General Information for Con-nect Teleservices

This Dokument contains general information for installing Con-nect Teleservices.

It covers the following topics:

The Telex and Telefax System Connection

The currently supported telex and telefax systems are the TOPCALL system, GNT system, and CAESAR system. For the TOPCALL system, the protocol converter is not required; it is directly connected via a coaxial line.

For the GNT and CAESAR systems, the terminal controller is connected with the GNT or CAESAR system via the PROKOR protocol converter, which emulates a terminal and, thus, can be connected via a coaxial line. When the host transmits messages, the PROKOR receives them as if it were a terminal, and forwards them to the GNT or CAESAR system. Conversely, the PROKOR accepts messages from the GNT or CAESAR system and forwards them in accordance with the corresponding protocol, emulating the keyboard of a terminal, to the host computer.


The main prerequisite for this data exchange is a Natural session in the corresponding system environment that can be started on the coaxial line attached to the PROKOR. This Natural session must be able to be started automatically. The Telex Driver start program is, in turn, called from this session.

Prerequisites for the Installation of the Telex Driver

The following requirements must be met:

  • Con-nect Version 3.4.3 must be installed.

  • Special administration tasks for the definition of external mail nodes must be completed. These tasks are described in the Con-nect Administration documentation, section System Maintenance, sub-section External Mail Nodes.

  • The required hardware configuration must be operable.

In the Siemens environment, the German umlauts use different hex-codes than in the IBM environment. For this reason, the macro CDTLX must be modified. The source for assembling the macro CDTLX is contained in member CONFSRT of the source library CMFnnn.SRC.

Installation Jobs

The installation of Software AG products is performed by installation jobs. These jobs are either created "manually" or generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA).

For each step of the installation procedure, the job number of a job performing the respective task is indicated. This job number refers to an installation job generated by SMA. Note that the job numbers on the installation medium may be preceded by a product code (for example, CMTI060).

Using System Maintenance Aid

For information on using Software AG's System Maintenance Aid (SMA) for the installation process, refer to the System Maintenance Aid documentation.


The following step must be executed after Con-nect Teleservices has been installed:


which displays the "Installing System - Profile" screen.

                        Installing  System Profile

                    System Name:   * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *

                   CPU Timezone: 1     (relative to Greenwich Mean ,Time)
                 Sliding Window: 50

            Days in Wastebasket: 60
          Days until Expiration: 365
          Archive on Expiration: x
            Trace Cabinet Usage: x

                      Day Start: 0     0-23
                     Week Start: 1     1-7

           Logical Printer Name: DAEPRTB2
            Printer Destination: DAEPRTB2

                     Initialize: _ System Command and Object Table

         CON-NECT TRS installed: X     (Leave blank if not installed)

You are not required to modify the information on this screen, simply press ENTER. Each time you install Con-nect Teleservices you must run INSTALL even though it is run when Con-nect is installed.