This document describes the SYSPRINT capture table, which defines the DD/DLBL names for sequential SYSOUT type files.

This document covers the following topics:


ULSODDT1 is a customizable table of DD names of SYSOUT (z/OS) or SYSLST (VSE)-type files.

The purpose of this table is to provide a means of separating output data streams of different programs and / or different users directed to the same DD name, and to re-direct these output streams.

For each of the DD names specified in ULSODDT1, Com-plete internally converts every OPEN-PUT-CLOSE sequence into a PSOPEN-PSPUT-PSCLOSE sequence, creating a separate printout in Com-plete's printout spool.

For each DD name the destination of the output can be defined in one of the following ways:

Value Output is routed to:
8 byte printer name This printer. If a printer with the name specified does not exist, then the output is written to the Com-plete spool and can be viewed using the USPOOL utility.
SYSOUT=class The SYSOUT class specified.
* (asterisk) padded with 7 blanks The user’s terminal (after the application terminates).
8 blanks The user's hardcopy printer, or if he has none defined then the user's terminal after the application terminates.

Note that some programs may test for the existence of the DD name before attempting an OPEN. In this case, it may be necessary to add the appropriate DD DUMMY statements to the Com-plete JCL.

How to Code ULSODDT1

ULSODDT1 is coded as an Assembler language module. It consists of a header and one line per DD name. Each of these lines consists of the 8-byte DD name, followed by the 8-byte destination. If you

Specify a non-blank destination, the output streams of all users for this DD name will be routed to this destination, no matter what the users' hardcopy destinations are.

Software AG recommends that you code your ULSODDT1 exactly as shown in the example or in the sample member provided in the Com-plete source library.

You can change the DD names and the destinations, add or remove lines between the lines labeled FIRST and FREE.


          DC     CL8'ULSODDT1'
          DC     A((FREE-FIRST)/16)              NUMBER OF DDNAMES
          DC     A(0)
FIRST     DC     CL8'SYSOUT  ',CL8' '
          DC     CL8'SYSPRINT',CL8' '
          DC     CL8'SYSDBOUT',CL8' '
          DC     CL8'CEEDUMP ',CL8'CEEDUMP '     FOR LE/370
          DC     CL8'SOMEDDN ',CL8'SYSOUT=X'
FREE      DC     CL8' ',CL8' '                   ZAP ROOM

The format of ULSODDT1 used in previous versions of Com-plete is also supported further.