Message Switching & Printout Spooling

Overview of Messages

MPO0001 | MPO0002 | MPO0003 | MPO0004 | MPO0005 | MPO0006 | MPO0010 | MPO0011 | MPO0012 | MPO0013 | MPO0014 | MPO0015 | MPO0016 | MPO0017 | MPO0018 | MPO0019 | MPO0020 | MPO0021 | MPO0022 | MPO0024 | MPO0030 | MPO0032 | MPO0033 | MPO0101 | MPO0102 | MPO0103 | MPO0104 | MPO0105 | MPO0106 | MPO0107 | MPO0108 | MPO0109 | MPO0110 | MPO0111 | MPO0112 | MPO0113 | MPO0114 | MPO0115 | MPO0116 | MPO0117 | MPO0118 | MPO0200 | MPO0201 | MPO0202 | MPO0203 | MPO0300 | MPO0301 | MPO0302 | MPO0303 | MPO0304 | MPO0305 | MPO0306 | MPO0307 | MPO0308 | MPO0309 | MPO0310 | MPO0311

MPO0001 RB $1, I/O error during COMSPL $2 READ

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that the Com-plete module TLMSRDS attempted three times without success to read the message (or printout record) with the relative block number indicated by RB $1 from the disk queue file identified by $2.

System action:

This message is followed by one of the messages listed below, which indicates what error recovery action was taken and whether the action was successful:

  1. MPO0005

  2. ZAP0002

  3. ZAP0005

  4. MPO0302

If error recovery was not successful after three attempts, the message or printout is deleted from the queue of the receiving terminal.

Computer operator info:

Refer to the messages listed above to determine the action to take.

MPO0002 Disk ovly imminent for MSG to Tid $1-attempting trans to ALT

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that Com-plete is attempting to transfer the message printout queued to the terminal indicated by TID $ to its alternate. This attempt is occurring because the message or printout queued to TID $ is about to be overlayed and thus is unavailable for recall. This message appears when there are 50 records remaining before the overlay will occur.

System action:

If an alternate has been assigned to TID $, Com-plete transfers the message or printout about to be overlayed to the alternate. If this transfer occurs, this message is followed by a MPO0006 message. If no alternate has been assigned to TID $, the message or printout is overlayed and the MPO0301 message appears when the overlay occurs.

MPO0003 Message overload on Tid $1. Too many messages in queue

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that there are 10 messages or printouts waiting in the queue assigned to the terminal indicated by TID $. This condition may be caused by one or more of the following circumstances:

  1. The receiving device (TID $) is experiencing a hardware failure; it may, for example, be out of paper or turned off.

  2. The receiving device (TID $) has MESSAGE DISABLED, IGNORED, or DELETED status.

  3. The receiving device (TID $) is a CRT and has a message awaiting acknowledgment.

  4. The receiving device (TID $) is in conversation with a program and, therefore, cannot receive its message.

System action:

If an alternate terminal has been assigned to the receiving device, one or more of the messages or printouts queued to it are sent to it.

MPO0004 Err-in-Err count = 4 - MSG ignored

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that four levels of errors occurred while writing an error message to the spool dataset. An error occurred while processing an error message, which generated another error message, etc.

System action:

This message is preceded by one or more MPO0005 messages, each of which indicates the relative block numbers of the record that caused the original error. The original error message is not written to the spool dataset.

System programmer info:

If necessary, seek the assistance of Com-plete technical support.

Computer operator info:

Seek the assistance of the Com-plete system programmer.

MPO0005 I/O error during error recovery (TTMSBP)

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. When a bad disk record is encountered, the Com-plete module TTMSBP attempts to bypass the bad record by allocating a new disk segment to replace the one that had the error and then updating the forward pointer of the previous record to indicate the newly allocated segment. This message appears if an I/O error occurred while Com-plete was attempting to read or write this previous record.

System action:

This message is preceded by two MPO0001 messages, which indicates the relative block numbers of the records that caused the errors. The message or printout that contained the errors is deleted from the queue of the receiving terminal. A Com-plete online dump of the message or printout core queue being processed appears with the MPO0005 message. The MPO0005 message is followed by one or more ZAP00005 or ZAP00006 messages that supply more information about the nature of the error.

