Function SD - SD File Display Utility (Administrator)

This function is not applicable if your installation uses dynamic SD files. Each dynamic SD file is a standard VSAM relative record dataset which can be handled using standard tools like IDCAMS.

This utility provides some administrator functions that allow you to maintain SD data sets.

Sensitive subfunctions of UUTIL SD can be restricted to individuals or groups of individuals by security exit UUSEX1.

If you select the SD function from the Administrator menu, the SD library statistics menu is displayed, the items of information given are self-explanatory:

 10:37:49        TID    11          COM-5.1.          User MBE          03/12/97
                                -- SD library --                            USD0
 Max number of SD files:.....................     251                           
 Existing SD files:..........................      71 =   28.28 %               
 Free entries:...............................     180                           
 Number of blocks for SD and paging files:...    3904                           
 Currently used:.............................     459 =   11.75 %               
 Number of blocks for online dumps:..........    2093                           
 Currently used:.............................    1157 =   55.27 %               
 Blocksize:..................................    4080                           
                   End         Dir

Press PF5 to display the SD files directory:

09:41:39        TID     4          COM-5.1.           User MBE          11/18/97
                            -- SD files directory --                        USD1

 D Name       Tid  Use-cnt    Lrecl    Hirec   Maxrec    Level    Time last open
 . CMEDIT     SHR        0     4048     1000     1000             97/10/02 13:41
 . COK      32769        0     2860        1        5        1    97/11/11 15:19
 . COK      32774        0     1800        3        4        6    97/09/30 09:51
 . COK  1   32769        0     1800       14       15        1    97/11/04 12:48
 . RDCHO340   SHR        0      128        1        1             97/11/18 08:54
 . RDCRT340   SHR        0      256        5        5             97/11/18 08:55

 Reposition to:                                                              END
                   End         Data        Up    Down                    Delete

From this menu you can perform any of the following:

  • Scroll the SD files directory forward PF8 or backwards PF7.

  • List the SD files directory starting from the name entered in the input field after the prompt Reposition to.

  • Delete SD files. To delete SD files, select the appropriate lines by entering "D" in the first column and pressing PF12. If you try to delete an SD file while it is in use by other programs, it is deleted only after the last program closes it. However, you are recommended not to delete SD files while they are in use.

  • Display records of an SD file. Select the appropriate line by placing the cursor on it and pressing PF5.

The following figure illustrates the display of a record of an SD file:

 10:39:13        TID    11          COM-5.1.          User MBE          03/12/97
                              -- SD file display --                         USD2
 Record:          1              Name: JPO                         Hirec:      8
 Displacement: 0000              Tid:  32772                       Lrecl:   1800
 0000  00020000 00018000 00000050 00000000         * ...........&.... *         
 0010  00001222 20540093 040FD1D7 D64BC3D6         * .......l..JPO.CO *         
 0020  D4D54BC3 D5E3D340 40404040 40404040         * MN.CNTL          *         
 0030  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040         *                  *         
 0040  40404040 4040D7D9 E3C4D4D7 E7C1C3D6         *       PRTDMPXACO *         
 0050  D4F8F1F1 D1D7D640 40400003 00010002         * M811JPO   ...... *         
 0060  00000000 6161D1D7 D6C4E4D4 D740D1D6         * ....//JPODUMP JO *         
 0070  C24040D1 D7D66BC3 D3C1E2E2 7EC76BD4         * B  JPO,CLASS=G,M *         
 0080  E2C7C3D3 C1E2E27E E7404040 40404040         * SGCLASS=X        *         
 0090  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040         *                  *         
 00A0  40404040 40404040 40404040 F0F0F0F0         *             0000 *         
 00B0  F0F1F0F0 00040002 00030000 0000615C         * 0100........../* *         
 00C0  D1D6C2D7 C1D9D440 D3C9D5C5 E27EF9F9         * JOBPARM LINES=99 *         
 00D0  F9F94040 40404040 40404040 40404040         * 99               *         
 00E0  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040         *                  *         
 00F0  40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040         *                  *         
                   End         Zap         Up    Down  Prev  Next

From this display, you can perform any of the following:

  • Scroll the record forward PF8 or backwards PF7.

  • Display part of a record starting with any displacement, entered in the field prompted Displacement in the header of the display.

  • Go to the previous record PF9 or to the next record PF10.

  • Display any existing record of the SD file by entering the record number in the field prompted Record in the header of the display.

  • Overwrite SD file name and/or TID number to display any other SD file.

  • Change contents of a record (PF5). After you have pressed PF5, both the hexadecimal and the character part of the display become unprotected and can be modified. You will be requested to confirm the change before the updated record is rewritten.