The Com-plete online utility USERV enables you to display library directories and members, labels, and VTOCs.
This document covers the following topics:
Specifically, USERV allows you to:
List the directory of a library that is managed by the z/VSE Librarian (either in VSAM space or of SD format);
Display a module contained in a library managed by the z/VSE Librarian that is of standard type (i.e., Phase, Obj, Dump, Proc, Source);
Display the two-character library identification codes and the associated z/VSE file names defined by the UEDTB1 module;
List the VTOC of a specified disk CUU;
jList the free space on a specified disk CUU;
List the partition, temporary, and standard labels defined on the z/VSE label cylinder.
There is a user-written exit routine (UUSVX1) provided that
enables an installation to restrict usage of certain functions of USERV.
USERV is a fully conversational program. This means that you can select the various functions available either when you invoke USERV, or any time thereafter:
By displaying the USERV command function menu, or:
By entering a command function at the time of invocation
The basic command format is:
This displays the USERV menu, which summarizes the commands recognized by USERV. It is shown in the following figure.
10:38:28 TID 9 COMTEST2 User ID COK 02/12/02 -- Data Set Maintenance -- USRV Function ID PFK Operands ---------------------- -- --- --------------------------------------- List Library Members L 1 LIB or DSN , SUBLIB, and VOLUME Display Library Members D 2 LIB,MEM,MTYPE or DSN,SUB,MEM,MTYPE,VOL Print Library Member P 3 LIB or DSN,SUB,MEM(,VOL)(,DEST)(,CC)(,A) Vtoc V 4 VOLUME Space S 5 VOLUME File ID's (LIB ID's) F 6 Help Functions H 7 Keyword Display K 8 Label Area Display B 9 Type and Partition/Class (unless STD) Select Function: or PFK and Operands: LIBrary: SUBLIBrary: DSN MEMBER name: Member TYPE: VOLUME: Enter Volume Serial Number Partition/Class: Enter Partition ID or Class Type: Enter STD, PARSTD, TEMP or CLASS Destination : Enter Print Destination CC and/or Attach : Enter 'CC', 'A' OR 'CC,A' |
These menus display the USERV functions available for selection, together with important keywords and their defaults. You can invoke a function either by entering a single character or pressing a PF Key.
The valid USERV commands are summarized in the following table. The shortest possible abbreviations are indicated by underlining.
Command | Description |
DISPLAY | Displays a specific module, book, or procedure of a library. |
FILES | Lists the two-character library identification codes and their respective assignments as defined by module UEDTB1. |
HELP | Displays the USERV menu. |
KEYWORDS | Displays the keywords and their current values. |
LABEL | Lists the temporary, partition standard, and standard labels on the z/VSE label cylinder. |
LIST | Lists the directory of a specified library. |
Printout spools the statements in a module, book, or procedure of a library. | |
SPACE | Lists the free space of a specified CUU. |
VTOC | Lists the volume table of contents of a specified CUU. |
You can also enter a command when you invoke USERV using a direct call and so bypass the USERV Menu.
The direct command format is:
*USERV [command positional-argument,keyword]
command | Specifies a USERV command. |
positional-argument | Specifies one or more USERV positional arguments. |
keyword | Specifies one or more USERV keyword arguments. |
This feature allows you to enter a series of commands that use common keyword values, thus eliminating your needing to reinitialize keywords as you enter each command.
The details of using the keyword parameters are given in the remaining text of this section.
The functional considerations that must be taken into account when entering commands, positional arguments, and keywords are discussed in the following text.
Since USERV is fully conversational, you can enter commands at any time while in conversation with USERV. Once you have entered a command, that command is in effect until you enter another command. You can enter additional argument(s), either positional or keyword, at any time, and the current command will be executed reflecting the changes imposed by entry of the new argument(s).
For example, you could use the LIST command to list the books in a specific library by entering the library ID as a positional argument with the LIST command. Once you have obtained the display, entering another library name for the FILENAME keyword argument causes the LIST command to be executed for the new library.
Positional arguments, if used, must always immediately follow the command function and precede any keyword arguments. You can separate the command and the first positional argument with either a blank or a comma. Note that in all illustrations in the USERV menu and in this section, a blank will be used as a separator.
If you enter more than one positional argument, you can separate them with either a comma or a blank. Note that in all illustrations in the USERV menu and in this section, a comma is used as a separator.
