MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Working in MashZone NextGen Hub | Common Tasks for Mashables, Mashups and Apps | Add Feedback
Add Feedback
Feedback includes rating and comments for mashables, mashups or apps in both MashZone NextGen Hub and the AppDepot. For published apps in the AppDepot, you can also send feedback to the app owner who created the app.
In MashZone NextGen Hub, use the toolbar in the artifact page to rate an artifact.
If you add comments in MashZone NextGen Hub, the artifact owner receives a notice of your comments in the MashZone NextGen Hub Home page.
Other users can also see your comments from the artifact page. To view comments or add a comment in MashZone NextGen Hub, open the artifact's page from search, bookmarks or other links and select Show > Comments.
In the AppDepot, you can rate or add comments to a published app or send feedback to the published app's owner using the toolbar in the Open Apps tab:
* Rate or Add Comments to a published app. These comments are only visible in the AppDepot.
* Send Feedback to the owner of a published app. The owner receives a notice of your comments and can see them in MashZone NextGen Hub. These comments are only visible in MashZone NextGen Hub.

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Innovation Release