Editor (UEDIT) command processors

Overview of Messages

EDC0001 | EDC0002 | EDC0010 | EDC0011 | EDC0012 | EDC0013 | EDC0015 | EDC0016 | EDC0017 | EDC0018 | EDC0019 | EDC0031 | EDC0032 | EDC0033 | EDC0040 | EDC0041 | EDC0045 | EDC0046 | EDC0051 | EDC0052 | EDC0053 | EDC0054 | EDC0055 | EDC0060 | EDC0061 | EDC0062 | EDC0063 | EDC0064 | EDC0065 | EDC0070 | EDC0071 | EDC0072 | EDC0073 | EDC0101 | EDC0102 | EDC0103 | EDC0104 | EDC0105 | EDC0106 | EDC0107 | EDC0108 | EDC0109 | EDC0110 | EDC0111 | EDC0112 | EDC0113 | EDC0114 | EDC0116 | EDC0117 | EDC0118 | EDC0119 | EDC0120 | EDC0121 | EDC0122 | EDC0123

EDC0001 HEX command not allowed on this terminal type.

Self-explanatory message.

EDC0002 Error in Query

A QUERY command specified with an invalid operand.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command, specifying the correct operands.

EDC0010 Included $1 records

The member included has xxxxx records.

System action:

Normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0011 Escape character in date, ESCAPE OFF

An escape was found in the record of the member included; the escape feature has been turned off.

System action:

Normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

After you have removed the escape characters from the member included, you may then set ESCAPE ON.

EDC0012 Invalid Level indicated

Either an invalid stack level was specified or the specified level did not contain a valid SD-file.

System action:

The input is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Valid stack levels are 1-9.

EDC0013 Truncation not allowed

The data records included are longer than records in the edit session and truncation is set to OFF.

System action:

The include was aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Either set TRUNC ON in order to successfully include this data or edit the larger data records first and then INCLUDE the shorter records.

EDC0015 Library/DSN not found.

The editor could not find the library or dataset name.

System action:

The INCLUDE was aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Either catalog the library/DSN (if not cataloged) or add the volume serial number to the INCLUDE command.

EDC0016 Library/DSN access error

An unsuccessful attempt was made to access a library or data set name.

System action:

The INCLUDE is aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Retry the INCLUDE command. Contact your system programmer if this message reoccurs for the same library.

EDC0017 Error on dataset read

An error occurred reading a record from a library member or data set.

System action:

The INCLUDE is aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Retry the include command. Contact your system programmer if this message reoccurs for the same library.

EDC0018 Error on SD file read

An error occurred during a SD read of the session's SD file.

System action:

The INCLUDE is aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Try to reedit the data and try the include again. If it fails again, contact your system programmer.

EDC0019 Not enough space in SD file

There is not enough SD file space to include this data.

System action:

The INCLUDE is aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Either increase the size of the SD file or have the system programmer free some space from the SD file.

EDC0031 Invalid operand(s)

A NOTE or POINT command was issued but the operand passed either was not a valid character string or was too long.

System action:

The error message is displayed and the input is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Specify a valid operand.

EDC0032 Too many Notes

The physical limit of the number of NOTE commands (eight per member) has been reached. The editor will not accept any more NOTE commands.

System action:

The error message is displayed and the input is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

To reuse a NOTE string that you no longer need (i.e., overwrite the earlier definition), assign the same NOTE string to a new current line.

EDC0033 No corresponding Note

The operand passed as part of the POINT command could not be located in the NOTE table. The terminal user had never previously issued a NOTE command with that operand.

System action:

The error message is displayed and the input is ignored.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0040 Profile set

A successful SET PROFILE command has occurred.

System action:


Terminal operator info:


EDC0041 Profile set, $1 errors

This is the number of errors that occurred during the execution of the PROFILE commands from within the profile.

System action:

The errors are ignored and processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the profile and retry.

EDC0045 DSN/Library access error

Self-explanatory message.

EDC0046 Unable to load EDIT module

An error occurred during the attempt to find or load the edit module UEPDMN.

System action:

The profile was not processed.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Contact Com-plete support.

