MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Views for Mashups and Mashables | Built-in MashZone NextGen Views | Geo Map | Characteristics
Data Requirements
*A set of repeating items that each must contain:
*A field with either:
*ISO 3166-1 county codes (alpha-2)
*ISO 3166-1 country names
*ISO 3166-2 regional subdivision names
These codes and names are maintained by the International Standards Organization for continents, regions and countries of the world. See the ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 Country Codes section for more information and suggestions.
*At least one other field with a number to use as the intensity statistic to render in the map.
Published Events
*select = a user clicks on one of the countries displaying an intensity in the map
*region-click = a user clicks on one of the regions in the map
Mobile Views

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Innovation Release