MODIFY Function

The MODIFY function allows an application program to change several of the processing characteristics associated with it and with the terminal. For example, the MODIFY function could be used by an application to change the definition of its terminal from upper-case to lower-case.


The format for using the MODIFY function is:

MODIFY (retcode,function[,option])
retcode Required.
A fullword where Com-plete places the return code upon completion of the operation.
function Required.
A four-character field containing the code indicating the function to be performed. Valid function codes are described in the function code table below.Note that codes less than four characters are left-justified and padded with blanks to the right.
option Optional.
An additional parameter that can be used by certain functions. The format of this parameter is described in the function code table below.
Return Codes

The following return codes are issued by the MODIFY function:

0 The function completed normally.
4 The request could not be completed.
8 The request is invalid.

There are no abends associated with the MODIFY function.

Function Codes

The following table defines the valid MODIFY function codes and the actions associated with each. Also described are the optional parameters, if any, associated with each function code.

Code Function Optional Parameter
AFF+ Increase the TCB affinity level of the current process by 1.
The TCB affinity level is the number of reasons why a process must not switch TCBs. If it is 0 (which is usually the case), then the process can continue executing on a different TCB after an interrupt. Com-plete automatically maintains the affinity level for well-known events such like ENQ - DEQ.

This function code should only be used by experienced users.

AFF- Decrease the TCB affinity level of the current process by 1.

This function should only be used if your program has successfully invoked AFF+ before.

UP Set the terminal into upper case mode None.
LOW Set the terminal into lower case mode None.
HC Change the screen-to-hardcopy definition An eight-character name of the new screen-to-hardcopy device. If it is omitted, screen-to-hardcopy is reset.
REL Set the program to be relocatable. A halfword mask defining which registers are to be relocated with the program.
NREL Set the program to be non-relocatable None.
ALT Set the terminal to use alternate screen size. None.
NALT Set the terminal to use normal screen size. None.
TCS Set the program protection key to Com-plete's protection key.
This function can be used only from PV and/or resident programs.
THRD Set the program protection key to the normal user protection key.
This function can be used only from PV and/or resident programs.
TRID Change the transaction ID (name) of the current transaction. An eight-character field containing the new transaction ID.
PRTY Set the transaction priority. A fullword containing a new priority value between 0 and 3.
EXTD Set the terminal to use extended data stream support. None.
NXTD Set the terminal to not use extended data stream suppor None.
COMP Set data stream compression for the terminal on. None.
NCMP Set data stream compression for the terminal off. None.
NAME Set the stack name for the current level to the supplied value. An eight character field.
KANO Set KANJI mode off. None.
KANI Set KANJI mode to type IBM. None.
KANH Set KANJI mode to type HITACHI. None.