EDC0051 Printout Id $1 queued

The terminal user requested a copy of the current SD work file to be printout spooled via the PRINT command of UEDIT. The printout (ID number nnnn) has been successfully queued to the receiving terminal.

System action:

Normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to restore normal full screen edit mode at the page on which the PRINT command was entered. Press the CLEAR key to terminate the UEDIT session.

EDC0052 Invalid format specification

The terminal user requested a copy of the current SD work file to be printout spooled via the PRINT command of UEDIT, but the format specified for the printout (the second positional operand of the command) was invalid.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to restore normal full screen edit mode at the page where the PRINT command was entered. Reenter the command specifying the correct format. The UEDIT session may be terminated by pressing the CLEAR key.

EDC0053 Destination code invalid

The terminal user requested a copy of the current SD work file to be printout spooled via the PRINT command of UEDIT, but the destination code specified for the printout (the first positional operand of the command) was invalid.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to restore normal full screen edit mode at the page where the PRINT command was entered. Reenter the command specifying the correct destination. The UEDIT session may be terminated by pressing the CLEAR key.

EDC0054 Invalid syntax in expression

The terminal user requested a copy of the current SD work file to be printout spooled via the PRINT command of UEDIT, but the command's were specified in a syntactical form that could not be deciphered by the utility.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to restore normal full screen edit mode at the page where the PRINT command was entered. Reenter the command using the correct syntax. The UEDIT session may be terminated by pressing the CLEAR key.

EDC0055 Print aborted by user

A PRINT command was entered, but at the menu screen the CLEAR key was pressed, which aborted the operation.

System action:

The PRINT function is aborted.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0060 JB=$1 submitted

The edit work file has been submitted to the operating system for execution.

System action:


Terminal operator info:


EDC0061 UUEEX3 cannot be loaded

The terminal user requested the submission of a batch job the background computing system. In preparation for the submission, UEDIT attempted to load the user exit routine UUEEX3, but there was insufficient space in the thread area to load the routine.

System action:

The utility program terminates normally.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error codition.

System programmer info:

Diminish the storage requirement of the UUEEX3 exit routine or recatalog the UEDIT job submission routine, UERJE, specifying a larger region size value.

EDC0062 Invalid return code from UUEEX3

The terminal user requested the submission of a batch job to the background computing system. The user exit routine UUEEX3 was entered to validate this request, but it returned (in general register 15) a return code value that was not a valid return code.

System action:

Further calls to the exit routine are bypassed for this submission and processing of this job is continued.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

Refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual for details on permissible return codes and the coding conventions to be followed in UEDIT installation exit routines.

EDC0063 RJE busy

The terminal user requested the submission of a batch job to the background computing system, but all available remote job entry reader devices were in use by other terminal users.

System action:

The utility program awaits the user's response.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to attempt the submission again. If the error persists, notify the Com-plete system programmer of the error condition.

System programmer info:

If this message appears frequently and the operating system in use is MVT, VS/2, or MVS, allocation of another internal reader device to Com-plete might be considered. This is done by adding another SYSRDRxx DD statement to the Com-plete procedure.

EDC0064 RJE unavailable

The terminal user requested the submission of a batch job to the background computing system, but remote job entry is not presently permitted.

System action:

The utility program waits for the terminal user response.

Terminal operator info:

Press ENTER to attempt the submission again. If this error persists, notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

This message will appear when submission is attempted and any of the following conditions exist:

  1. The operator has disallowed RJE using the DISALLOW operator command

  2. The job entry subsystem is quiescent or is inactive

EDC0065 SUBMIT aborted

A user exit requested that the submit operation be aborted.

System action:

The submit operation is aborted.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0070 SET ok

A SET command was completed normally.

System action:

Normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0071 SET error

A SET command could not be completed.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

EDC0072 SET context error

A SET command was issued for an item that could not be modified in the current context, e.g., 'SET DSN' when editing the profile.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Either correct the command and reenter or change the editor context.

EDC0073 Workfile error

A SET DSN, SET MEMBER, or SET LIB command encountered an error loading or writing the workfile.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Attempt to save the edit session. If the workfile is damaged, this may not be possible.

