Com-plete allows the use of the following functions by batch programs, as well as online programs.
Function | Description |
ABEND | Initiate Com-plete abnormal termination processing. |
CAPTUR | Write user-specified data to the Com-plete capture log medium. |
EOJ | Terminate a program, this function terminates Com-plete processing, but does not end the batch job step. |
GETCHR | Obtain information about the terminal environment. |
MESGSW | Send a message or a message segment. |
PSCLOS | Logically close a printout spool data set. |
PSOPEN | Provide to Com-plete information required to create a printout spool data set. |
PSPUT | Output a record from a working storage buffer area to the printout spool data set. |
RJE | Submit job streams to the batch environment for scheduling of execution. |
SDCLOS | Logically close an SD file. |
SDDEL | Delete specific SD files. |
SDOPEN | Create a new SD file or prepare an existing SD file for access. |
SDREAD | Read a fixed-length record from an SD file. |
SDWRT | Write a fixed-length record as an SD file. |