Entering a positional argument always causes one or more keyword arguments to be initialized. If you enter a command that includes positional arguments, USERV syntax checking processes positional arguments after it processes keyword arguments. Consequently, positional arguments are the final determining factor in the execution of a command function.
You must specify keyword arguments in one of three ways:
The keyword argument only, with no command;
As the only argument given with a command;
After all positional arguments.
Keyword arguments must be separated from commands, positional arguments, and other keyword arguments by a comma or a blank. Note that in all illustrations in this section, a comma is used as the separator.
The keywords defined for USERV are summarized in the following table. The shortest possible abbreviations are indicated by underlining.
Keyword | Description |
DESTCODE | Specifies the destination routing code or TID to be used for all USERV PRINT commands. |
DSNAME | Specifies the file name of the library to be accessed. (z/VSE file ID up to 44 characters). |
FORMAT | Specifies a character, hexadecimal, or interpreted dump format for the DISPLAY and PRINT commands. |
LIBRARY | Specifies a two-character library identification code. |
MEMBER | Specifies the member (module, book, or procedure) name to be used when the library is accessed. |
MTYPE | Specifies the member-type (i.e., Phase, Obj, Proc, Dump, etc.) to be used when the library is accessed. |
PART | Specifies the partition (BG, F1 through FB) desired when either the temporary, partition or class standard labels are displayed. |
RECORD | Specifies the desired position in the displayed library. |
SUBLIB | Specifies the sublibrary name to be used in conjunction with the LIST or DISPLAY command. |
TYPE | Specifies the type of z/VSE labels to be displayed. |
UNIT | Specifies the CUU of the disk volume to be used for the VTOC and SPACE commands. |
USERDATA | Specifies whether or not the optional user data or stow data is to be displayed after execution of the LIST command. Also indicates the format of the resulting display. |
VOLSER | Specifies the VOLSER to be used by the VTOC and space functions of USERV. |
Note that you can access a display of the current status of the keyword parameters by using the KEYWORDS command. For additional information, and for an example of the KEYWORDS command display, see the section KEYWORDS Command later in this section.
Special considerations must be made when using keywords. Among them are the following:
USERV command processing always occurs in the following sequence:
Initializes keyword arguments;
Reinitializes the keyword arguments based upon the positional arguments given;
Executes the command.
Once you have successfully or unsuccessfully executed a command, you can use the KEYWORDS command to display all initialized keyword arguments and their current values.
To initialize any keyword, simply enter the keyword with no associated command function or positional argument. The last-executed command is then re-executed using the new arguments entered as execution time arguments.
Once you have initialized a keyword, you can enter commands that use data from that keyword without needing to specify that keyword again; the initialized value will be used when you execute the command.
Initialized keyword values will remain in effect from command to command as long as:
USERV remains conversational and is not terminated, and:
Entry of a command function does not alter one of the keyword values.
If you also give positional arguments, command entry may force
an initialized keyword to be reinitialized.
If you enter more than one keyword in a single command, they are processed from left to right. Consequently, if two or more keywords conflict in that they force initialization of a common keyword argument, the last keyword entered determines the initialized value that will be in effect (unless it is overridden by a positional argument).