EDC0101 Required operand(s) missing

The terminal user issued a command in full screen edit mode, but the command operand field was empty and operands were required for successful use of the command.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command, specifying the required operands.

EDC0102 Scan too long for zone

The length of the string specified in a SCAN command exceeds the number of positions defined by the SET ZONE command.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the SCAN string or change the ZONE setting and reissue the SCAN command.

EDC0103 String not found

The string specified in a SCAN command was not found.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

EDC0104 Unrecognized command

The terminal user entered a character or character string on the first line of the screen. The characters were not recognized as a valid UEDIT command.

System action:

The command is ignored; normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

If entry of a command is desired, reenter specifying the correct command name or abbreviation.

EDC0105 Illegal MOVE

The terminal user entered an implied search specifying a label character string of one to eight characters. This label could not be located in the active SD work file.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command, specifying the correct label value.

EDC0106 Truncation disallowed

A CHANGE or CCHANGE command attempted to change a field to a longer field, resulting in truncation, but truncation was disallowed by the 'SET TRUNC OFF' command.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command or change the TRUNC parameter setting to 'ON' and reissue the command.

EDC0107 Shift out of range

An attempt was made to shift columns of the edit file beyond the limits of the file.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

EDC0108 Tag not found

The tag specified in a scan operation (in conjunction with the COPY, DELETE, or FIND commands) could not be located.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Check the settings of the SET ZONE and SET SCAN commands. For additional information, refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual, sections 'Full Screen Editing' and 'UEDIT Commands'.

EDC0109 Illogical block command

The terminal user specified an illogical combination of block commands.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command, specifying the correct block delimiters.

EDC0110 Command not permitted

The terminal user entered a UEDIT command on the command (first) line of the screen. The command was accepted, but the UEDIT installation exit routine UUEEX2 indicated that the command was not to be executed.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

This message normally indicates that the command would have violated installation specified standards or security requirements.

EDC0111 Invalid range syntax

The terminal user entered a command specifying an operand as a range of lines. The designated range includes a plus or minus (label+nn,label-nn) expression. This syntax may only be used in implicit search requests, not in command operands.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Place label expressions correctly on the range of lines to be affected and reenter the command using those expressions.

EDC0112 Empty file, blank record inserted

An empty file was being edited.

System action:

UEDIT has inserted one blank record into the file.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0113 Invalid operand(s)

One or more of the operands specified for UEDIT are not valid.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities manual.

EDC0114 Unable to perform Delete

A request to DELETE a single line cannot be performed because the record number is past the end-of-file.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:


EDC0116 Not enough space in SD file

The terminal user entered a command which caused the number of lines to exceed the maximum size the SD work file has allocated.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Save the member in its present form. Re-execute the UEDIT program using the menu to increase the size of the SD work file.

EDC0117 Illegal command in this context

The terminal user entered a command which may not be honored while editing a profile.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

EDC0118 Illegal operator in this context

A SAVE command may not be honored while editing a profile.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual.

EDC0119 GETMAIN fail for Read/Write area

The region size specified for the program is not large enough and there is no space available for a GETMAIN.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

Recatalog the UEDIT routine using a larger region size value.

EDC0120 Could not load Userexit 2

This message is associated with Com-plete's full screen text editing utility, UEDIT. The utility attempted to enter screen edit processing but found that the available space left in the thread area was insufficient to load the installation exit routine UUEEX2.

System action:

The utility program terminates normally.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

Either reduce the space requirement of the UUEEX2 user exit routine or recatalog the editor's full screen edit routine, UEDIT, specifying a larger region size value.

EDC0121 Invalid call parameter

The call to edit module UEPDMN is incorrect. It is not set for initialize, configure, or runtime.

System action:

The command is ignored and normal processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Verify your MCALL requests and see your system programmer.

EDC0122 Initialization record handler error

A request to initialize the record handler routine has failed.

System action:

UEDIT terminates.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

Print the dump and contact the Software AG support center.

EDC0123 Configuration command error

Self-explanatory message.