Programming CGI Requests

This document explains the programming of CGI requests.

This document covers the following topics:

Using REXX

A REXX script can be invoked by means of the URL pattern /cgi/-execname?parms, using the hyphen in front of the name to distinguish it from a load module.

REXX is the most convenient language for writing CGI scripts for the Com-plete HTTP server, because in this case no special calls are required for interaction with the HTTP server.

When a REXX script is executed in the HTTP server, the output from the SAY instruction is directly used as HTTP server output, and HTTP server variables and variables from the HTTP request are automatically available as REXX variables to the script. In all other languages (except the Natural Web Interface) calls to HAANUPR must be used, as described further down in this part of the documentation.

Example 1:

/* REXX *** */                               
Say "Content-type: text/plain" || "0d 15 0d 15"x
Say "Hello world!"

Example 2:

/* REXX *** */                               
If  name == "NAME" Then name = "world"
Say "Content-type: text/html" || "0d 15 0d 15"x
Say "<html><body>Hello " || name,
 || ", your IP address is" REMOTE_ADDR "</body></html>"

If this script is invoked using /cgi/-sample?name=Joe, then it will show 'Hello Joe!' in the browser. If the NAME parameter is missing, it will show 'Hello world!'.

Enabling REXX in Com-plete

For more detailed information please refer to section REXX in Software Interfaces in the System Programming documentation.


  1. VSE: If you want to use REXX with the HTTP server on VSE, make sure PAENSTRT is catalogued in ULIB with at least 248K.
  2. z/OS: REXX requires a buffer the size of the SYSEXEC library blocksize for some reason below the line, which in Complete is allocated from thread memory. Therefore, make sure the region size specified in ULIB for PAENSTRT is at least as large as the blocksize of your SYSEXEC library.

Using Traditional REXX Execs with the HTTP Server

In order to support existing REXX scripts written for use from a terminal, the HTTP server provides the following features:

  • If the first output line of a REXX script executed by the HTTP server does not start with a Content-type header, then the HTTP server assumes that the output is plain text and wraps it in some basic HTML.

  • When a REXX script uses PULL to read input from the terminal, the HTTP server generates a text box and finalizes the HTML page, thus enabling the user to enter input for the PULL.

  • If a REXX script expects arguments, these can be provided using a parameter with a name starting “ARG” (case-insensitive), e.g., /cgi/-someexec?arguments=parm1+parm2+parm3.

HAANUPR: The HTTP Server User Program Request Module

All current and future user program requests are serviced using the HAANUPR module. The basic call to the module is documented here.

Each call has the format

HAANUPR status function parm1 parm2 <..> parmn


status returns the status of the request in the form of a two-byte return code and two-byte reason code in contiguous storage.
function the name of the function to be invoked. The name must be in character format as described in the following subsections, left aligned in the 16-byte field and padded to the right with blanks.
parm1, parm2, ... a set of parameters specific to the function named and described in the subsection devoted to that function.

Each available function is described in the following section along with its parameters and a list of return and reason codes and their meanings:

Standard Return and Reason Codes

The following reason and associated return codes may be returned on any request to HAANUPR:

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
4 8 Request failed due to insufficient storage. HAANUPR attempts to acquire a save and work area of about 90 bytes from local storage. If it fails, this status is returned.
40 12 Not an HTTP request. The HAANUPR request was issued from a program that was not running as an HTTP server request.
52 12 Unrecognized request. The 16-character function area provided as the second parameter to HAANUPR contained a function request that HAANUPR did not recognize. This may occur for the following reasons:
  • the character string in the field is either misspelled or not a valid function name.

  • the string contains lowercase characters. All function identifiers must be in uppercase.

  • the field length was not 16 characters. The function name must be left-aligned and padded to the right with blanks (not nulls).


If a CGI application has started more than one simultaneous conversation, it should terminate those before terminating itself. This can be accomplished using the CLEANUP-CONVERSE function.

This function is invoked as follows:



The CLEANUP-CONVERSE function has no additional parameters.

