
This introduction covers the following topics:

Message Format

The messages as they appear on your screen have the following format:



PPP is the three-digit product code (COM).
GGG is the message group. This is an indication of the origin of the message, for example, USP signifies the message is is sued by the USPOOL utility.
NNNN is the message number.
S is the optional system-ID, controlled by the appropriate applymod, and is the system's patch character or the installation ID.

The messages in this manual are sorted alphabetically according to message group, and within the group according to message number.

Completion Codes

The following codes are used to indicate that a task has terminated abnormally. The code may have been received from one of the following:

  1. The Nucleus

  2. A Batch Utility

  3. A Utility.

Location Of Abend Processing Information

An abnormal termination of a Com-plete system task or batch utility program is generally accompanied by several ABE error messages. If a user abend appears as the cause in the ABE message, the code and explanation are found here.

An internal abnormal termination of an online program will display the code (in decimal) in message ABS0007.

User Abend Codes

User Abend 16

This occurs if a UDEBUG breakpoint SVC is hit while the same session is sitting on a breakpoint. This can occur if breakpoints are set in the Com-plete nucleus routines which process breakpoints either on purpose or inadvertently.

User Abend 17

This indicates that an error has occurred within the logic to trap and record user program ENQs or DEQs. It will have been preceded by a message indicating what the problem is and this message should be used for further diagnosis of the problem.

User Abend 21

Com-plete uses a bridging mechanism to process Com-plete MCALL API requests issued using the SVC entry mechanism. To do this, under certain circumstances a savearea must be gotten to process the request. This abend occurs when there is no room to get the savearea in the thread, therefore rendering it impossible to service the request.

Nucleus Codes

3 TLOSDVSE Com-plete's COMREG is not addressed by R2 of the caller.
4 TLCOMREG During SAVEPOOL processing an invalid condition occurred, either a FREE for an invalid area was issued or no SAVEPOOL area was available for a GET request.
5 TLSVOS SVC was not issued by a thread.
6 TLSVOS An invalid ESR request was trapped
7 TLSVDBUG Internal DEBUG error.
9 TLSVDBUG Internal DEBUG error.
9 TLSRNTXT SAVEPOOL entry not found.
10 TLSRNTXT Logic error during SAVEPOOL processing.
11 TLSRNTXT SAVEPOOL entry doesn't start at boundary
12 TLSVOS A SVC was trapped, that was issued by a system task
13 TLSRNTXT Error when freeing SAVEPOOL entry.
14 TLSRNTXT Error in SAVEPOOL chain.
15 TLSRNTXT Error during CMFBPM processing.
20 TLSVOS An unsupported SVC was trapped.
51 TLSRTMSG An unexpected error occurred during message processing.
73 TLSRTLEN A zero data length was passed.
75 TLSRGNTR A threadkey was set to zero.
84 TLSVTSKM An internal request to reset the key of a thread was issued from a system task.
222 TLINVSAM The BLDVRP macro failed.
1005 TLINMESG I/O error on COMSPL dataset.
1011 TLSRTMSG An ABEND option was specified for a message issued by a system task.
1013 TLSRRJE An invalid returncode in R15 was received from user exit ULSRRJE.

Batch Utility Codes

2006 TUSDUTIL Abend due to internal error. Please check the log and/or output to determine the cause for the abend.
2006 T46CSC Abend due to internal error. Please check the log and/or output to determine the cause for the abend.

Utility Codes

An abend from a Software AG-written utility program indicates that a disk device, terminal device, or program logic error has occurred. See notes 1 through 5 at the end of this section for a further explanation of the problem.

The following abend codes may be issued generally by a utility as they relate to problems which can occur in each utility.

3000 During a call to the security routines, TLSEUTIL received an invalid return code from the security routines.
3001 The terminal operator entered a "*CANCEL" request.
3002 The utility received a terminal I/O error reponse code from Com-plete.


