD files and / or increase the size of the SD dataset.

Appl. programmer info:

The size of a page file may be determined by multiplying the length of each pages by the number of pages specified in the POPEN function.

PAG0007 Not enough storage available to execute paging function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that there is insufficient main storage available in Com-plete to allocate control blocks and buffers for a paging file.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

There is insufficient main storage available in the Com-plete region.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

PAG0008 Invalid parameter list specified in paging function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that the user program specified an incorrect number of parameters in paging function.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 contains the location of the parameter list for the paging function. Refer to the section entitled 'Terminal paging' in the chapter 'Terminal I/O Functions' in the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual for the correct number and arrangement of parameters.

PAG0009 Invalid parameter list specified in PLIMIT function

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that the location specified to contain the page number of the highest page, current page, or most recently displayed page was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This error was caused by the application program. Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 contains the location of the parameter list for the PLIMIT function. The first word in the list contains the location of the highest page number parameter. The second word in the list contains the location of the current page number parameter. The third word in the list contains of the most recently displayed page parameter.

PAG0011 Paging file system not available

This message is associated with paging. It indicates that an application program has executed a page file function and the paging function of Com-plete is not operational.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the computer operator and the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This problem occurs if the Com-plete system has been generated without the page system functions being available for use or if the Com-plete rat system has been modified to ignore page file function requests. For further details, contact Com-plete technical support.

PAG0012 Unable to add a page. No free blocks in COMSD

This message is associated with the Terminal paging functions of Com-plete . It indicates that the Com-plete SD dataset is full.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated wit a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Inform The Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Check the size of the Com-plete SD dataset and the percentage of space in use. Backup if appropriate and delete some of the older SD files and / or increase the size of the SD dataset.

Computer operator info:

Inform The Com-plete system programmer.

PAG0013 Error accessing COMSD dataset

This message is associated with the terminal paging functions of Com-plete . It indicates that one or both of the following conditions exist:

  1. An access method error occurred during access to the SD dataset.

  2. The paging file control block is in error.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

If this error persists after Com-plete has been restarted, the SD dataset may de damaged and require reinitialization and restoration from the most recent backup.

Computer operator info:

This message indicates than a potentially desastrous error has occurred during processing of terminal paging functions of application programs. Com-plete should be terminated and restarted as soon as possible. If the error persists, consult the Com-plete system programmer.

PAG0020 Page too large

This message is associated with the Com-plete paging task and the UP paging utility program. The terminal operator or program requested a display (on the terminal) of a page from the terminal's page file; however, the paging task determined that the page to be displayed contained more data than the requesting terminal could display.

System action:

The requested page is not displayed.

Terminal operator info:

Reexecute the program from a terminal that has the correct capacity for the pages to be displayed. If no such terminal is available, notify the application programmer responsible for the program.

Appl. programmer info:

The maximum data capacity is determined by the terminal device type.

PAG0021 Page requested is not in the page file

This message is associated with the Com-plete paging task and the UP paging utility program. The terminal operator or program requested a display (on the terminal) of a page from the terminal's page file. The requested page was outside the limits of the page file as defined by the application program's POPEN request display.

System action:

The requested page is not displayed.

Terminal operator info:

The requested page was not provided by the program. If the page should be present, notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

If the page should be present, the page file may be defined as small in the POPEN request. If so, change the POPEN request to establish a larger page file.

PAG0022 Page requested was not written by the last program in use

This message is associated with the Com-plete paging task and the UP paging utility program. The terminal operator or program requested a display (on the terminal) of a page from the terminal's page file. The requested page was never written (via a PWRT request) by the last application program executed by the terminal.

System action:

The requested page is not displayed.

Terminal operator info:

The requested page was not provided by the program. If the page should be present, notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

If the page should be present, a program error is responsible. Correct the program.

PAG0023 Disk error detected while Com-plete was reading page file

This message is associated with the Com-plete paging task and the UP paging utility program. The terminal operator or program requested a display (on the terminal) of a page from the terminal's page file. When attempting to read the page, Com-plete encountered a permanent I/O error condition on the disk device containing the page file.

System action:

The requested page is not displayed.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message indicates a serious hardware error on the disk device that contains the SD file (page files are allocated in this area). The appropriate sense/status information is displayed by the I/O supervisor on the system console.