CLEANUP-CONVERSE Return and Reason Codes

The CLEANUP-CONVERSE function always returns 0

The CONVERSE Function

The CONVERSE function is used by conversational CGI programs that wish to maintain a connection with the client browser. Refer to the section in this documentation that discusses conversational CGI programs for more information. This function may only be issued after an ENABLE-CONVERSE has been successfully issued and some data has been written to stdout. If the CONVERSE is successful, when the program is next dispatched, the user response to the data sent by the CONVERSE will be available to the application program.

This function is invoked as follows:


CONVERSE Parameters

The CONVERSE function has no additional parameters.

CONVERSE Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
52 12 Invalid request.
56 8 Conversational sequence error. The CONVERSE request may only be issued after some data has been written in response to an HTTP request. It is not possible to converse if the user has not received a mechanism with which to respond; i.e., an HTML form.
60 8 Conversation error. A request was received to converse, however, no ENABLE-CONVERSE was previously issued. The CGI program must first indicate that it wishes to establish a conversation by issuing an ENABLE-CONVERSE function call.


The DISABLE-CONVERSE function indicates that the user program no longer wishes to converse with the client browser. This function may only be issued after an ENABLE- CONVERSE has been successfully issued at some time previously. It must also be issued prior to any output data being sent to the client browser for a given conversation. In other words, after a program has been redispatched after a CONVERSE call, if the conversation is to be terminated, the DISABLE-CONVERSE must be issued before any final output is written to the client browser.

This function is invoked as follows:



The DISABLE-CONVERSE function has no additional parameters.

DISABLE-CONVERSE Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
52 12 Invalid request.
56 8 Conversational sequence error. The DISABLE-CONVERSE request may only be issued before any data has been written in response to the current HTTP request. The HTTP server must know before the response is written that this is the last output for the conversation.
64 8 Conversations not supported. This indicates that the HTTP server CONV configuration parameter for the server is set to NO indicating that the server is not supporting conversations.


The ENABLE-CONVERSE function indicates that a CGI program wishes to start a conversation with the client browser. It must be issued before any output whatsoever is issued in response to a request otherwise, the request will fail. Once this request has been issued, the session will remain in conversation with the client browser until a DISABLE-CONVERSE is issued or the program terminates.

This function is invoked as follows:



The ENABLE-CONVERSE function has no additional parameters.

ENABLE-CONVERSE Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
52 12 Invalid request.
56 8 Conversational sequence error. The ENABLE-CONVERSE request may only be issued before any data has been written in response to the current HTTP request. The HTTP server must know before the response is written that the CGI program wishes to converse.
64 8 Conversations not supported. This indicates that the HTTP server CONV configuration parameter for the server is set to NO indicating that the server is not supporting conversations.

The GET-DATA Function

The GET-DATA function may be used to get the value of a field name submitted as part of a CGI request. It may also be used to test for the existence of certain fields on the screen which may be used when lists are presented in HTML format to a user. These lists result in a field name with no value being submitted as part of a CGI request when they are selected.

The interface module will search either the input parameter area as provided when using the GET HTTP method, or the content area as provided when using the POST HTTP method. If the variable requested is not found in the input from the HTML page, or if it has not been specified that only the HTML page must be searched, the interface module will check for a server defined variable (i.e. a defined environment variable) of this name. The caller of this interface module does not have to worry about the type of HTTP method that generated the CGI request as this is handled by the interface module.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status 'GET-DATA' field value length type start

