This document covers the following topics:


File a document into a TRS folder and invert the document. You can also move a document from one TRS folder to another TRS folder.

You can only use this subprogram if Con-nect Text Retrieval is installed.

Prior to the first call to Z-TRS11, you must invoke Z-TRSOP to open the TRS buffer. After to the last call to Z-TRS11, you must invoke Z-TRSCL to close the TRS buffer.

If you want to rename the document without filing it into another folder or file, you must specify the previously defined folder and file names in the parameters TRS-folder-name and TRS-file-name, and you must specify the new document name in the parameter New-document-name.

When you file a document which is currently stored in the Inbasket file New, the corresponding address list is updated so that the reception status of the document indicates that it has been read.

The document is inverted online unless it is longer than the length permitted by the administrator. If it is, the document is automatically filed in folder TRS-XXL and inverted when the utility B10000 is run (see Invert Long Documents in the Con-nect Utilities documentation for further information).

If Con-nect Text Retrieval cannot be invoked (return code 06), the TRS error number is returned in the parameter TRS-return-code.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet in which the document is to be filed.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Document-name A32 R*   The name of the document to be filed. Either Document-name or ISN, not both.
ISN P8 R*   The ISN of the document to be filed. Either ISN or Document-name, not both. You can invoke Z-DIS11 prior to this subprogram to obtain the ISN for the desired document.
TRS-folder-name A15 R   The name of the TRS folder in which the document is to be stored.
TRS-file-name A15 O   The name of a file within the above TRS folder in which the document is to be stored.
New-document-name A32 O   If specified, the document is filed with a new name.
Keywords A15/1:6 O   Keywords are helpful when you search for an object. You can specify up to 6 keywords. A keyword must not contain an asterisk (*). When you specify at least one new keyword, all previously defined keywords are deleted. Thus, to retain the previously defined keywords you must specify them once more.
TRS-return-code N4   X When this subprogram has been terminated successfully, the value 0 is returned. Any other value indicates an internal error.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name
03 Password incorrect
04 ISN was not found
06 TRS could not be invoked
08 Supply either ISN or name, not both
09 ISN does not point to correct object
51 Invalid name
52 Document with specified name already exists
53 Requested object does not exist
54 At least one keyword was invalid
55 Requested folder/file does not exist
66 Requested folder is not a TRS folder
90 Document too long to be inverted online - folder TRS-XXL is missing
91 Document too long to be inverted online - it has been filed in folder TRS-XXL

