UQ Input Processing

Overview of Messages

UQI0001 | UQI0002 | UQI0003 | UQI0004 | UQI0005 | UQI0006 | UQI0007 | UQI0008 | UQI0009 | UQI0010 | UQI0011 | UQI0012 | UQI0014 | UQI0015 | UQI0016 | UQI0017 | UQI0018 | UQI0019 | UQI0020 | UQI0021 | UQI0022 | UQI0023 | UQI0024 | UQI0025 | UQI0026 | UQI0027 | UQI0098 | UQI0099

UQI0001 Invalid operand

The operator specified is not valid for the UQ utility.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

System programmer info:

When adding a user via ULOGM control status may be assigned to a user. If the logon feature is not in use, control status is assigned by the TIB macro in the TIBTAB. For more informations on these items, refer to the Com-plete System Utilities Manual.

UQI0002 Invalid keyword

The keyword specified is not valid for the UQ utility.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

System programmer info:

Ensure the JES3 DSP UQJ3 is functioning on the JES3 global processor.

UQI0003 DS keyword has invalid data

The DS keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the DS keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

System programmer info:

This is a probable hardware error. If the JES3 data set remains unusable, it will be necessary to reallocate the JES3 data set.

UQI0004 Async. OC task not installed

This message is associated with the Com-plete UQ utility. It indicates that asynchronous operator communications are not installed on the system. This is required for UQ K support.

System action:

The request is not processed. Further attempts to process the command will receive message UQK00004.

Terminal operator info:

The command cannot be sent.

System programmer info:

Install asynchronous operator communications.

UQI0005 CL keyword has invalid data

The CL keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the CL keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0006 SI keyword has invalid data

The SI keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the SI keyword is not valid. Valid values are RD, DU, OR LS for VSE systems or SO, SM, CC, SI OR JCL for OS systems

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0007 JB keyword has invalid data

The JB keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the JB keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0008 LL keyword has invalid data

The LL keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the LL keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0009 LR keyword has invalid data

The LR keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the LR keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0010 PP keyword has invalid data

The PP keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the PP keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0011 DC keyword had invalid data

The DC keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the DC keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0012 RL keyword has invalid data

The RL keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the RL keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0014 IN keyword has invalid data

The IN keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the IN keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0015 AD keyword has invalid data

The AD keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the AD keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0016 DE keyword has invalid data

The DE keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the DE keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0017 Security violation on usage of DE keyword

The value specified for the DE keyword is not allowed or is restricted in your Com-plete system.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Use a different destination code or consult your system programmer.

UQI0018 SC keyword has invalid data

The SC keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the SC keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0019 PT keyword has invalid data

The PT keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the PT keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0020 SQ keyword has invalid data

The SQ keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the SQ keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0021 Op disallowed by UUQEX1

This message is associated with the Com-plete online utility UQ. It indicates that the function requested by the terminal operator was rejected by the installation-written security routine.

System action:

The requested functions is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates a lack of aurhority to issue the function specified. For more information, contact the individual responsible for security.

System programmer info:

For information about the installation-written security routine for UQ, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

UQI0022 RR keyword has invalid data

The RR keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the RR keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0023 OC keyword has invalid data

The OC keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the OC keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0024 JC keyword has invalid data

The JC keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the JC keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0025 JO keyword has invalid data

The JO keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the JO keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

UQI0026 SD keyword has invalid data

The SD keyword has invalid data. The message indicates that the value specified for the SD keyword is not valid.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

For additional information about all the valid values for the UQ utility keywords, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual. UQK - UQ Operator Command Processing

UQI0027 WR keyword has invalid length

Self-explanatory message.

UQI0098 Cmd passed to OCCF

OCCF is active, this message indicates that the command was passed to it

System action:

Informational only.

Terminal operator info:

Informational only.

UQI0099 Cmd from $1 = $2

This message is placed on the system console after an operator command is issued from UQ. '$1' indicates the USERID of the person issuing the command.

System action:

Informational only.