Keyword initialization considerations are described in detail in the following table:
DESTCODE=destcode | Specifies the destination routing code or TID to be used for all USERV PRINT commands. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Default: The screen-to-hardcopy terminal defined for the terminal in use in the TIBTAB module, if any. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DSNAME=filename | Specifies the z/VSE file name to be used when processing all commands for which a 44-character file name is not supplied. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note: Entry of this keyword argument or entry of a unique file name causes the LIBRARY keyword to be initialized to blanks. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FORMAT=format | Specifies the dump format for the DISPLAY and PRINT commands. Valid dump formats are: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LIBRARY=libcode | Specifies the two-character library code to be used when all commands for which a library code has not been entered are processed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MEMBER=member | Specifies the member name to be used when commands for which no member name is entered are processed. The name must comply with the z/VSE conventions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note that in order to facilitate initialization of the appropriate keywords, member can also be specified with filename or libcode in the following formats: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A sublibrary name and member-type may also be necessary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MTYPE=type | Specifies the type of the member to be selected. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note that type can be from one to eight characters. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PART=partition | Specifies the partition ID desired (BG, F1 through FB) when TEMP (User), PARSTD (Partition Standard) or CLASS (Class Standard) labels are displayed. This keyword is associated with the LABEL command. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RECORD=position | Is used to position the display of a member. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note that position can be specified as one of the following: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The number of the current record is displayed in the heading of the DISPLAY display and/or in the KEYWORDS display. Note that if the request causes the record number to go below 1 or above 9999999, these values are substituted respectively. In addition, the substitution takes place as soon as the discovery is made that the requested record number is larger than the number of records in the book or procedure. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The positioning function may be accomplished in one of three ways: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SUBLIB=name | Specifies the name of the sublibrary to be used in conjunction with the LIST or DISPLAY commands. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note that name can be from one to eight characters. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TYPE=type | Specifies the type of z/VSE labels that are to be displayed. This keyword is associated with the LABEL command. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UNIT=cuu | Specifies the CUU of the disk volume to be used for the VTOC and SPACE commands. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Default: USERDATA=NO | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USERDATA=indicator | Specifies whether or not user stow information is to be displayed when directory information is requested. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note that the value specified can be either YES or NO. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USERDATA=YES indicates that directory information is included in the display. If no directory information is present, only member names are displayed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USERDATA=NO indicates that directory information is not displayed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USERDATA=[-]D sorts the display of the directory information by date of last update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VOLSER=vvvvvv | Specifies the VOLSER to be used for the VTOC and SPACE functions of USERV. |
If you have requested a large amount of information to be output from a hard copy terminal, and you want to cause the output to be interrupted, use an Attention Interrupt. At this point, to cause one more line of output to be generated, simply press
, and you will be prompted to enter a new command.Note:
If you are using a 3270-type terminal or compatible device, to
continue the display of output that cannot be contained in one display, press
through keys have been assigned scrolling functions that enable you to adjust the current display. When you press one of these keys, the equivalent operand is displayed on the command line, and the function is performed. Note that you can also position within a module/book/procedure by using the RECORD keyword.In addition to the scrolling functions, other frequently-used functions have been assigned to PF keys 9 through 12. A 40-byte command area is assigned to each of these PF keys so that functions other than those assigned can be zapped in.
The following table lists the functions assigned to the PF keys by the USERV utility.
Key | Equivalen Command | Function |
PF1 | -20 | Scroll one full screen backward, if recsize < 81 bytes. |
PF2 | 1 | Position to the start of the member. |
PF3 | ++ | Position to the last line of the member. |
PF4 | +1 | Advance the display one line. |
PF5 | -1 | Move the display backward one line. |
PF6 | +10 | Scroll one-half screen forward. |
PF7 | -10 | Scroll one-half screen backward. |
PF8 | * | Position back to the beginning of the current record. |
PF9 | * | Position back to the beginning of the current record. |
PF10 | - | *UEDIT xx (mmmmmmmmmm)1 |
PF11 | - | *UEDIT xx (mmmmmmmmmm)1 |
PF12 | - | *UEDIT xx (mmmmmmmmmm)1 |
where: xx =library ID and
Note that UEDIT requests are ignored unless you specify both library ID and member.
If you use these PF keys on other USERV functions, they will abend with a U2000.
The USERV commands are discussed in the remainder of this section.
The DISPLAY command allows you to obtain a listing of a module of any standard type that is contained in a library.
The command format is:
DISPLAY [member]
where member can be in one of the following formats:
(.member,type) | Specifies the one- to eight-character member name to
be used in conjunction with the one- to eight-character member type to be
Note: |
(sublib.member,type) | Specifies the one- to eight-character sublibrary name
and the one- to eight-character member name to be used in conjunction with the
one- to eight-character member type to be displayed.
Note: |
library (sublib.member,type) | Specifies either a fully qualified library name or a two-character library code defined in UEDTB1 or in UUTIL. Here, member is the one- to ten-character member name to be displayed. |
If member is omitted, the enclosing parentheses can also be included, or the member format is assumed. |
Note that in each of the formats described, if you omit member, the keyword argument MEMBER determines the member displayed.
The following figure is an example of a USERV display of a phase.