GET-DATA Parameters

field is the name of the field from the HTML page for which this request is being issued. This field name must be terminated with a blank in order for the interface routine to correctly determine the length of the field name for which it is searching. Note: The longest variable name that can currently be handled by this interface is 255 bytes excluding the blank.
value is a field with a minimum length of the binary value specified in the length field. If this area is smaller than the length specified in the 'length' parameter, overwrites will occur and the results will be unpredictable. When the field name specified in the 'field' parameter is found in the CGI input and has a value associated with it, the value submitted for the field is copied to this area for a maximum length of the length specified in the length parameter. The value is truncated if longer than this and a return and reason code set to indicate this event. If the value is shorter than the length set in the 'length' parameter, the actual length of the value will be set in the 'length' parameter.
length is a 2-byte (GET-DATA) or 4-byte (GET-LONG-DATA) binary field containing the length of the area provided for the value to be returned in the 'value' parameter. This is set to the length of the returned value if the field name is found and has a value associated with it.
type is a one-byte alpha indicating the type of variable which is to be returned and may be used to restrict the search as follows: 'S' Request server defined variable. 'P' Request variable defined on the HTML page. ' ' First found will satisfy request. When the request is completed and the variable requested is found, this field is modified to contain an 'S' or a 'P' depending on where the variable was found.
start is a 2-byte (GET-DATA) or 4-byte (GET-LONG-DATA) binary field that may be specified to indicate the offset from which the requested variable is to be returned. Its purpose is to enable a program to obtain the contents of a long text field in chunks. When this field is not specified, the default is to start at position 0 of the input field which is the start of the field.

Where a field name appears twice on a HTML page, only the first is accessible using this mechanism. For this reason, HTML pages designed to work with this mechanism should use unique names although it is perfectly legal in HTML terms to have the same field names specified many times. To process multiple fields with the same name, the LIST-DATA function must be used.

With Natural, the following syntax is also supported in addition to the standard CALL:

CALL INTERFACE4 'HAANUPR' status 'GET-DATA' field value [length]

This syntax is intended for use with a dynamic value variable and in this case the variable is automatically resized to hold the full return value.

If the value variable is not dynamic, the returned string is truncated if longer.

The length parameter is optional; if present it must be of type I2 or I4.

The length parameter is only used to return the full length of the value string; its contents before the call is ignored.

CALL INTERFACE4 'HAANUPR' returns 12-24 (Parameter data format error) when used with any HAANUPR function other than GET-DATA.

GET-DATA Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
8 12 Invalid length supplied in a length field to the interface function.
20 4 Variable length error. It was not possible to return the full length of a variable due to the fact that insufficient space was provided in the users' parameters to hold the value to be returned.
24 12 The format of the parameters provided was invalid.
28 8 Variable name requested was not found in the CGI data.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
36 8 Invalid variable name (longer than 256 characters).
40 12 Returned when these modules are called from a program which is not running as a result of an HTTP request and therefore does not have the data available to satisfy the request.
48 12 Invalid parameter list. This indicates that one or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.

The GET-FILE-INFO Function

The GET-FILE-INFO function may be used to get additional information related to an uploaded file (INPUT TYPE=”FILE” form field), namely size, original file name and MIME type (Content-Type).

The format of the file name returned depends on the user agent (browser). In particular, it may or may not contain path information.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status 'GET-FILE-INFO' file dataSizeTargetField
fileNameTargetField fileNameTargetFieldLength mimeTypeTargetField 

GET-FILE-INFO Parameters

file is the name of the INPUT TYPE=”FILE” form field from the HTML page for which this request is being issued. This name must be terminated with a blank in order for the interface routine to correctly determine the length of the field name for which it is searching. Note: The longest variable name that can currently be handled by this interface is 255 bytes excluding the blank.
dataSizeTargetField is a 4-byte field in which the file size shall be returned in binary.
fileNameTargetField is the field in which the original file name shall be returned.
fileNameTargetFieldLength is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the fileNameTargetField. On return this is set to the length of the original file name. If the length specified on input is smaller than the length of the original file name, truncation occurs and is indicated by the return and reason code.
mimeTypeTargetField is the field in which the MIME type shall be returned.
mimeTypeTargetFieldLength is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the mimeTypeTargetField. On return this is set to the length of the MIME type string. If the length specified on input is smaller than the length of the MIME type string, truncation occurs and is indicated by the return and reason code.

GET-FILE-INFO Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
8 12 Invalid length supplied in a length field to the interface function.
20 4 Value length error. It was not possible to return the full length of a value due to the fact that it is longer than the respective field length specified.
28 8 Variable name requested was not found in the CGI data.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
36 8 Invalid variable name (longer than 256 characters).
48 12 Invalid parameter list. This indicates that one or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.

The LIST-DATA Function

The LIST-DATA function may be used to get a list of both the variable names from the HTML page and their values, and the server defined or environment variables defined at the server for the request. The interface allows that one or more of these variables may be returned at the same time and multiple requests may be made to return all defined variables to the application program.

