UDMPX1 - UDUMP Security Exit

UDMPX1 is a user-written routine called by the UDUMP utility program after syntax checking the terminal user's request but before calling the utility itself. This routine allows the user to define security restrictions on the access of dumps in the online dump library.

Because the UDMPX1 module is only loaded once per invocation of UDUMP, internal switches can be set and referenced.

A sample UDMPX1 module is distributed with the Com-plete system as a member of the distribution source library and the distribution load library.

No security exists for UDUMP functions, unless it is established by you.

This document covers the following topics:

How to Use UDMPX1

Upon entry to UDMPX1, a set of parameters is received in the form of fullword addresses pointed to by register 1. Word 1 contains the address of the program name for the dump being accessed. Word 2 of the parameter list contains the address of a return code area in which the status of the request is to be indicated.

To define security, check the program name being passed, establish the desired level of authorization, and set the return code to indicate acceptance or rejection.

Upon return from UDMPX1, the return code area is examined by UDUMP. If the return code is not zero, the operation is aborted and a security violation message is issued.

UDMPX1 Conventions

The following table summarizes the UDMPX1 linkage conventions.

Feature Convention
Attributes None required.
Type Thread.
Size Restricted to UDUMP region size.
Registers at Entry
Register 1 Address of the parameter list
Register 13 Address of an 18-fullword save area
Register 14 Return address in the calling module
Register 15 Entry address of UDMPX1
Registers at Return All registers must be unchanged.
Word 1 Address of the six-byte program name
Word 2 Address of a return code halfword
Return Codes
0 Allow the request.
4 Security violation.
a Is loaded once per call of UDUMP.
b Is loaded before invoking utility functions.