Import Address Maintenance

This document covers the following topics:

Import Address Maintenance Screen

The Import Address Maintenance function displays all addresses which have been imported to your Con-nect.

   3:17 PM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 26.Feb.98
  Cabinet LS               Import Address Maintenance                     OLAP05

  Cmd Addressee Name       CD Name  Alias    Mail Node Last Date   Last Time
  --- -------------------- -------- -------- --------- ----------- ---------
  __  AHA.SEATTLE          DAEFCOC  DjV      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  ASHLEY.SEATTLE       DAEFCOC  Di0      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BINCAB.SEATTLE       DAEFCOC  Djf      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BLI.SEATTLE          DAEFCOC  DpV      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BJI.SEATTLE          DAEFCOC  DjZ      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BL.SEATTLE           DAEFCOC  DjU      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BR.BOSTON                              BOSTON    09.02.1998  16:03
  __  Brinkmann.Cindy      DAEFCOC  D4U      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  BSAC.SEATTLE         DAEFCOC  D4T      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  CAB40.SEATTLE        DAEFCOC  DjW      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  CRUISE.SEATTLE       DAEFCOC  Djh      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  __  DBA.BOSTON                             BOSTON    09.02.1998  16:03
  __  DBA.SEATTLE          DAEFCOC  DgK      SEATTLE   13.02.1998  10:22
  Cmd:                                      Position to ____________________
   TO Top   DI Display   UL Unlink   ER Erase
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll UlAll       Find   +     --
 Mark item(s) from the list above with a command or press a PF-key
Addressee Name

Nickname created for the imported address based upon the import rules you specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.

CD Name

Name of central directory to which the address was uploaded.


A unique ID assigned to each address when uploaded to the central directory.

Mail Node

Name of Con-nect node from which the address originates, or the external mail node name.

Last Date

Date address was last imported to your Con-nect node.

Last Time

Time address was last imported to your Con-nect node.

Position to

You can enter a one or more characters to restart the list of addresses with the first address whose nickname begins with the character(s) you specified.

Return to Top of List

To reposition the address list to a selected addressee, you can enter TO in the Cmd column for the addressee and press ENTER. As a result, the selected addressee is now displayed at the top of the list.

Display Additional Address Information

To display the complete address of an addressee, you can enter DI in the Cmd column for the addressee and press ENTER.

   2:33 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Address Maintenance - ESH.BOSTON                    OLAN06

  Mail Nickname for       BOSTON                BOSTON
  Last Name/Description   Eshberry                         Initial  X
  First Name              John

  Company         Walk America
  Department      Public Relations                  Number
  Address         12004 Sunrise Valley Drive

  City            Boston
  Postal Code     20001                             Country  USA

  Phone           814-WAL-K000                      Country Code  1
  Extension       25

       HELP        Menu  ExtAd
 Press a PF-key

The information displayed here is identical to that which is displayed when a Con-nect user issues the "DISPLAY Address name" command.

Once an address is imported to your Con-nect node, that address is an external address and additional address information is automatically created for the address. This information is a combination of the addressee's data and the external node's (the node from which the address originates) address information.

To display the additional address information, you can press PF4. As a result, as window similar to the one below is displayed:

   2:33 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Address Maintenance - Display Address               OLAN06

  Mail Nickname for       BOSTON                BOSTON
  Last Name/Description   Eshberry                         Initial  X
  First Name              John

  Company         Walk America
  Title         +----------------------------------------------+
  Department    !          Display Multinode Addressee         !
  Location      !                                              !
  Address       !  Node  BOSTON__   User  ESH_________________ !
                !                                              !
  City            Boston
  Postal Code     20001                             Country  USA

  Phone           814-WAL-K000                      Country Code  1
  Extension       25

 Press a PF-key

Erase Imported Addresses from Your Con-nect Node

You can erase imported addresses from your Con-nect node on an individual basis, or erase all imported addresses.

When you erase an imported address, that address will be automatically downloaded again if, at a later point in time, the Transaction counter for that address is higher than the MRD Transaction Counter on your node. This situation will occur, for example, if the address is modified on the address' originiating node and then uploaded to the central directory. With the next download you perform this address is once again downloaded to your node.

Additionally, if you erase an imported address and, then, at a later date, decide that you need to import this address again (and the above situation has not occurred), you can force a download. To do so, you must reset the MRD Transaction Counter for the corresponding profile (for the address' originiating node) and then perform a download.

