Part 3. Maintaining the Con-nect Spool File Method

This part describes the special administrative function that applies to maintaining the spool file method. It is subdivided into the following sections:

Navigating Through the Spool File Method Maintenance
Spool File Method Screen

Navigating Through the Spool File Method Maintenance

The following diagram shows the path you must take to maintain external Con-nect nodes using the spool file method. The items which consist of functions applicable to all node types are shown in the light green boxes. For further information, see External Mail Nodes.


Spool File Method Screen

To maintain external Con-nect nodes, select the Maintain Mail Nodes function from the "Administration - External Mail Node" screen and press ENTER. In the resulting "Maintain Mail Node" window, select the Spool File Method function and press ENTER.

The "Administration - Spool File Method" screen is shown below.

  12:04 PM              * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Administration - Spool File Method                  X-AM01
  Mark Prefix   Homenode S Date        Time     Sender ID Name                  
  ---- -------- -------- - ----------- -------- --------------------------------
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94  8:08 AM SAGDJS  EHOST Smith,James    
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94  8:08 AM SAGDJS  EHOST Smith,James    
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94  9:36 AM SAGDCF  EHOST Flint,Cliff     
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94 12:36 PM SAGDCF  EHOST Flint,Cliff       
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94  4:37 PM SADGJ   EHOST John,Gerald     
   __  X-AI     ALSHOST  S   26.Jan.94  4:40 PM SAGDLH  EHOST Hetfield,Lars  
       Marks A Address List   E Erase   R Receiver Data   S Sender Data   T Text
 Record Type _  I Incoming   O Outgoing   P Purged   R Response   S Send  Z API 
        Date ____________  Time ________                 Node Type A Con-nect   
       Help  Menu  Quit                                                         
 Mark one item from the list above                                              

All displays can be in text or dump format. Record selection is based on record type, date, time and node type.