This document covers the following topics:


Display a list of documents.

You can display either all documents of a cabinet in alphabetical order, or all documents of a folder/file in date order.

To display all documents of a cabinet, you must not specify a folder or file.

Folders and files can be specified either by their numbers or by their names. You must not specify both.

You can invoke Z-DIS13 prior to this subprogram to return the number of a user-defined folder.

Documents from the Wastebasket, Inbasket or Outbasket are displayed only, if the parameter Folder-name or Folder-number is specified.

A document name can be specified as the Start-value for alphabetical order or user-defined sequence. A document date can be specified as the Start-value for ascending or descending date order.

A complete list of documents is returned if this subprogram is invoked iteratively. In this case, the parameters cannot be modified once this subprogram has been invoked. If this subprogram is invoked iteratively, the Work-parameter contains the needed restart values.

The parameter Name-sent-to/by is only returned for reference documents that are stored in the Inbasket and Outbasket.

If the Inbasket or Folder-number 1 is specified without entering a File-number or File-name, this subprogram returns the documents of all Inbasket files.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The name of the cabinet in which you want to display the list of documents.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Folder-name A15 O*   The name of the folder from which you want to display the list of documents. Either Folder-name or Folder-number, not both.
File-name A15 O*   The name of the file from which you want to display the list of documents. Either File-name or File-number, not both.
Folder-number N5 O*   The number of the folder from which you want to display the list of documents. Either Folder-number or Folder-name, not both. See Folder Numbers.
File-number N5 O*   The number of the file from which you want to display the list of documents. Either File-number or File-name, not both. See File Numbers.
Folder-sequence N1 O   1 (ascending by date), 2 (descending by date), or 3 (user-defined). Default: 1.
Start-value A32 O   Document name for alphabetical order or user-defined sequence. Document date (yyyymmdd) for ascending or descending date order in a folder/file.
Number N2 O   The maximum number of documents that are returned with each call. When you do not specify a value, or when you specify a value greater than 20, the default value 20 is used.
Document-table (20)
  ISN P8   X The ISN of the document.
  Document-name A32   X The name of the document.
  Description A60   X The first line of the description.
  Document-format A1   X See Document Formats.
  Stored-in-file A15   X The name of the file in which the document is stored.
  Date-filed N8   X The date when the document was filed in this cabinet. When the document is filed in the Inbasket or Outbasket, this is the date when the item was sent.
  Name-sent-to/by A20   X When the document is filed in the Inbasket, this is the name of the sender. When the document is filed in the Outbasket, this is the name of the first addressee.
  Mailcount N7   X When the document is filed in the Outbasket, this is the number of addressees to whom the item was sent.
Work-parameter A49     For internal use. See The Work Parameter.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name
03 Password incorrect
11 Supply folder/file name or number, not both
55 Requested folder/file does not exist
73 Invalid folder/file name
77 End of list