The server defined or environment variables are returned first, while the variables found in the HTML page are returned once all environment variables have been returned. When issuing multiple requests, the same TOKEN parameter must be provided to the interface each and every time until the list is exhausted.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status 'LIST-DATA' token entries name-length
  name1 value-length1 value1 type1
  name2 value-length2 value2 type2

LIST-DATA Parameters

token is a 4-byte binary token used by the interface for multiple requests. When this is null, the listing of variables starts from the first one found. When all variables available cannot be found, this is set to an internal token value to allow the interface to continue the list at the next variable to be returned. The token is reset to null when all available values have been returned to the caller.
entries is a 4-byte binary field containing the number of variable name and value entries which the application program may accept from the interface in one call. For each entry, a set of return variables (name, value-length, value and type) must be provided, otherwise the results will be unpredictable. When the call completes, this field contains the number of variable sets returned. This must be used in association with the return and reason codes to determine if all data has been returned or if any data has been returned (the last call may have exhausted the list but may not be obvious from the return, reason codes and entries value returned).
name-length is a 4-byte binary field containing the maximum length of variable name that can be returned. This must be set based on the length of the name fields passed to the interface.

The following constitute a set which is required to return the information about a given variable to the application program. For each entry specified, a set of fields must be provided to contain the data to be returned. Failure to do this will result in unpredictable results.

name is an alpha field in which the name of a server or HTML page variable is returned. Its maximum length is determined by the name-length variable. If any name to be returned to the application exceeds this length, the value is truncated.
value-length is a 4-byte binary field containing the maximum length of the value for the variable that can be accepted for this variable instance. The following value field must have at least this amount of space allocated for it, otherwise, overwrites will occur. When a variable value is returned, this field is changed to reflect the true length of the value as determined from the data.
value is an alpha field in which the value for the variable name associated with this value field is returned. It must be at least as long as the value specified in its associated value-length field, otherwise storage overwrites may occur. When a variable is found, its name is returned in the associated 'name' parameter and the value is returned in this field. The actual length of the value is set in the associated value-length field when the variable name is found. If the value is longer than the value-length specification, the value is truncated.
type is a 1-byte alpha field that indicates where the variable with which it is associated was found. When the variable is an environment variable set in the server environment, this field contains a 'S'. When the variable was found on the HTML page returned from the client, this field contains 'P'.

LIST-DATA Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
8 12 Invalid length supplied in a length field to the interface function.
20 4 Variable length error. It was not possible to return the full length of a variable due to the fact that insufficient space was provided in the users' parameters to hold the value to be returned.
24 12 The format of the parameters provided was invalid.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
36 8 Invalid variable name (longer than 256 characters).
40 12 Returned when these modules are called from a program which is not running as a result of an HTTP request and therefore does not have the data available to satisfy the request.
44 4 End of data reached. This will be set for the LIST-DATA function when all data has been returned. The application program should check the 'entries' field as the number of entries returned may be '0' depending on the sequence of LIST-DATA function requests.
48 12 Invalid parameter list. One or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.

The PUT-BINARY Function

The PUT-BINARY function enables a CGI application program to send output in response to the CGI request. This output is provided to the HTTP server in the same way as 'standard' CGI output is processed.

The PUT-BINARY function differs from the PUT-TEXT function only in terms of the way it processes the parameters passed to it. PUT-BINARY simply takes the data and length provided at face value and passes them directly to the HTTP output processing module. Refer to the section on PUT-TEXT for information about how it processes output.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status 'PUT-BINARY' data length

PUT-BINARY Parameters

data is the data or the field containing the data to be output in response to the CGI request.
length is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the data area provided. The contents of the data area are output for exactly the length specified in this field.
Alternatively the function PUT-LONG-BINARY can be used; it expects a 4-byte length field.

PUT-BINARY Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
8 4 Zero length supplied.
8 12 Invalid length supplied in a length field to the interface function.
12 4 Warning returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
16 8 Error returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
24 12 The format of the parameters provided was invalid.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
40 12 Returned when these modules are called from a program that is not running as a result of an HTTP request and therefore does not have the data available to satisfy the request.
48 12 Invalid parameter list. One or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.