F=I SUBLIB=SP2LIB MEMBER=TLSRESTA REC=00000001 DSN=VSE.SP.COMPLETE.SEP24.LIB LIB=CC VOL= UNIT=00C 0000 47F0F010 E3D3E2D9 C5E2E3C1 F4F4F040 *.00.TLSRESTA440 * 0010 18CF5820 C0B05810 00144800 102E4A00 *.....0.. .. .. * 0020 105A5000 41285810 0080D200 4128105B *.!& .... .K ...$* 0030 411040C0 1B000A28 4110C0AC 91801002 *.. .. ......J...* 0040 4710C046 0A075800 C0B41814 4B10C0BC *....... .4......* 0050 BE07C05D 5010C060 4510C064 40000000 *...)&..-.... * 0060 00000000 18010A25 91040038 4710C074 * ....J. .....* 0070 94FB4000 D3004001 22AAD207 40704000 *M. L ...K. . * 0080 D23F4158 40084110 C0BE0A35 44002030 *K... ........ ..* 0090 10000001 00061F00 5810C0B8 41F0000F *. . .. ...8.0 .* 00A0 0A6B980F 41588200 40700000 00000000 *.,Q...B . * 00B0 00000000 00000000 00000001 00500000 * . & * 00C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * * 00D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * * 00E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 * * |
The member displayed can be deleted from the library simply by typing SCRATCH. You can also rename it directly:
RENAME (.oldmem,oldtype) ([.newmem],newtype)
The FILES command enables you to obtain a listing of the entries in the two-character library code table UEDTB1.
The command format is:
Any additional arguments entered must be keyword arguments. Entering them will cause only initialization of the appropriate keyword functions; it has no effect on the output of the FILES display.
The resulting display consists of a listing of the various libraries defined by UEDTB1. For each library listed, the two-character library identification code is given, along with the z/VSE file name and the library type in the following format:
The following figure shows a USERV files display for z/VSE.
FILES ID...DSNAME......................................SUBLIB TYP CC - VSE.SP.COMPLETE.SEP15 - SP2LIB NV $$ - VSE.SP.COMPLETE.SEP15 - SP2LIB NV SL - ???????????? - SYSLIB NV P1 - ???????????? - BASE NV P2 - ???????????? - PROD NV |
On this screen, "TYP" can be either:
VS | indicating that the library is in VSAM space. |
NV | indicating a non-VSAM library. |
The "SUBLIB" column contains the default sublibrary name that is used if this argument is omitted.
The HELP command enables you to display a description of each of the functions available from the USERV menu along with a listing of its associated operands.
The command format is:
You can optionally enter the HELP command as:
Entry of either format causes the following screen to appear.
Any additional arguments entered with the HELP command must be keyword arguments. If you include keyword arguments with the HELP command, it will cause only the initialization of the appropriate keyword entries, which you can subsequently use by entering a command function with no arguments. To view the new initialized keyword values, use the keyword display (discussed in the following section).
The KEYWORDS command allows you to obtain a display of the keywords and their current values.
The command format is:
The following figure illustrates the format of the keywords display.
For additional information on the KEYWORDS command, see the section Using USERV, earlier in this section.
The LABEL command enables you to display the temporary, partition standard, or standard labels on the z/VSE label cylinder.
The command format is:
LABEL [type][,partition]
The arguments are defined below:
type | Specifies the type of z/VSE label desired. The type argument can be one of the following: | |||||||
partition | Specifies the partition desired when temporary or partition standard labels are displayed. | |||||||
Note that partition can be one of the following: | ||||||||
The following figure is an example of a display of the standard labels on a z/VSE label cylinder.
LABEL STD,BG SYSRES VOL=DOSRES UNIT=ACA ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 // DLBL IJSYSRS,'VSE.SYSRES.LIBRARY',99/366,SD // EXTENT SYSRES,DOSRES,1,0,00001,00899 CCCCC.HH=00000.01,00059.14 // DLBL IJSYSR2,'VSE.SYSRES.LIBRARY',99/366,SD // EXTENT SYSCAT,DOSRES,1,0,00001,00899 CCCCC.HH=00000.01,00059.14 // DLBL IJSYSR1,'SYS.NEW.RES',99/366,SD // EXTENT ,SYSWK1,1,0,00001,00899 CCCCC.HH=00000.01,00059.14 // DLBL IJQFILE,'VSE.POWER.QUEUE.FILE',99/366,DA // EXTENT SYS001,DOSRES,1,0,00945,00015 CCCCC.HH=00063.00,00063.14 // DLBL DFHJ01A,'CICS.SYSTEM.LOG.A',0,SD // EXTENT SYS019,DOSRES,1,0,05655,00060 CCCCC.HH=00377.00,00380.14 // DLBL DFHJ01B,'CICS.SYSTEM.LOG.B',0,SD // EXTENT SYS019,DOSRES,1,0,05715,00060 CCCCC.HH=00381.00,00384.14 // DLBL DFHJ02A,'CICS.USER.JOURNAL.A',0,SD // EXTENT SYS019,DOSRES,1,0,05775,00060 CCCCC.HH=00385.00,00388.14 // DLBL DFHJ02B,'CICS.USER.JOURNAL.B',0,SD // EXTENT SYS019,DOSRES,1,0,05835,00060 CCCCC.HH=00389.00,00392.14 |
The LIST command allows you to obtain a listing of the library directory of a specified library.
