Abend Processing

Overview of Messages

ABE0001 | ABE0002 | ABE0003 | ABE0004 | ABE0005 | ABE0006 | ABE0007 | ABE0008 | ABE0009 | ABE0010 | ABE0011 | ABE0012 | ABE0013 | ABE0014 | ABE0015

ABE0001 $1 - $2 $3 $4 $5 *$6*

Prior to a system dump being taken, this message is printed once for every allocated 16 bytes of storage around the abend PSW and register set. It consists of the address of the storage being printed, followed by the 16 bytes of information pointed to by the address in hex and character formats.

System programmer info:

These messages can be of interest to your support personnel when you are reporting a problem. They should be kept as a part of a diagnostic summary of an abend unless the problem is known and diagnostics are no longer required for the problem in question.

Computer operator info:

This error message will normally be issued as part of a diagnostic set of abend messages from Com-plete. When they occur, these messages should be kept along with any other ABE messages from the job and passed to the system programmer.

ABE0002 Com-plete $1 Task Abend System $2 User $3 Reason $4

This indicates that a Com-plete subtask has abended with the system abend code and/or user abend code indicated. This message will be followed with one or more ABE messages with diagnostic data for the abend.

System programmer info:

This is normally the first message from the Com-plete nucleus when a Com-plete abend occurs for which a dump will be taken. It will be followed by one or more ABE messages containing diagnostic information from the abend which will be required should the error be reported as a problem to your local support centre.

Computer operator info:

Inform your system programmer about the message.

ABE0003 SDWA not available for printing

During abend processing, the Com-plete abnormal termination/recovery routines determined that the MVS SDWA control block, normally available during abend processing, was not available for this particular abend. In this case, only a minimum of diagnostic information can be printed.

System action:

Com-plete continues processing according to the other ABE messages printed.

System programmer info:

This indicates that for some reason, the IBM recovery routines could not build an SDWA for a Com-plete abend. This will normally indicate a shortage of storage in the Com-plete region but this does not necessarily have to be the case. Refer to the various IBM publications as to the possibilities why Com-plete could not be provided with a SDWA and correct the situation.

Computer operator info:

Inform your system programmer about the message.

ABE0004 Dump will be taken for $1 task

A Com-plete abend has occurred and Com-plete has determined that a dump should be taken for the particular Com-plete task.

System programmer info:

This indicates that Com-plete will attempt via recovery or termination processing to take a dump for the particular subtask mentioned in the message.

Computer operator info:

Inform your system programmer.

ABE0005 Recovery in progress for $1 task

A Com-plete subtask has abended and Com-plete has determined that recovery may be possible and therefore will be attempted. If this is preceeded by ZAB00004, then the recovery may take some time due to the fact that the dump must be taken before recovery can actually take place.

System programmer info:

Under normal circumstances, recovery will always be attempted unless a recursive loop has ocurred. If this is detected, no other recovery will be attempted. If it is not detected, the results will be unpredicatable. In some cases, it may be necessary to use the operating system functions to terminate Com-plete, however, this should never occur.

ABE0006 Abend PSW $1 $2 $3 $4

This message contains more diagnostic information about the Com-plete abend which has occurred. The first two fullwords contain the PSW for the abend. The second two fullwords contain the 'PSW2' contents at the time of the abend.

ABE0007 R0=$1 R1=$2 R2=$3 R3=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers '0' (zero) to '3' (three) at the time of a Com-plete abend.

ABE0008 R4=$1 R5=$2 R6=$3 R7=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers '4' (four) to '7' (seven) at the time of a Com-plete abend.

ABE0009 R8=$1 R9=$2 RA=$3 RB=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers '8' (eight) to 'b' (eleven) at the time of a Com-plete abend.

ABE0010 RC=$1 RD=$2 RE=$3 RF=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers 'c' (twelve) to 'f' (fifteen) at the time of a Com-plete abend.

ABE0011 $1 - Address not accessible

While attempting to print the storage areas around the Com-plete PSW and register set, the storage location in the message was found to be either not allocated or paged out at the time the abend was taken. For this reason the storage could not be printed.

System programmer info:

This is not an error, it simply indicates that the storage could not be addressed during dump processing. If the storage exists and was simply paged out, it will still appear in the actual dump if a dump is taken.

ABE0012 $1 failed during dump processing, Reason Code '$2'

An error occurred in Com-plete causing the recovery routines to attempt to create a dump, however, the $1 processing for this failed. The reason code $2 indicates why the function failed.

Possible values for $1:

GETSTOR Storage could not be obtained from the general buffer pool. In this case $2 will contain the internal return code.
DYNALLOC Dynamic allocation for the output dataset failed. The error and reason codes from the dynalloc will be returned as the reason code.
OPEN The open for the dataset failed. In this case $2 will contain zero.
System action:

The system will continue processing if recovery is successful.

System programmer info:

Using the reason code and any system messages, try to establish the reason for the failure. If the error is system dependant, correct the error. If the error appears to be software dependant, contact your local support centre.

ABE0013 Logic error at $1+x'$2' TID $3 LUname $4

A logic error occurred processing TID $1 with luname $2. This will be followed by one or more ZAB messages which will dump diagnostic information to the console.

System action:

Processing continues, however, the TID in question may be lost. It MAY be recoverable using the LOGOFF and/or FORCE operator commands.

System programmer info:

This indicates a logic error within the Com-plete nucleus. Any messages before this message plus the diagnostics which are issued after this message should be provided to your local support centre.

ABE0014 $1

Self-explanatory message.

ABE0015 Dump suppressed (same error message as previous dump).

Self-explanatory message.