MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in MashZone NextGen Wires | Customizing Wires | Update Labels and Icons for Custom Blocks in Wires | Block Labels
Block Labels
You can add configuration to change the default label for a custom Wires block within the macro that generates the block. Use the <presto:macro-meta> statement and add <block> and <label> wtihin <block>:
<macros xmlns=""

<macro name="helloWorld"

<block usage="Wires">
<label>Hello world!</label>
Tip: Custom labels can be any text, including spaces, that is valid in XML. Characters that are XML delimiters, such as &, must be escaped.
It is a good practice to keep labels for custom blocks fairly short to ensure that they fit in the menu and do not take an excessive amount of space on the canvas. Length is less of an issue for custom property labels.

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