This function allows you to specify two-letter short IDs for libraries or dummy libraries for PC file transfer support. If you select the UL function from the utilities menu, the user short IDs are displayed, for example:
16:59:36 TID 6 COM-5.1. User SAGAWW 05/21/97 System: Global ULID Page 1 of 2 --- Library Id Table --- Lib Id DSName...................................... VOLSER Typ 5L COM.SYSF.V46.USER.LOAD 5U COM.SYSF.V46.UA.SOURCE CY COM.SYSF.IV441.SYSTEM WS COM.SYSF.SAGAWW.SOURCE CO COM.SYSF.IV460.XA.LISTING 5Z COM.COMN.C460.ZAPS 5D COM.SYSF.IV460.DOC L5 COM.SYSF.IV460.XA.LOAD 45 COM.BETA.IV460.SYSTEM PC THE.PC.LIBRARY M CW COM.SYSF.DEV.WORK Lib-Typ = V (Panvalet), L (Librarian), M (Personal Computer) Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- End Updat |
Meaning of the items according to column header:
to save all entered data. or return you to the Utilities menu.