MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | MashZone NextGen Analytics | RAQL Queries | Where Techniques
Where Techniques
Condition Expression
For a simple filter condition, see Getting Started with MashZone NextGen Analytics.
To use multiple conditions, arithmetic or logical operators, see Where Complex Conditions.
column-name like text-pattern
To use text matching, see Where Text Like Patterns.
column-name in (value1, value2[,...])
To match to an enumerated set of values, see Where in Sets.
column-name between range-start and range-end
To match within a range of values.
dynamic condition
To provide dynamic values to filter conditions, see Parameters in Where Clauses.
function(column-name) in condition
To use functions on column values in filters, see Plain Functions in Where.

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