Copy Folder Contents

This document covers the following topics:





Copy the contents of the folder(s) of a cabinet to another (already existing) cabinet.

Online Input Screen

  12:47 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                  Copy Folder Contents                        B02130
   Source Cabinet             ________                                          
   Target Cabinet             ________                                          
   Beginning with Folder      _______________   ('*' for all folders)           
   Ending with Folder         _______________                                   
   Mark to replace duplicate items   _                                          
             Menu  Quit                                                         
 Complete the information above and press ENTER to continue                     

Utility Parameters

Parameter Format Description
Source Cabinet A8  
Target Cabinet A8  
Start Folder A15  
End Folder A15 Optional
Replace Duplicates A1 Default: no


The full names of the Source-cabinet and Target-cabinet must be specified. A Folder-name or a start value for a folder must also be specified. The End-folder is optional, and if not specified, the Start-folder is used as the default (i.e. only that folder is copied).

The program accesses every folder and file record in the Source-cabinet. If a corresponding folder/file does not exist in the Target-cabinet, it is created. Next the items in the folders are copied. If an item with the same name exists in the Target-cabinet, it is not replaced unless you specify the Replace-duplicates parameter.

The following items are not copied: invitations, notes attached to documents, and address lists.

Folder/File in the Target Cabinet

Objects contained in a system folder (except folder Work) are moved to the appropriate system folder in the target cabinet.

The contents of folder TRS-XXL are moved to folder Work in the target cabinet. To ensure that folder TRS-XXL is empty when running this utility, you should first run utility B10000 Invert Long Documents.

All other objects are moved to the same folder/file (identical names) in the target cabinet. If a folder/file with that name does not exist in the target cabinet, it is automatically added.

Folders in Folders

Folder in folder relationships are usually retained. First the definitions of the folder and second-level folder (a folder within a folder) are copied and then the contents of the folders.

Folder in folder relationships are not retained when the target cabinet already contains a folder with the same name as that in the source cabinet. In this case, a message is returned after this utility is run. Then the contents of the folder in the source cabinet are copied to the folder in the target cabinet, even though this folder may not be filed in the same first-level folder.

For example, the source cabinet contains folder A1. Folders A2, A3 and A4 are filed in folder A1. The target cabinet contains folder K1, in which folders K2, K3 and A3 are filed. When this utility is run, folder A1 as well as folder A2 and A4 are copied to the target cabinet, retaining the folder in folder relationship. Since folder A3 already exists in the target cabinet, only the contents of folder A3 in the source cabinet are copied to folder A3 in the target cabinet.

Distribution Lists

A member of a distribution list which is itself a distribution list is not copied. Nicknames for external addresses are not copied.

Private Flag and Security Levels

Objects marked as private are not copied. Therefore if a folder is marked as private, the folder and all of its contents are not copied. However, if a folder is not marked as private and is filed in a private folder, this folder and its contents are copied to the target cabinet.

The security levels of all copied objects are reset.

TRS Documents

Documents and reference documents filed in TRS folders are inverted.


Folders cannot be copied from SYSCNT.

Batch Example

The contents of folder Inbasket are copied from the Cab1 to the folder Inbasket of Cab2. This would be coded as follows:

B02130 cab1,cab2,inbasket