System programmer info:

Identify the sending and receiving terminals by examining the message core queue dump.

Computer operator info:

Seek the assistance of the Com-plete system programmer.

MPO0006 Printout/Message transferred to ALT from Tid $1 to $2, Id=$3

The printout or message number $3 has been transferred from terminal no. $1 to terminal number $2 for one of the following reasons.

  1. Terminal $1 has been ignored or is deleted.

  2. The number of printouts on terminal $1 is greater than the number of printouts allowed on a terminal at any one time (currently 10).

MPO0010 Invalid control block specified in PSOPEN function

This message is associated with printout spooling. It indicates that the location associated with the control block name was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The most common cause of this error is the use of an incorrect control block name. R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the PSOPEN function in the user program. The first word in this list contains the location of the control block name parameter. Correct the error and retry the function.

MPO0011 Invalid control block specified in PSPUT function

This message is associated with printout spooling. It indicates that the location associated with the control block name was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The most common cause of this error is the use of an incorrect control block name. R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the PSPUT function in the user program. The first word in this list contains the location of the control block name parameter.

MPO0012 Invalid area or length specified in PSPUT function

This message is associated with printout spooling. It indicates that the location specified to contain the message text was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the PSPUT function in the user program. The second word in this list contains the location of the area parameter.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

MPO0013 Invalid control block specified in PSCLOS function

This message is associated with printout spooling. It indicates that the location associated with the control block name was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The most common cause of this error is an incorrect control block name. R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the PSCLOS function in the user program. The first word in this list contains the location of the control block parameter list.

MPO0014 Invalid control block specified in MESGSW function

This message is associated with message switching. It indicates that the location associated with the control block name was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The most common cause of this error is an incorrect control block name. R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the MESGSW function in the user program. The first word in this list contains the location of the control block parameter.

MPO0015 Invalid area or length specified in MESGSW function

This message is associated with the MESGSW function. It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented successful execution of a MESGSW function:

  1. The area specified was not within the area available to the user program.

  2. The location specified to contain the length was not within the area available to the user program.

  3. The value specified for the length was negative.

  4. The length specified, when added to the location specified for the area, resulted in a location that was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

System programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the MESGSW function in the user program. The second word contains the location of the area parameter. The third word contains the location of the length parameter. The length is a two-byte signed binary number.

MPO0016 Invalid DEST code list or number specified in MESGSW function

This message is associated with message switching. It indicates that one or more of the following errors occurred while using a MESGSW function:

  1. The location specified to contain the list of destination codes or the number of destination codes was not within the area available to the user program.

  2. The number of destination codes specified was so large that the list extended beyond the limits of the area available to the user program.

  3. The number of destination codes specified was less than one.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the MESGSW function in the user program. The fourth word in this list contains the location of the list of destination codes. The fifth word in the parameter list contains the location of the value specified for the number of destination codes. This value is a two-byte signed binary number that indicates the number of eight-byte entries in the list of destinations. The length of this list may be calculated by multiplying the value supplied for the number of destination codes by eight.

In Assembler language, the MCALL macro enables the application program to bypass the coding of the DCLIST and NUMDC operands if the message is to be sent to only one destination code. This may be done by coding the DC operand and omitting the DCLIST and NUMDC operands. This difference is transparent to Com-plete because the MCALL macro processes the DC operand as if it were a DCLIST and supplies a NUMDC value of one.

MPO0017 Invalid NUMDC location for MESGSW function

This message is associated with message switching. It indicates that the location specified to contain the number of destination codes was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the MESGSW parameter list in your program. The fifth word in the list contains the location of the value specified for the number of destination codes.

MPO0018 Invalid REPLY DEST code location specified in MESGSW function

This message is associated with message switching. It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented successful execution of a MESGSW function:

  1. The location specified to contain the reply destination code was not within the area available to the user program.

  2. The reply destination code specified was not a valid destination code.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the MESGSW parameter list in the user program. The sixth word in the list contains the location of the reply destination code.

