Workload Manager (WLM)

Having Com-plete communicate with the z/OS Workload Manager allows installations, e.g., to define WLM performance goals at the level of Com-plete transactions.

Com-plete connects to WLM and manages work in WLM enclaves when sysparm WLM-SUBSYSTEM-TYPE is present. Software AG recommends that you use the same value, for example WLM-SUBSYSTEM-TYPE=COMP, for all Com-plete systems that you want to manage using WLM.

WLM qualifiers set by Com-plete

The following qualifiers are set and can be used in WLM classification rules:

Qualifier (WLM terminology) Value (Com-plete terminology)
Subsystem Type As defined by sysparm WLM-SUBSYSTEM-TYPE
Subsystem Instance Job name /started task name
Transaction Class Task group
Transaction Name Program name
Userid User ID
Accounting Information Accounting information for the user as defined in UUTIL UM
LU Name LU name

With Com-plete 6.4, application programs can change the transaction name dynamically, using either the API function CALL MODIFY TRID name, or CALL 'CMSRV' 4 name in Natural (starting with version 4.1.3). This permits distinguishing between different transactions even if they are started using the same initial program (Natural front-end module).