0000 (U2EDOLIB) Refresh problem. See note 3.
0001 (U2EDXLIB) Librarian internal error. See note 3.
0002 (U2EDOLIB) Internal logic error. See note 3.
0101 (U2EDACC) Wrong track balance. See note 3.
0102 (U2EDACC) EXCP error. See notes 1 and 3.
0201 (U2EDCHAN) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
0301 (U2EDCOPY) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
0401 (U2EDDBUG) ABEND requested by DEBUG. See note 3.
0601 (U2EDDEL) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
1001 (U2EDFIND) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
1201 (U2EDIMPL) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
1202 (U2EDIMPL) Bad address in OPPTR. See note 3.
1401 (U2EDINS) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
1801 (U2EDMOVE) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
1901 (U2EDNUM) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
2001 (U2EDOUTP) I/O error on MCALL WRT(c). See note 2.
2101 (U2EDREAD) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
2201 (U2EDREC) RC=12 from SDOPEN. See note 3.
2901 (U2EDSEA) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
3001 (U2EDSHIF) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
3101 (U2EDSUB) Bad return code from SDREAD. See note 4.
3301 (U2EDXCLS) DCB incorrectly opened for STOW. See note 3.
3302 (U2EDXCLS) EXCP error on VTOC. See note 1.
3303 (U2EDXCLS) Invalid return code from STOW. See note 3.
3401 (U2EDXOPN) Obtain error (RC, GT, 16). See note 3.
3402 (U2EDXOPN) Invalid RC from BLDL. See note 3.
3403 (U2EDOXXX) Internal A/M error. See note 3.
4000 (U2EDOPAN) Refresh problem. See note 3.
4001 (U2EDOPAN) Invalid length of SEQNO. See note 3.
4002 (U2LBID) Insufficient storage to load UEDTBl. See note 5.


001 (UEBP) Invalid error message from A/M routine. See note 3.
002 (UEDIT) Error trying to delete SDFILE. See note 3.
003 (UEBP) Error in SDFILE format. See notes 1 and 3.
0101 (U2EDACC) Wrong track balance. See note 3.
0102 (U2EDACC) EXCP error. See notes 1 and 3.
3301 (U2EDXCLS) DCB incorrectly opened for STOW. See note 3.
3302 (U2EDXCLS) EXCP error on VTOC. See note 1.
3303 (U2EDXCLS) Invalid return code from STOW. See note 3.
3401 (U2EDXOPN) Obtain error (RC, GT, 16). See note 3.
3402 (U2EDXOPN) Invalid RC from BLDL. See note 3.
4000 (UEBP/UEPDUN/UEPROF) Insufficient storage to load UEDTB1. See note 5.


999 Terminal I/O error.


103 a) The type field in the keyword table (input to UPARM) is invalid. R0 points at the keyword table entry.
b) The field length in the keyword table (input to UPARM) for a numeric is too long (GT 16 for packed, GT 4 for binary). R0 points to the keyword table entry.
c) The parse request block for the substring does not have the substring flag (PRQBFLG1, PRQBMSUB) on. R1 points to the PRQB, which is invalid. R0 points to the keyword table entry.


1 Terminal I/O error.
804 Not enough storage to load user exit UUPDX1. Increase the RG value for the program in ULIB.
2004 I/O error loading user exit UUPDX1.
2016 Security violation loading user exit UUPDX1.
2024 User exit UUPDX1 is thread locked to another thread. Recatalog UUPDX1 without the TL= parameter.
4000 Load of UEDTB1 failed due to I/O error or insufficient storage


01 (UQOPD) Return code from LSPAGE SVC (SVC 78) not less than 16.
15 (USQSEC) Expected record not found.


1 Terminal I/O error.
804 Not enough storage to load user exit UUSVX1. Increase the RG value for the program in ULIB.
2004 I/O error loading user exit UUSVX1.
2016 Security violation loading user exit UUSVX1.
2024 User exit UUSVX1 is threadlocked to another thread. Recatalog UUSVX1 without the TL= parameter.


1 Terminal I/O error or operator entered "*CANCEL"
2 Error when accessing the user profile record.


1 Operator entered "*CANCEL".
2 Terminal I/O error at WRTMC
3 Terminal I/O error at READM

General Notes

  1. A disk hardware error was discovered while the utility program was executing. If the problem recurs after the utility program function has been retried, some action must be taken to clear up the disk problem (recurrence indicates some type of permanent disk storage problem).

  2. A terminal device hardware error. The terminal (or phone line, modem, etc.) should be repaired before it is used again.

  3. The abend code may indicate a logic error in a utility program. Before reporting this type of problem to your Software AG technical representative, you should:

    • Ensure that a user-written exit is not responsible for the problem.

    • Have the following information available:

      • A printed dump of the problem

      • A brief explanation of the conditions surrounding the problem (i.e., specific terminals, files, users, etc., with which the problems appear to be associated)

      • The current fix level for the utility program and for the Com-plete nucleus.

  4. This abend is associated with the Com-plete SDREAD function. It indicates one of the two following conditions:

    • The record requested to be read was never written

    • A logical End-Of-File condition was reached while reading the SD file.

  5. There is not enough memory available to perform a function. The abending program should be recataloged with a larger region size (see ULIB utility program in the Com-plete User Utilities documentation).

    See note 3 above for further information.