Message Switching Initialisation

Overview of Messages

MPI0001 | MPI0002 | MPI0003 | MPI0004 | MPI0005 | MPI0006 | MPI0008 | MPI0009 | MPI0011 | MPI0012 | MPI0013

MPI0001 I/O error on COMSPL file

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for the message switching file. It indicates that an unrecoverable I/O error occurred when Com-plete attempted to access the file. At the time this message is issued, Com-plete has retried the I/O ten times.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

This is probably a hardware error. Com-plete has retried the I/O ten times before issuing this message. It is possible to circumvent the problem by moving the message file to a different volume. For information on how to accomplish this, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

MPI0002 $1 messages requeued

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for message switching. The value $ indicates the number of messages that were requeued to terminals. These messages had been queued when Com-plete was previously executing but had never been entirely sent to the receiving terminals.

System action:

As soon as the receiving terminals are available, the messages will be sent.

System programmer info:

The MSGSTART initialisation parameter controls requeuing of messages. For information on this parameter, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

This message is informational only. No action is required.

MPI0003 $1 printouts requeued

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for printout spooling. The value $ indicates the number of printouts that were requeued to terminals. These printouts had been queued when Com-plete was previously executing but had never been entirely sent to the receiving terminals.

System action:

As soon as the receiving terminals are available, the printouts will be sent.

System programmer info:

The POSTART initialisation parameter controls requeuing of printouts. For information on this parameter, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

This message is informational only. No action is required.

MPI0004 MSG/PO warning - Restart options *NO*

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for the message switching file. It indicates that NO was specified for both the MSGSTART and POSTART bringup parameters.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation proceeds.

System programmer info:

This message is informational; no action is required. For more information on the MSGSTART and POSTART bringup parameters refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

MPI0005 MSG/PO $1 start in progress

This indicates the type of start being for the print-out spool subsystem within Com-plete . This is determined by the 'POSTART' Sysparm setting. Refer to the systems programmers manual for more details on this parameter.

MPI0006 Insufficient core for spool restart, terminated

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for the message switching file when either WARM or HOT was specified for the MSGSTART or POSTART initialisation parameters. To accomplish a restart, Com-plete reads every record on the message file to find the unsent message or printout with the lowest date and time. This record becomes the first message or printout to be requeued. As the records are being read, Com-plete builds a table of record numbers that need to be requeued. Using this table, Com-plete then rereads only the messages or printouts that need to be requeued and performs the requeue. This table is obtained via an OS GETMAIN (variable length). The size of the table is the amount of storage available in the Com-plete region minus 6K. This message (MPI0006) indicates that the table was not large enough to contain the record numbers of all the messages and printouts to be requeued.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation proceeds; however, Com-plete will have to read the entire message file twice instead of once in order to ensure that all unsent messages and printout are requeued.

System programmer info:

If this message appears infrequently, it probably means that once in a while Com-plete has an extra large number of messages and printouts to requeue; however, if it appears frequently, it means that the region allocated for Com-plete is too small. Increase the REGION parameter on the EXEC statement until the message stops appearing. For more information on the MSGSTART and POSTART bringup parameters, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

If this message appears frequently, contact the Com-plete system programmer.

MPI0008 No buffers available for MSG/PO restart

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for the message switching file. It indicates that WARM or HOT was specified for either the MSGSTART or POSTART initialisation parameters and that the request could not be entirely performed, because the amount of storage available for the message and printout queues was insufficient.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation proceeds, but some messages or printouts will not be requeued as requested.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that not enough main storage has been allocated to the buffer pools. For information on the storage requirements of the buffer pools, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

MPI0009 Not enough storage for fast MSG/PO restart, slow restart in progress

This message is associated with the Com-plete initialisation routine for the message switching file when either WARM or HOT was specified for the MSGSTART or POSTART initialisation parameters. To accomplish a restart, Com-plete reads every record on the message file to find the unsent message or printout with the lowest date and time. It then rereads the messages or printouts that need to be requeued and performs the requeue. To decrease the amount of time taken, Com-plete reads the message file a track at a time into a buffer obtained via OS GETMAIN. This message (MPI0009) indicates that there was not enough main storage available in the Com-plete region to allocate a buffer for a full track of records and the channel program for reading them.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation proceeds; however, Com-plete will have to read the entire message file one record instead of a track at a time.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that extra overhead is involved in the Com-plete message and printout warm or hot start routines. Increase the REGION parameter on the EXEC JCL statement until the message stops appearing. For more information on the MGSTART and POSTART initialisation parameters, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

MPI0011 $1 messages expired

This shows the number of messages which have been deleted due to the fact that they have expired. The expiration of messages is controlled by the MSGEXPIRE system. Please refer to the documentation on this Sysparm for more information.

MPI0012 Error loading MSG/PO I/O module '$1'

The module named in the message is required for the access method to be used by Com-plete for the Print out spool dataset. Com-plete encountered an error while trying to load this module.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

This indicates that the named module has been found, however, the module could not be loaded due to an operating system error. The operating system should normally issue messages in relation to the error which should indicate what the problem is.

Computer operator info:

Inform you systems programmer.

MPI0013 MSG/PO I/O module '$1' not found

During initialisation, Com-plete attempred to load the print out spooling I/O module as named in the message. This module could not be found in the COMPLIB concatenation.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Insure that the module TLMSIOVS exists in the load library used for initialisation.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.