UDYN - Dynamic Dataset Allocation and Deallocation (z/OS only)

This utility program can be used for allocating and deallocating datasets to/from the Com-plete address space without having to restart Com-plete. While UDYN uses the operating system service DYNALLOC, it supports only the following basic parameters of DYNALLOC:


  • DD name (required),

  • Disposition (required, only the values “OLD” and “SHR” are supported),

  • Dataset name (required),

  • OPTCD (optional).


  • DD name (required). Any other parameters entered are ignored with the deallocation function.

UDYN – Dynamic Dataset Allocation and Deallocation

UDYN – Dynamic Dataset Allocation and Deallocation

Upon successful or unsuccessful completion of the operation, the DYNALLOC return code, error code, and information code are displayed, along with a short description text.

The deallocation function will deallocate any valid DD name entered without further warning. No check is performed whether or not that file might be vital for Com-plete to continue running.