The command format is:
LIST [member]
member can be in one of the following formats:
library(*) | Specifies the 2-character library code or the 1- to 44-character field as defined for the desired library in UEDTB1 or via UUTIL. |
(*) indicates that a list of all sublibraries that make up that library is to be displayed. | |
Note that the parentheses surrounding "*" are required with this format. | |
library | Specifies the 2-character library code or the 1- to 44-character field as defined for the desired library in UEDTB1 or via UUTIL. |
All members in all sublibraries are to be listed (if no default sublibrary is associated with the specified library); otherwise, specifies that only members of the default sublibrary are to be listed. | |
library1- (sublib.member,type) | library specifies the 2-character library code or the to 44-character field as defined for the desired library in UEDTB1 or via UUTIL. |
sublib specifies the required one- to eight-character sublibrary name. | |
member specifies the optional one- to eight-character member name. | |
type (optional) specifies any valid one- to eight-character member type. | |
Only the members with names and types having the prefixes member and type, respectively, are to be listed. |
If member is omitted, the keyword argument MEMBER determines the first member to be displayed.
In each of the z/VSE formats described above, the two-character
library code can be substituted by a fully qualified library name (file-ID) and
a volume name in order for this command to execute.
The following two figures show examples of the USERV LIST command.
U=Y DSN=DAVG.SAGLIB.LIBRARY LIB=SM VOL=DAVG05 SUBLIB=ADA82201 1 SUBLIBS NAME TYP CREATED/UPD.-DATE/TIME BLOCKS RECORDS/BYTES A-MOD R-MOD SVAELI ADASMXIT A 2010-12-21 10:38:34 29 625 R PRILOG A 2010-12-21 10:38:34 222 7557 R ZAPOPT A 2010-12-21 10:38:34 4 97 R ADACLU OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 33 416 R ADACOM OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 14 170 R ADACON OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 19 240 R ADACOT OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 65 856 R ADADSP OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 13 162 R ADANCX OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 295 3578 R LNKVSER8 OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 7 74 R LNKVSE8 OBJ 2010-12-21 10:38:34 8 90 R ADACLU PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 24 22728 B 31 24 NO ADACOM PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 10 9224 B 31 ANY NO ADACON PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 14 13072 B 31 ANY NO ADACOT PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 48 46880 B 31 ANY NO ADADSP PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 9 8744 B 31 ANY NO ADALNK PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 21 19976 B 31 24 NO ADALNKR PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 20 19088 B 31 24 NO ADANCX PHASE 2010-12-21 10:38:34 199 196240 B 24 24 NO ADAZIN X 2010-12-21 10:38:34 2 26 R ASMCOPT X 2010-12-21 10:38:34 3 58 R LINKS X 2010-12-21 10:38:34 21 743 R ** END ** |
The following are examples of use of the LIST command:
*USERV L P2(*)
Display all sublibraries in the PRD2 library.
Display all type A members in the default sublibrary in the Com-plete distribution library.
Display the entries in the SDL (System Directory List).
The PRINT command enables you to obtain a hard copy listing of a member in a library.
The command format is:
PRINT [destcode][ATTACH][CC]
The optional arguments are defined below:
destcode | Specifies either a Terminal Idenfication number (TID)
or a message switching destination code that identifies the terminal(s) to
which a hard copy listing will be queued.
Note: |
Default: The value determined by the keyword function DESTCODE will determine the printout spool destination. The default for the keyword argument DESTCODE is the screen-to-hardcopy device of the terminal in use, if any. If SCHC=0 (i.e., no default hard copy is assigned), the calling terminal is assumed as default. | |
ATTACH | Specifies that asynchronous spooling of long printouts is allowed. The program attached is an identical copy of USERV with the name taken from TMGETNAM. |
CC | Specifies that usage of ASA carriage control
characters in position one of data records is allowed. Note that no headings
are provided by USERV.