To erase imported addresses on an individual basis, you mark each address with ER in the Cmd column and press ENTER. As a result, each address you marked is deleted from the "Import Address Maintenance" screen.

To remove all imported addresses from your Con-nect node, press PF4 to display the following window:

  10:23 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS               Import Address Maintenance                     OLAP05

  Cmd Addressee Name       CD Name  Alias    Mail Node Last Date Last Time
  --- -------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
  __  AHA.SEATT +------------------------------------------+ 94  10:22
  __  ASHLEY.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BINCAB.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BLI.SEATT !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BJI.SEATT !  Erase all Imported Addresses            ! 94  10:22
  __  BL.SEATTL !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BR.BOSTON !  106        Addresses will be erased.    ! 94  16:03
  __  Brinkmann !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BSAC.SEAT !  Enter Y to confirm: N                   ! 94  10:22
  __  CAB40.SEA !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  CRUISE.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  DBA.BOSTO !                                          ! 94  16:03
  __  DBA.SEATT !                                          ! 94  10:22
  Cmd:                                      Position to ____________________
   TO Top   DI Display   UL Unlink   ER Erase
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll UlAll       Find   +     --
 Press ENTER to continue

Enter Y to confirm the deletion and press ENTER.

When the erase procedure is completed, the addresses are deleted from the "Import Address Maintenance" screen and the total number of addresses erased is displayed.

To cancel the deletion, press ENTER.

Unlink an Address

You can unlink one, or all imported addresses to remove the directory synchronization address. When you unlink an address, any modifications which are made to the address data on the central directory are not applied to the imported address when the Download Addresses function is performed; it remains unchanged. However, the modified address is downloaded to your Con-nect node.


  1. With an imported address that has been unlinked, you can modify the address in cabinet SYSCNT just as with any address filed in cabinet SYSCNT.
  2. Although an unlinked address is handled similar to an address which originates on your node, you cannot upload an unlinked address to the central directory.

To unlink an imported address, mark the imported address you want with UL in the Cmd column and press ENTER.

To unlink all imported addresses, press PF4 and enter Y in the resulting screen.

  10:38 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS               Import Address Maintenance                     OLAP05

  Cmd Addressee Name       CD Name  Alias    Mail Node Last Date Last Time
  --- -------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
  __  AHA.SEATT +------------------------------------------+ 94  10:22
  __  ASHLEY.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BINCAB.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BLI.SEATT !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BJI.SEATT !  Unlink all Imported Addresses           ! 94  10:22
  __  BL.SEATTL !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BR.BOSTON !  104        Addresses will be unlinked.  ! 94  16:03
  __  Brinkmann !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BSAC.SEAT !  Enter Y to confirm: N                   ! 94  10:22
  __  CAB40.SEA !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  CRUISE.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  DBA.BOSTO !                                          ! 94  16:03
  __  DBA.SEATT !                                          ! 94  10:22
  Cmd:                                      Position to ____________________
   TO Top   DI Display   UL Unlink   ER Erase
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll UlAll       Find   +     --
 Press ENTER to continue

In either case, the information in columns CD Name and Alias are deleted, as shown below.

Find Address

You can use an address' alias as a search qualifier to quickly position the list of addresses to that address. To do so, you press PF7 and enter the alias in the resulting window.

The search for an address' alias is case sensitive. This means that, for example, alias GhR must be entered as GhR and not ghr.

  11:44 AM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS               Import Address Maintenance                     OLAP05

  Cmd Addressee Name       CD Name  Alias    Mail Node Last Date Last Time
  --- -------------------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ---------
  __  AHA.SEATT +------------------------------------------+ 94  10:22
  __  ASHLEY.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BINCAB.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BLI.SEATT !  Find a Particular Address Record by     ! 94  10:22
  __  BJI.SEATT !  its Synchronization Address.            ! 94  10:22
  __  BL.SEATTL !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BR.BOSTON !  Synchronization Address:                ! 94  16:03
  __  Brinkmann !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  BSAC.SEAT !  Central Directory Name:   DAEFCOC_      ! 94  10:22
  __  CAB40.SEA !  Alias:                    ________      ! 94  10:22
  __  CRUISE.SE !                                          ! 94  10:22
  __  DBA.BOSTO !                                          ! 94  16:03
  __  DBA.SEATT !                                          ! 94  10:22
  Cmd:                                      Position to ____________________
   TO Top   DI Display   UL Unlink   ER Erase
       Help  Menu  Quit  ErAll UlAll       Find   +     --
 Press ENTER to continue