The PUT-TEXT Function

The PUT-TEXT function also enables a CGI application program to send output in response to the CGI request. This output is provided to the HTTP server in the same way as 'standard' CGI output is processed.

The PUT-TEXT function differs from the PUT-BINARY function only in terms of the way it processes the parameters passed to it. PUT-TEXT assumes text output and strips all trailing non-printable characters from the end of the provided data (as determined from the provided data and length) up to the first character that has a value greater than blank. The only exception to this is where a carriage return (X'0D') or a line feed (X'0A') is encountered. In either case, this will also be treated as valid data and treated as the last character in the output data. This is useful where a standard area and length are to be used as output text data as the program generating the output must include the CR or LF characters to format text correctly. Using the PUT-BINARY request, anything following the CR or LF is also treated as data and may cause output to 'skew'.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status 'PUT-TEXT' data length

Use of this function has no bearing on the way data is translated; only on the way the actual length of the data is calculated prior to output. After it has been output, translation occurs based on the criteria described earlier.

PUT-TEXT Parameters

data is the data or the field containing the data to be output in response to the CGI request.
length is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the data area provided. This must contain the maximum length of the data area. As stated previously, PUT-TEXT strips off all trailing non-printable characters in the data area.
Alternatively the function PUT-LONG-TEXT can be used; it expects a 4-byte length field.

PUT-TEXT Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
8 4 Zero length supplied, or data contains no valid text characters.
8 12 Invalid length supplied in a length field to the interface function.
12 4 Warning returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
16 8 Error returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
24 12 The format of the parameters provided was invalid.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
40 12 Returned when these modules are called from a program which is not running as a result of an HTTP request and therefore does not have the data available to satisfy the request.
48 12 Invalid parameter list. This indicates that one or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.


The SET-VARIABLE function may be used to assign a text string to a variable, to be used in conjunction with Server Side Includes of the form <!--#include file="/path/file" --> and HTML files containing Server Side Includes of the form <!--#echo var="VAR_NAME" -->.

When the file is sent to the client, these constructs are replaced by the value of the respective variable (e.g., VAR_NAME) if it exists.

This function is invoked as follows:

HAANUPR status ‘SET-VARIABLE’ name value value-length


name is the name of the variable, ending in a space or a hexadecimal zero. If a variable of the same name exists already, it is overridden.
value is the data area containing the value (text) to be assigned to the variable.
value-length is a 4-byte binary value containing the length of the above data area. Note that a hexadecimal zero at any position in the data area is treated as end of text.

SET-VARIABLE Return and Reason Codes

Reason Code Return Code Meaning
36 8 Invalid variable name (longer than 256 characters).
48 8 Invalid parameter list. One or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.


Natural program:

01 CGI-STATUS    (I4)
   02 CGI-RC     (I2)
   02 CGI-REASON (I2)
01 #DATA         (A250) INIT<' '>
01 #DATALEN      (I2)   INIT<250>
01 #VARNAME      (A10)  INIT<'PGMVAR'>
01 #VAR          (A20)  INIT<'program variable'>
01 #VARLEN       (I4)   INIT<20>
01 #PUT-TEXT     (A16)  INIT<'PUT-TEXT'>
01 #SET-VAR      (A16)  INIT<'SET-VARIABLE'> 
COMPRESS 'Content-type: text/html' H'0D150D15'                       
 '<!--#include file="/test/html/echovars" -->' INTO #DATA LEAVING NO  


<body style="background-color: #B4CFEC; font-family: Verdana">
<p>Value of variable PGMVAR: <!--#echo var="PGMVAR" --></p>
<p>Value of variable REMOTE_ADDR: <!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR" --></p>
<p>Value of variable USER_AGENT: <!--#echo var="HTTP_USER_AGENT" --></p>
<p>Value of variable SCRIPT_NAME: <!--#echo var="SCRIPT_NAME" --></p>
<p>Value of variable QUERY_STRING: <!--#echo var="QUERY_STRING" --></p>
<p>Value of variable INPUT: <!--#echo var="INPUT" --></p>



Browser Output:

Value of variable PGMVAR: program variable
Value of variable REMOTE_ADDR:
Value of variable USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Value of variable SCRIPT_NAME: /natcgi/test/testvar
Value of variable QUERY_STRING: input=just_testing
Value of variable INPUT: just_testing

HAANCGIG Interface Module

This documentation is only provided for compatibility. All applications should use the HAANUPR GET-DATA function to achieve this functionality.