MPO0019 Invalid RB number address specified for TEMSREAD

This message is associated with message switching. In order for a privileged user program to branch to the disk read subroutine TEMSREAD, it must supply all the linkages required by the module TLMSDISK. One of the parameters required is the address of the halfword containing the relative block number of the disk segment to be read. The MPO0019 message appears when the address specified in the RB number parameter of TLMSDISK was not within the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

System programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the parameter list for TLMSDISK. The first word in the list contains the address of the RB number.

MPO0020 Invalid area address specified for TEMSREAD

This message is associated with message switching. In order for a privileged user program to branch to the disk read subroutine TEMSREAD, it must supply all the linkages required by the module TLMSDISK. One of the parameters required is the address of the area into which a segment is to be placed when it is read. The MPO0020 message appears when the address specified in the area parameter was not within the boundaries of the area available to the user program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

System programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the parameter list for TLMSDISK. The second word in this list contains the address of the area parameter.

MPO0021 Class 4 specified for MESGSW or PSOPEN function

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that the user program specified a class code of 4 in its MSCB or PSCB. An application program may not send messages or printouts with a class code of 4.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated. A Com-plete online dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the MESGSW or PSOPEN parameter list in the user program. The first word in the list contains the location of the MSCB or PSCB.

MPO0022 Spool dataset (COMSPL) full

The Com-plete spool dataset is full.

System action:

No more printouts can be accepted until the condition is relieved either by printouts being purged after printing or by explicit purges.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your help desk or operations area and inform them that the printout spool file is full.

System programmer info:

If reasonable space has been allocated to the spool dataset, determine if a 'rogue' printout has filled the dataset. If not and the currently existing printouts on the dataset are required, review the calculation for the spool dataset in relation to what users want to print and how long the printouts need to be held on the spool dataset. Refer to the Systems Programmers Guide for more information on the calculation.

Computer operator info:

Attempt to delete any unnecessary printouts from the spool dataset and determine if the error is possibly caused by printers hanging, thus reducing the speed at which printouts can be printed and purged. Inform the systems programmer that the error has occurred.

MPO0024 Resouce manager error during printout spool request

While processing a printout spool request, the system encountered an unexpected return code from the resource manager.

System action:

The user program is terminated with a dump.

System programmer info:

Report the error and any preceeding resource pool manager messages to your local support centre.

MPO0030 Invalid Id $1 on message from LEDS. MSGno=$2

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0032 CQ transferred from to ALT from Tid $1 to $2, Id=$3

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that Com-plete transferred the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $3 from the disk queue file assigned to TID $1 to the queue of the alternate terminal, TID $2.

System action:

The message or printout indicated by MSG ID $3 is transferred to TID $2. This message is usually preceded by one or more of the following messages, which indicates the reason for the transfer:

  1. MPO0002

  2. MPO0003

  3. MPO0308

  4. MPO0309

  5. ZAP0005

  6. TAM0010

Computer operator info:

If this message was not preceded by one or more of the above messages, the transfer may have been caused by other conditions that do not generate messages or condition codes. For example, TID $1 may be MESSAGE DISABLED or the operator may have place it in IGNORE status.

MPO0033 Fixed bufferpool error during printout spool request

During a printout spool or message switching operation, an attempt to obtain a buffer failed causing the request to fail. A previous message will indicate why the request for the buffer failed.

System action:

The process is abended. In the case of a user program, a thread abend will be the result. In the case of a Com-plete system task, the task itself will abend to produce a dump. Depending on the status of the system, it will then recover and continue.

System programmer info:

Refer to the preceeding message to determine the cause of the failure. In the case where the request failed due to a shortage of resources, reassess the usage of buffers in your system. In the event of an unexplainable event, report the details of the messages to your local support centre.

MPO0101 No DD/DLBL statement for 'COMSPL' file

The spooling subsystem attempted to open spool dataset 'COMSPL' and discovered that the DDname/DLBL job control statement did not exist.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Add the correct DD/DLBL statement to the Com-plete job control and restart the job.