Note: |
The printout spool listing is printed with 54 lines of data to a page. The top of each page contains summary information generated by USERV identifying that the listing was generated by USERV. Included in this heading is the user ID, the originating TID, the library name, and other applicable information.
Wherever permitted by the terminal access methods, you can use an attention interrupt to abort print requests. On spooled printouts, a message is added to indicate this condition. If you interrupt output by using the BREAK key or equivalent on hard copy terminals, the following message is displayed and new input will be accepted:
The SPACE command enables you to obtain a display of all free space on the specified disk.
The command format is:
where unit is the three-character hexadecimal CUU address of the disk device for which a summary of the free space is to be displayed. Note that when VOLSER is the volume serial number of the disk device for which a summary of the free space is to be displayed, VOLSER must be a four- to six-character value.
The following two figures illustrate a typical display generated by the SPACE command.
S COMTST VTOC ADDRESS 000-01 000-04 VOL=COMTST UNIT=14E ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 AVAILABLE SPACE ACTUAL RELATIVE 000-05 000-14 000005,000010 019-00 023-29 000570,000150 075-00 084-29 002250,000300 094-20 096-29 002840,000070 097-20 098-19 002930,000030 112-00 199-29 003360,002640 201-00 554-29 006030,010620 END OF VTOC 002830 OF 016650 TRACKS USED, 013820 FREE ****** USV0400 - END OF DATA ****** |
S FBA001 VTOC ADDRESS 000002 000017 VOL=FBA001 UNIT=170 ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 AVAILABLE SPACE ACTUAL RELATIVE 000018 000351 000018,000334 046113 046463 046113,000351 048864 061599 048864,012736 149600 153899 149600,004300 END OF VTOC 136178 OF 153899 BLOCKS USED, 017721 FREE ****** USV0400 - END OF DATA ****** |
The VTOC command enables you to obtain a display of the volume table of contents of a specified disk.
The command format is:
where unit is the three-character hexadecimal CUU address of the disk device for which a summary of the volume table of contents is to be displayed. Note that when VOLSER is the volume serial number of the disk device for which a summary of the volume table of contents is to be displayed, VOLSER must be a four- to six-character value.
The following figure illustrates a typical display generated by the VTOC command.
VTOC VOL=DOSRES VTOC VOL=DOSRES UNIT=ACA VTOC ADDRESS 01499-00 01499-14 FILE ID--------------------------------TYPE------ACTUAL--------RELATIVE----DATE- VSE.SYSRES.LIBRARY UN 00000-01 00059-14 000001,000899 06271 DOS.LABEL.FILE.FF0001002096.AREA1 *UN 00060-00 00062-14 000900,000045 06268 VSE.POWER.QUEUE.FILE DA 00063-00 00063-14 000945,000015 05013 Z9999996.VSAMDSPC.TB9A603E.TB408055 VS 00064-00 00071-14 000960,000120 03181 Z9999992.VSAMDSPC.TB9A603E.TEC9DB82 VS 00072-00 00207-14 001080,002040 03181 Z9999992.VSAMDSPC.TB9A603E.TBFD45A8 VS 00209-00 00376-14 003135,002520 03181 VSE.SYSTEM.HISTORY.FILE UN 00393-00 00397-14 005895,000075 06334 DOS.PAGING.FILE.FF0001002096 *UN 00398-00 00433-14 005970,000540 07089 DOS.PAGING.FILE.FF0001002096 *UN 00434-00 00999-14 006510,008490 07089 DOS.PAGING.FILE.FF0001002096 *UN 01000-00 01252-14 015000,003795 07089 END OF VTOC 00018555 OF 00022500 TRACKS USED, 00003945 FREE ****** USV0400 - END OF DATA ****** |
Note that an asterisk under the "TYPE" column in this figure indicates that the file has expired.
The information displayed for each file is described in the following text.
VOL | Specifies the six-character volume name of the displayed volume. | |||||||||
UNIT | Specifies the CUU of the displayed volume. | |||||||||
FILE ID | Specifies the file identification name. | |||||||||
TYPE | Specifies the two-character file organization type. | |||||||||
File organization types are: | ||||||||||
ACTUAL | Specifies the starting and ending cylinder-head or PBN on which the file resides. | |||||||||
RELATIVE | Specifies the starting and ending track/block of the space on which the file resides. | |||||||||
DATE | Specifies the date the file was created. |