Special Considerations

This Dokument contains special information for installing Con-nect Teleservices.

It covers the following topics:

Assembler Programs Called from the Telex Driver Programs

The following Assembler programs are used by the Telex Driver programs when necessary:

CMWTO                     , for output to the console
CMROLL                    , for time-rollout

CMWTO and CMROLL are routines of the TP driver, e.g., NATCOMP if the TP monitor Com-plete is being used, or NATCICS if CICS is being used. In another TP environment where the above mentioned functions of these routines may not be supported, it may be necessary to adjust them accordingly.

Special Considerations for the CAESAR System

Certain system programming questions (see the CAESAR System User's Manual) must be answered as follows, in order to guarantee correct operation of the Telex Driver.

Question Number Answer
11 1
20 02
55 affirmative
57 0
60 affirmative
61 affirmative

The new CAESAR system uses channel address 44 instead of the previous channel address 20. The channel address must be adjusted in the driver program as specified in your CAESAR manual.

Special Considerations for the Protocol Converter Under the CAESAR System

Certain system programming questions must be answered as follows in order to guarantee correct communication between Telex Driver, PROKOR and CAESAR system.

Question 06: 0200 Question 07: 0300

Special Considerations for the TOPCALL System

  1. The TOPCALL channel(s) attached to Con-nect must be defined for QUERY. The following so-called "masks" must be available in the TOPCALL system: +A, +X, and +Y.

  2. The following parameters may be modified in the program TLXDRV:

    Parameter Function
    Logical-device-ID Logical device ID of the driver which is used in the case of multiple installed modules serving the same spool file. Default=` ' (blank).
    Sleeping-time Number of minutes the driver remains inactive. Default=3.
    Console-messages Specifies whether console messages will be written. N=no messages written. Y=messages written. Default=N.
    Fax-line-length Maximum length of a text line until word wrapping occurs. Default=68.

    When the full screen protocol is not used the value must be 68.

    Tc-ddrive Default disk drive used when storing outgoing messages. Default=B.
    Tc-doc-prefix Document prefix identifier for outgoing messages stored at the TOPCALL site. The name of a document consists of this prefix and a sequence number (e.g. TTC0000003). In the case of multiple simultaneously running driver programs, serving the same spool file, a different document prefix must be used with each driver, e.g. TTD. The last character of the document prefix is used to distinguish the different drivers. Default=TTC.
    Tc-charge-pfx Prefix which is used to store charge files in TOPCALL. Default=B:KK.
    Tc-chargef-upload Enables charge files to be uploaded. Y=yes; N=no. If yes, the charge file from the last month will be uploaded. Default=Y.
    Tc-sys-cab Target cabinet for uploaded charge files and journals. Default=TELEX.
    Tc-default-cab Default target cabinet for incoming messages. Default=TELEX.
    Tc-max-in Maximum number of incoming messages to be processed before switching to the outgoing mode. Default=10.
    Tc-max-out Maximum number of outgoing messages to be processed before switching to the incoming mode. Default=10.
    Tc-max-hold Maximum number of outgoing messages TOPCALL can hold before sending. Default=20.
    Tc-full-screen Uses the full screen protocol for the transmission of data between TOPCALL and the host. Y=yes; N=no. Default=N. For further information, see special considerations number [3].
    Tc-main-link Specifies whether it is the main link. The main link is the only link that sets the date and time on the TOPCALL system when it is started. The main link requests the charge file from the TOPCALL system at the beginning of each month. Y=yes; N=no. Default=Y.
    Tc-delete-indoc Delete incoming messages and journals at the TOPCALL site after reception (Y=Yes, N=No). Deletion of the documents can be performed either by the driver or the TOPCALL device. Default=Y.
    Tc-data-out Defines the data-out character as it is used in the TOPCALL protocol. The data-out character should be either "D" or "#". The character # is used in the case of a BS2000 system using a DAF�R protocol converter. No other values are supported. Default=D.
    Tc-trace-enabled Enables an extended trace facility which writes log records to the spool file. The log records can be viewed with the X-BLG-M program (TRUE=enabled, FALSE=disabled). Default=FALSE.
    Enabling and running the trace facility for a long period of time requires a large amount of storage in the spool file, therefore, it is recommended to enable this facility only in the case of problems. For further information, see the Con-nect Administration documentation for a description of the D-TELEX program.
    Tc-cmquery-ext An extension to the TOPCALL query command. The query extension is concatenated to the query command '..2Q'. For example, the extension can be N=AS:.
    Tc-stop-enabled Enables or disables utility program X-BSTOP to stop the driver between the driver's "sleeping time".
    Y=Enable utility program X-BSTOP to stop driver. N=Disable utility program X-BSTOP to stop driver.
  3. If the TOPCALL full screen protocol is used (see Tc-full-screen), the Natural telex device driver NATTLX must also be used. How to assemble, link edit and include it in the executable Natural module is described in the Natural Operations documentation , section Operating Natural - General Information.

  4. When multiple driver programs, serving the same spool file, are used to send telex/telefax messages to the TOPCALL system, the Natural global session parameter WH must be set to ON.