MPO0102 LPL area for COMSPL file is too small

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0103 Contents of LPL for COMSPL file are invalid

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0104 Not enough storage available for COMSPL file

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0105 COMSPL dataset is not a VSAM dataset

Com-plete has checked the dataset type of the dataset pointed to by the 'COMSPL' DD/DLBL job control statement and has determined that it is not a VSAM dataset as expected.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Ensure that the COMSPL DD/DLBL job control statement points to the correct VSAM spool dataset as required by Com-plete .

MPO0106 COMSPL VSAM $1 error X'$2'; RC=X'$3'

Self-explanatory message.


During message dataset OPEN processing, Com-plete attempted to issue a SHOWCB for the spool dataset and failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue messages in relation to this error. Check these messages to ascertain possible causes for the SHOWCB to fail. If this appears not to be installation dependant, contact your local support with details of the problem.

MPO0108 COMSPL record length less than 256 bytes

Com-plete has determined that the logical record length of the spool dataset is less than the minimum 256 bytes.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Allocate the spool dataset with a record length of 256 bytes or more and restart Com-plete .

MPO0109 COMSPL dataset can have more than one record in a control interval

Com-plete has determined that the control interval size (CISIZE) of the COMSPL VSAM dataset is at least twice as large as the logical record length. Therefore, more than one logical record could possibly exist per control interval.

System programmer info:

See the message which follows this message for more details.

MPO0110 Only the first record of a control interval will be used

The Com-plete spooling subsystem only supports one record per control interval on a VSAM spool dataset. In this case, more than one will fit, however, only one record per control interval will be used.

System action:

Processing continues, however, space will be wasted on the spool dataset.

System programmer info:

This is a warning that the spooling system will not use the extra records that can conceivably be contained in each control interval. This may impact the calculation made for the spool dataset. Please refer to the Systems Programmers Manual for more information on the allocation of a VSAM spool dataset.

MPO0111 Not enough storage for data buffers

Com-plete attempted to allocate buffers for spool dataset access and failed due to the storage not being available.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Review the storage estimates for the spool dataset and ensure that enough storage is available for these buffers.


Com-plete issued a GENCB to generate a VSAM RPL for spool dataset access, however, the GENCB failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue messages in relation to this condition. Check for these message and determine if an installation problem exists causing the GENCB to fail. If not, then contact your local support centre.

MPO0113 COMSPL dataset not initialized

Com-plete determined that the spool dataset contains no records, indicating that it has not been initialized.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Ensure the VSAM spool dataset is initialized before use. Refer to the Systems Programmers Guide for more information on allocation and initialisation of a VSAM spool dataset.


Com-plete issued a GENCB to generate a VSAM ACB for spool dataset access and failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue message in relation to the failure. Check if these messages indicate an installation problem which is causing the GENCB to fail. Otherwise, contact you local support centre.

MPO0115 COMSPL VSAM $1 error; FBDK=X'$2' RC=X'$3'

Com-plete issued a request against the VSAM spool dataset and failed. Possible values for the request $1 are:





Feedback code $2 and return code $3 are provided for diagnosis of the problem.

System action:

Com-plete processing continues, however, the error is likely to have repercussions later in the run.

System programmer info:

Using the provided return and feedback codes, determine why the request failed. These codes are described in the relevant VSAM programming manual for each request. If the error is not due to installation problems, contact your local support centre with the information from this message and the MPO0116 message which will normally follow this message.

MPO0116 COMSPL RPL=$1; RBA=$2; IND=$3

This message contains more diagnostic information about an unexpected error while accessing the VSAM spool dataset and will normally follow message MPO0115.

$1 - The address of the RPL used for the request.

$2 - The RBA number of the current data buffer.

$3 - The RBA number of the current index buffer.

System action:

Com-plete processsing will continue, however, this error will more than likely have repercussions later in the run.

System programmer info:

Use this along with the diagnostic information from ZMD00115 to determine where the problem lies. In a case where this is a problem which will be reported to Software AG, try to get a hardcopy of the RPL at the address specified in the message.

MPO0117 COMSPL record number invalid; R0=$1

This indicates that internally, Com-plete requested record number $1 be retrieved from the spool dataset. This record number is out of range and therefore cannot be read.

