Navigating Through the Teleservices Functions

When Con-nect Teleservices is installed at your site, you can define telex, teletex or telefax nodes.

In order to permit a user to use a selectable unit, you must ensure that the Send External Mail function is permitted in the user's profile. See Cabinet and User Profile.

During the transmission of telex/teletex/telefax items records are written to the spool file. These records must be deleted from the Con-nect spool file with the Delete Spool File Entries function on a regular basis. For further information, see Delete Spool File Entries.

The following diagram shows the path you must take to add and maintain telex, teletex, and telefax mail nodes.

The items which consist of functions applicable to all node types are displayed as light green boxes. For further information, see External Mail Nodes.