The HAANCGIG module obtains the value of a field name submitted as part of a CGI request.

It also determines the existence of fields selected from lists presented to the user in HTML format which result in a field name with no value being submitted as part of a CGI request.

The interface module ascertains the type of HTTP method used to generate the CGI request and searches

  • the input parameter area as provided when using the GET HTTP method; or

  • the content area as provided when using the POST HTTP method.

If the variable requested is not found in the input from the HTML page and if the search has not been restricted to the HTML page only, the interface module checks for a server-defined variable (that is, a defined environment variable) of this name.

It is not necessary to be concerned about the HTTP method that generated the CGI request when calling the interface module as this is handled by the interface module itself.

The HAANCGIG interface module must be invoked with the following parameter list:

HAANCGIG status field value length type start


status returns the status of the request
field names the field from the HTML page for which the request is being issued. The field name must be terminated with a blank in order for the interface routine to correctly determine the length of the field name for which it is searching. The longest variable name that can currently be handled by this interface is 255 bytes excluding the blank.
value is a field with a minimum length of the binary value specified in the length field. If this area is smaller than the length specified in the 'length' parameter, overwrites occur and the results are unpredictable. When the field name specified in the 'field' parameter is found in the CGI input and has a value associated with it, the value submitted for the field is copied to this area for a maximum length specified in the length parameter.
If the value is longer, it is truncated and a return and reason code are set.
If the value is shorter, the actual length of the value is set in the 'length' parameter.
length is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the area provided for the value to be returned in the 'value' parameter. This is set to the length of the returned value if the field name is found and has a value associated with it.
type is a one-byte alpha field indicating the type of variable to be returned. It may be used to restrict the search as follows: 'S' request server-defined variable. 'P' request variable defined on the HTML page ' ' first found satisfies request. When the request is completed and the requested variable is found, this field is modified to contain an 'S' or 'P' depending on where the variable was found.
start is a two-byte binary field used to indicate the offset from which the requested variable is to be returned. This information makes it possible for a program to obtain the contents of a long text field in chunks. By default, the program starts at the beginning of the field, which is position 0 of the input field.

If a field name appears twice on an HTML page, only the first occurrence is accessible using this mechanism. Thus HTML pages designed to work with this mechanism should use unique field names, although HTML itself allows the same field names to be specified multiple times.

HAANCGIL Interface Module

This documentation is provided only for compatibility. All applications should use the HAANUPR LIST-DATA function to achieve this functionality.

The HAANCGIL module is used to obtain a list of

  • the variable names from the HTML page and their values; and

  • the server-defined or environment variables defined at the server for the request.

The interface allows one or more of these variables to be returned at the same time and multiple requests may be made to return all defined variables to the application program.

The server-defined variables or environment variables are returned first, while the variables found in the HTML page are returned after all environment variables have been returned.

The HAANCGIL interface module must be invoked with the following parameter list:

HAANCGIL status token entries name-length
		name1 value-length1 value1 type1
		name2 value-length2 value2 type2
		namen value-lengthn valuen typen