System action:

Processing continues, however, this error may cause other strange errors in the system.

System programmer info:

Contact you local support centre for assistance.

MPO0118 R0=$1 R1=$2 R6=$3 RE=$4 RF=$5

This message contains diagnostic information useful for the debugging of a problem. The data displayed are the current contents of designated registers.

System action:

This depends on the logic of the diagnostic zap installed.

System programmer info:

This message will only occur if your support centre explicitely asks you to install a zap to obtain diagnostic information to debug a problem. Details of how the system will react after installation of this zap and display of the message should be gotten from the support person from whom you received the zap.

MPO0200 Invalid return code $1 from driver $2; disabled

The logical output driver $2 returned an unsupported return code $1.

System action:

Processing for the printout continues, however, the logical output driver in question will be disabled ie. it will not be called for the rest of the print out.

System programmer info:

Determine why the logical output driver has returned the invalid return code and correct the error in the driver module.

MPO0201 $1 storage unavailable for output driver $2

The Com-plete spooling subsystem attempted to get storage for $1 processing to invoke the logical output driver $2. This get for storage failed.

System action:

Processing continues for the printout, however, the logical output driver cannot be called for this processing.

System programmer info:

Determine why the storage was unavailable. Refer to the Systems Programmers Manual for more information on storave estimates.

MPO0202 Error loading logical output driver $1

An error occurred loading logical output driver name $1.

System action:

Processing for the printout continues, however, the logical output driver is not called for this processing.

System programmer info:

Determine why the load failed for this logical output driver and correct the situation.

MPO0203 Maximum lines for printout exceeded

A user application has opened a printout and started writing lines to it. This error occurs when the nummber of lines to be printed exceeds the maximum allowable for a single printout as specified in the Com-plete sysparm 'MAXPOLINE'.

System action:

The user program is terminated and the printout closed in it's existing state.

Terminal operator info:

Either the value is set to low to enable the printout to be completed or the application program is issuing too many lines. In either case, the person responsible for the application should look into the problem.

System programmer info:

This parameter is available to stop looping programs from filling the spool, however, if it is set too low, applications which must validly generate printouts with more lines that the MAXPOLINE specification will also be terminated. You should establish if the value is in fact too small and if so higher it. Otherwise, the application should be corrected to avoid the loop.

Appl. programmer info:

If the application program is required to generate printouts with more lines that the MAXPOLINE Com-plete sysparm specification, you should discuss increasing the value of this sysparm. However, it could simply be that the application program is issuing too many lines by mistake.

MPO0300 PO $1

The indicated printout ('$1' is the logical name, '$2' is the PO number) has been sent to the operating system for printing as a SYSOUT/SYSLST data set.

System action:


MPO0301 MSG Id $1 to Tid $2 has been released due to disk overlay

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that the message or printout identified by MSG ID $1, which was queued to the terminal identified by TID $2, was overlayed during reuse of the message file.

System action:

The message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 is deleted from the message file. There will be no further attempts to display it.

Computer operator info:

If this message appears frequently, seek the assistance of the Com-plete system programmer in enlarging the message file to reduce the number of overlays.

MPO0302 MSG Id $1 to tid $2 has been requeued

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that Com-plete encountered an I/O error on the message disk while it was reading the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 in order to display it to the terminal indicated by TID $2. indicated by TID yyy.

System action:

Com-plete deletes the specified message or printout from the message file. There will be no further attempts to display it.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the computer operator.

System programmer info:

If this message continues to appear, move the message file to another area.

Computer operator info:

Seek the assistance of the Com-plete system programmer.

MPO0303 MSG Id $1 to Tid $2. Security violation detected

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It appears when Com-plete was unable to display the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 at the terminal indicated by TID $2 because MSG ID $1 had a different class code than that which TID $2 was authorized to receive.

System action:

The message recall request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

The MSG ID number of the message or printout may have been incorrectly typed. Reenter the request. If the ZMS00003 message continues to appear, recall the message or printout from a terminal authorized to receive the class codes assigned to TID $2.

MPO0304 MSG Id $1 to Tid $2 has been requeued

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that Com-plete discovered that TID $2 cannot receive messages due to being stalled, ignored, or deleted.

