Formatting a Document

When you create a document in Con-nect, the document format for a document containing Con-form instructions is Cnf.

This document covers the following topics:

The FORMAT Command

To process all Con-form instructions in your document text, you must issue the FORMAT command in conjunction with the document. As a result, you access the "Format Document-name" screen in which you can specify whether you want the formatted version of the document to be displayed, printed or filed. You can also specify that the formatted version of the document is to be placed in the Con-nect editor so that you can further edit it. For further information, see the description of the FORMAT command in the Con-nect User's Guide, section Documents.

When you display a formatted version, the display on your screen is dependent on the environment in which you are working. For example, in a mainframe environment it is possible that emphasized text (such as boldface or underscoring) is highlighted on your screen, but you cannot distinguish the format type. However, when you print the formatted document, the printout shows the desired results - provided that you use the correct printer profile.

You can TRANSLATE an RFT document into the Cnf format. For further information, see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Translating Documents.

Printer Profiles

Certain features of Con-form require a printer profile. The printer profile is dependent upon the environment in which you are working. For detailed information on how to create a printer profile, see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Printer Profiles.

Con-form does not support proportional fonts.

The printer name and the name of the printer profile are defined in your Con-nect user profile (see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Print Defaults).

If you do not use a printer profile, or if there are wrong or missing entries in your printer profile, the printed output may produce unexpected results.

Formatting Profiles

You can define a formatting profile that is to be processed before each of your source documents. The formatting profile can contain, for example, default settings for the page layout. Macros should also be contained in the formatting profile so that they are always available to you (otherwise they are only valid in the document in which they have been defined).

The name FPROFILE is automatically defined as the formatting profile in your user profile (see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Print Defaults). However, a document called FPROFILE is not automatically delivered with Con-nect. It is recommended that your administrator creates a document with this name in the cabinet SYSCNT and makes it thus available for all cabinets.

You can also specify another formatting profile (i.e. the name of another document) in your user profile. In this case, Con-form first processes the system formatting profile in cabinet SYSCNT and then your own. This is useful, for example, when you want to replace a macro in the system formatting profile with an enhanced macro of your own.

When you FORMAT your source document, you must ensure that the "Formatting Profile" field in the "Format Document-name" screen is marked. For further information on the FORMAT command, see the Con-nect User's Guide, section Documents.