status is used to return the status of the request as documented in the section Interface Module Status.
token is a 4-byte binary value used by the interface for multiple requests. When the token value is null, the listing of variables starts from the first one found. When all variables available cannot be found, "token" is set to an internal value to allow the interface to continue the list at the next variable to be returned. The token value is reset to null when all available values have been returned to the caller.
entries is a 4-byte binary field containing the number of variable name and value entries which the application program may accept from the interface. For each entry, a set of return variables (name, value-length, value, and type) must be provided; otherwise, the results are unpredictable. When the call has completed, this field contains the number of variable sets returned. This number must be used in association with the return and reason codes to determine if all data has been returned or if any data has been returned (the last call may have exhausted the list but may not be obvious from the return/reason codes and entries value returned).
name-length is a 4-byte binary field that specifies the maximum length of the variable 'name' that can be returned. This length must be set based on the length of the 'namen' fields passed to the interface.
For each entry specified, a set of fields must be provided to contain the data to be returned. Failure to provide these fields produces unpredictable results. The following fields comprise the set required to return the information about a given variable to the application program:
name is an alpha field in which the name of a server or HTML page variable is returned. The maximum length of the name is determined by the variable 'name-length'. Any name to be returned to the application that exceeds this length is truncated.
value-length is a 4-byte binary field containing the maximum length of the variable 'value' that can be accepted for this variable instance. The following 'value' field must have at least this amount of space allocated for it; otherwise, storage overwrites occur. When a variable 'value' is returned, this field is changed to reflect the true length of the 'value' as determined from the data.
value is an alpha field in which the value for the variable 'name' associated with this value field is returned. This field must be at least as long as the value specified in the associated 'value-length' field; otherwise, storage overwrites occur. When a variable is found, its name is returned in the associated 'name' parameter and the value is returned in this field. The actual length of the value is set in the associated 'value-length' field when the variable name is found. If the value is longer than the value-length specification, the value is truncated.
type is a 1-byte alpha field that indicates where the associated variable was found. When the variable is an environment variable set in the server environment, this field contains 'S'. When the variable was found on the HTML page returned from the client, this field contains 'P'.

HAANCGIP and HAANCGIT Interface Modules

This documentation is provided only for compatibility. All applications should use the HAANUPR PUT-BINARY and PUT-TEXT functions to achieve this functionality.

The HAANCGIP and HAANCGIT modules enable a CGI application program to send output in response to the CGI request. This output is provided to the HTTP server in the same way as 'standard' CGI output is processed. See the section Standard CGI Operation for more information about the processing of this output.

The HAANCGIT interface module differs from the HAANCGIP interface module only in the way it processes the parameters passed to it:

  • HAANCGIP accepts the data and length provided at face value and passes them directly to the HTTP output processing module.

  • HAANCGIT assumes text output and strips all trailing, nonprintable characters from the end of the provided data (as determined from the provided data and length) up to the first character which has a value greater than blank.

    HAANCGIT treats a carriage return (X'0D') or a line feed (X'0A') as valid data and as the last character in the output data. This is useful where a standard area and length are to be used when outputting text data as the program generating the output must include the CR or LF characters to format text correctly. Using the HAANCGIP interface, anything following the CR or LF is also treated as data and may cause output to 'skew'.

The HAANCGIP/T interface modules must be invoked with the following parameter list:

HAANCGIP/T status data length


status is used to return the status of the request as documented in the section Interface Module Status.
data is the data or the field containing the data to be output in response to the CGI request.
length is a 2-byte binary value containing the length of the data area provided. For the HAANCGIP interface, this is the exact length of the data to be sent. For the HAANCGIT interface, this is the maximum length of the data area. As stated previously, HAANCGIT strips off all trailing nonprintable characters in the data area.

CGI Extension Interface Module Status

The status parameter passed to the CGI extension interface modules is a four-byte contiguous area comprising a two-byte return code followed by a two-byte reason code. Appropriate definitions are provided in the language-specific sections; however, the return and reason codes are documented in this section.

The language-related call to the interface modules must be successful before any return or reason codes are entered. The call fails if the interface module

  • is not linked with the module produced by the language compiler; or

  • could not be loaded at run time if this facility is available to the language.

Interface Module Return Codes

The following codes may be returned by the CGI extension interface modules.

Return Code The CGI extension interface request . . .
0 was processed successfully
4 was processed successfully but there is additional information related to the calling of the function in the reason code field
8 failed due to some environmental error. The reason code indicates what happened
12 was invalidated based on information the user provided or failed to provide. The reason code indicates what happened.
16 failed due to an internal processing error. The reason code indicates what happened.

