Import Addresses

This document covers the following topics:

Import Addresses Screen

The Import Addresses function is used to import the addresses you have downloaded from the central directory.

Select the Import Addresses function and press ENTER. As a result, a confirmation window is displayed listing the number of addresses that will be imported. Enter Y to confirm, or press ENTER to cancel the import process

During the import process, a nickname for each address is created based upon the addressing rules you specified with the Add Initial Profile function and filed in cabinet SYSCNT. See Add Profiles.

For each nickname created for an address during the import procedures, a screen, similar to the one below, is displayed.

   4:38 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                   Import Address                             OLIN05

  Nickname:                Mayer, Julie

  Folder:                  work                File:

  Central Directory Name:  DAEFCOC

  Alias:                   DjG

  Node:                    RESTON

  Original Mail ID:        JEM

  Last Name/Description:   Mayer

  First Name:              Julie

       Help  Menu  Quit  Displ Imp                                       Cancl

If a unique nickname cannot be created, a message is displayed in the above screen.


Nickname created for the imported address based upon the import rules you specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.

This field can be modified.


Current folder in which the imported address will be stored, as specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.

This field can be modified.


Current file in which imported address will be stored, as specified with the Add Profile function. See Add Profiles.

This field can be modified.

Central Directory Name

Central directory from which the imported address was downloaded.


Unique ID assigned to the imported address when uploaded to the central directory.


The transport service node responsible for uploading the address to the central directory.

Original Mail ID

ID which uniquely identifies the imported address on its local node.

Last Name / Description

Imported addressee's last name or description.

First Name

Imported addressee's first name. This field is blank if the address is not a user.

Once you have made your modifications, press PF5 to import the address.

Display Additional Address Information

To display the complete address of an addressee, press PF4.

   3:57 PM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS          Address Maintenance - ESH                           OLAN06

  Mail Nickname for       
  Last Name/Description   Eshberry                         Initial  X
  First Name              John

  Company         Walk America
  Department                                        Number
  Address         12004 Sunrise Valley Drive

  City            Boston
  Postal Code     20001                             Country  USA

  Phone           814-WAL-K000                      Country Code  1
  Extension       25

       HELP        Quit 
 Press a PF-key

The information displayed here is identical to that which is displayed when a user issues the "DISPLAY Address name" command.


If you want to cancel the import of this address, press PF3.

If you want to cancel the import process for all addresses, press PF12. As a result, the "Administration - Directory Synchronization" screen is redisplayed.