System action:

Com-plete schedules a retry of the specified message or printout to TID $2.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the computer operator.

Computer operator info:


MPO0305 MSG Id $1 not found

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that Com-plete was unable to locate the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 when it was recalled for display by the terminal operator.

System action:

The message recall request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

This message often indicates that the number $1 was incorrectly typed. If this is the case, correct the error and reenter the request. If this message reappears, the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 is not available for display.

MPO0306 MSG Is $1 (to OLEDS) aborted, Tid $2 not found in TTMSRI

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0307 MSG Id $1 acknowledged

Self-explanatory message.

MPO0308 MSG Id $1 to Tid $2 held due to device data error

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It appears when a device-dependent control character was used in the text of the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1, which was sent to the terminal indicated by TID $2. Com-plete detected this error before attempting to write the invalid control character to the terminal.

System action:

The message or printout is held in the disk queue file and no further attempt is made to write it to the terminal.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Computer operator info:

Although it is not possible to write the message or printout to TID $, it may be possible to successfully write it to another device type. This may be attempted using message recall, and a copy of the message or printout may be hand delivered to the intended recipient.

Appl. programmer info:

All Com-plete messages, regardless of content, are treated as text. They are displayed using the maximum line length of the receiving device unless new line symbols are embedded in the message or printout by the program. All other control characters are device-dependent and can produce unpredictable results if used in a multi-terminal environment. Check the program that generated the invalid control character and remove or correct the character to conform with the characteristics of the device type to which the message was sent.

MPO0309 MSG Id $1 to Tid $2 has been held - perm error on write

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. Occasionally, during the sending of a message or printout, a hardware problem is encountered that prevents successful transfer of the message. This message appears after Com-plete has attempted three times without success to send the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 to the terminal indicated by TID $2.

System action:

If an alternate terminal has been assigned for TID $2, Com-plete transfers the message or printout indicated by MSG ID $1 to the queue of the alternate terminal. If an alternate terminal has not been assigned, the message or printout will be held in the disk queue file for TID $2, and Com-plete will attempt to schedule the next message in the queue for TID $2 when the error condition has been corrected.

Terminal operator info:

Seek the assistance of the computer operator.

Computer operator info:

If no alternate has been assigned for TID $2, you may recall the message to a hard copy device by using message recall. The message may then be hand delivered to the intended recipient. Once the hardware problem has been corrected, the first message in the disk queue file may be released using the message switching RESET command. When a device develops a hardware problem, there may be several messages sent to the terminal and placed on hold before the problem is corrected; however, once the device is repaired and a new message is successfully written to it, all of the messages that had been held in the disk queue file will automatically be released.

MPO0310 MSG Id $1 held

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. It indicates that the message or printout that was in the process of being written to a terminal was put into hold status by the UM utility (i.e., the UM.HOLD command).

System action:

Output for the message or printout is suspended and the next message or printout queued to the same terminal is written to the terminal (if class codes, etc., permit). Once a message is put into hold status, it will not be written to the receiving terminal until it is released (UM.RELEASE command of the UM utility), even if Com-plete is brought down and back up.

Terminal operator info:

Output for the message or printout will remain suspended until it is released using the UM.RELEASE command of the UM utility. For information on this utility, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

MPO0311 Unexpected termination of MSG/PO

This message is associated with message switching and printout spooling. When messages or printouts are sent by application or utility programs, Com-plete writes the data to a DASD storage file so the entire message or printout does not have to be kept in main storage once. If the entire text for a message or printout cannot fit onto one record, multiple records are used and linked together via pointers. Each record contains the record number of the next record for the same message or printout. As the message or printout is being written to the receiving terminal, these records are read in sequence and combined into 'terminal segments' which are written to the terminal. When one DASD record has been written, Com-plete uses its pointer to locate the next record for the same message or printout. This message appears when Com-plete encounters a pointer that is not valid. This is normally caused by Com-plete being taken down while a message or printout was in the process of being written to the DASD file, leaving incomplete messages or printouts on the file.

System action:

The message or printout is treated as though it ended at the point where the invalid pointer was encountered.