Interface Module Reason Codes

This documentation is provided only for compatibility. All applications should use the HAANUPR interface functions to achieve this functionality.

The following reason codes may be returned by the CGI extension interface modules. Each reason code has an associated return code as documented in this table.

Reason Code Associated Return Code Meaning
4 8 Request failed due to insufficient storage.
8 12 Invalid length supplied to the interface function in a length field.
12 4 Warning returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
16 8 Error returned from the HTTP server output processing module.
20 4 Variable length error. The full length of a variable could not be returned due because insufficient space was provided in parameters supplied by the user to hold the value to be returned.
24 12 The format of the parameters provided was invalid.
28 8 The variable name requested was not found in the CGI data.
32 16 A logic error occurred due to the format of the content data provided with the CGI request.
36 8 Invalid variable name (longer than 256 characters).
40 12 The module is called from a program that is not running as a result of a HTTP request and therefore does not have the data available to satisfy the request.
44 4 End of data reached. This will be set for the HAANCGIL function when all data has been returned. The application program should check the 'entries' field as the number of entries returned may be '0' depending on the sequence of HAANCGIL interface requests.
48 12 Invalid parameter list. One or more parameters for a given request have not been provided or contain invalid data.
52 12 Invalid request.

CGI Server Side Includes

Server Side Includes provide a convenient method for embedding dynamic contents in static HTML pages. When the HTML document passes through the HTTP server, Server Side Includes are simply replaced by the dynamic content they represent, e.g., the value of a variable, the contents of a file, or the result of a program execution.

The following Server Side Includes are currently supported by this HTTP server:

Server Side Include Replaced by
<!--#echo var="VAR_NAME" --> the value of variable VAR_NAME.

The variable name is case sensitive.

<!--#exec cgi="PROGRAM" --> the output (using HAANUPR PUT-*) of the CGI program PROGRAM.
<!--#exec natcgi="LIB/PROGRAM" --> the output (using HAANUPR PUT-*) of the Natural CGI program PROGRAM or a Natural web interface subprogram.
<!--#include file="/path/file" --> the contents of the file.


  1. The string <!--#...--> must not contain any line breaks. When created by a CGI program, it must be sent by a single HAANUPR PUT-* call.

  2. Natural CGI cannot be nested, i.e. if a Natural CGI program sends out a <!--#exec natcgi=… --> either directly using HAANUPR PUT-* or recursively from an included file, this does not get replaced.

  3. Conversations don’t make sense and hence are not allowed in programs invoked from Server Side Includes (ENABLE-CONVERSE is rejected in this case).

  4. SSI recursions are currently limited to three levels.

Server Variables

The following server variables are defined and can be queried using the GET-DATA or LIST-DATA functions:

QUERY_STRING The full query string from the HTTP GET or POST request (if any).
REMOTE_ADDR The IP address of the client.
REMOTE_USER The user ID of the user, if logged in.
REQUEST_CONTENT For HTTP requests that are not the result of a HTML form submission (all except Content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data), the request content.
SCRIPT_NAME The name ( including the path) of the CGI program.
Example: /natcgi/sysweb/nwwaps
SERVER_PORT The port number of the server.
Example: 1080
SERVER_SOFTWARE SoftwareAG-ComPlete-HTTPserver/2.5.1

In addition, each received HTTP request header is available through a variable in the form HTTP_HEADER, i.e. "HTTP_" followed by the name of the HTTP header converted to upper case EBCDIC and "-" translated into "_".



HTTP Output Data Format

The Com-plete HTTP server sends all data using 'chunked transfer encoding' as described in RFC 2616; this is indicated by the HTTP header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked'. HTTP clients wanting to communicate with this server must be able to handle this (all major browsers are).

RFC 2616 also includes information on trailers and other issues; however, this information is not relevant when the Com-plete HTTP server is used.

The Com-plete HTTP server splits the message body into chunks of the following format:

<hex length of data in chunk> CRLF
<chunk of data> CRLF

End of data is indicated by a zero chunk:


This is more flexible than indicating the overall length of the message body in a Content-length HTTP header, because in that case the server would need to know the length of the data before it could start sending anything.