MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in EMML | Advanced Mashup Techniques | Self-Joins with a Single Dataset
Self-Joins with a Single Dataset
Self-joins compare values in repeating nodes from a single result to create the join result. They typically resolve cross references within a single result (one item refers to another item in the same dataset) using the <join> statement.
Note: The example shown in this topic resolves references to the supervisor of employees (the repeating items) that have a supervisor where the supervisors are themselves employees (and thus in that same set of repeating items).
To do this, the join condition for self-joins compare values between repeating items in the same variable. However, EMML join conditions do not support comparisons within a single variable, such as the following join condition:
<join outputvariable="result"
joincondition="$staffDoc/employees/employee/supervisor =
$staffDoc/employees/employee/id" >
<select name="employees">
This example selects employees who have a supervisor and joins employee data for that supervisor to the employee’s data using the single $staffDoc variable.
The solution to get a self-join is to copy the single results you want to use in the join condition to a second variable. Then let the join condition compare node values from two different variables.
For example:
<mashup xmlns:xsi=""

<output name="result" type="document"/>

<input name="staffDoc" type="document">

<!-- duplicate result set in second variable -->
<variable name="staffMirrorDoc" type="document" />
<assign fromvariable="$staffDoc" outputvariable="$staffMirrorDoc" />
<!-- join employee supervisor data to employees -->
<join outputvariable="result"
joincondition="$staffDoc/employees/employee/supervisor =
$staffMirrorDoc/employees/employee/id" >
<select name="employees">

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