MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | MashZone NextGen Development and APIs | MashZone NextGen APIs | MashZone NextGen Snapshot API | Get Snapshot Methods | Get One Snapshot By ID
Get One Snapshot By ID
Base URL
To retrieve a specific, complete snapshot, you must have the snapshot ID. Typically, you find this ID in the response to a snapshot collection query. See Get Snapshot Collections By Criteria for an example of this response.
You use the URL in content/@href from the snapshot collection query response to retrieve the snapshot you want. This URL is in the form:
A Single Snapshot Response
This example shows a snapshot in XML format. The actual results in the snapshot are contained in the content element:

<snapshot xmlns=""
<name>Top Losers Dec 31, 2010</name>
<description>Top stock lowers for 12/31/2010</description>
<content xmlns="">
<!-- actual snapshot data -->
<GetTopLosersResponse xmlns=""

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