MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in EMML | Writing Mashups in EMML | Controlling Mashup Processing Flow | <foreach>
<foreach> Examples
This looping statement processes any children statements in either a repeated loop or in parallel for each node in a node set. The node set is defined in an XPath expression.
You can use most EMML statements within <foreach>. You can also use <break> within this statement to forceably stop loop processing.
For examples, see <foreach> as Sequential Loops, <foreach> as Parallel Loops for All Nodes or <foreach> as Parallel Loops for Any One Node. See also Working Samples for information on sample mashups that use this statement.
Can Contain
( Statements Group | ( Variables Group ) | ( presto:beginTransaction | presto:commitTransaction | presto:rollbackTransaction ) | ( ( macro:custom-macro-name | any element in a non-EMML namespace )* ) | ( break ) | ( variables ) | fuse )+
Allowed In
mashup | catch | else | elseif | for | foreach | if | macro | operation | sequence | try | while
The name for the variable to hold each 'item' for this looping statement. The scope for this variable is limited to the <foreach> loop.
An XPath 2.0 expression that defines the set of nodes (or sequence) to loop through. The length of this set defines the limit for looping and typically also defines a context for relative expressions used in statements or content within the <foreach> loop.
Determines whether each loop is processed sequentially (the default) or concurrently (parallel="yes").
Valid values include:
*yes = Process each loop concurrently.
*no = Process each loop sequentially. This is the default.
Determines how many loops are processed when loops are processed concurrently (parallel="yes"). This can be all loops or any one loop (the first loop to complete ends all loop processing).
Valid values include:
*InvokeAll = Process all loops.
*invokeAll = Process all loops.
*invokeall = Process all loops.
*InvokeAny = The completion of any one loop ends loop processing.
*invokeAny = The completion of any one loop ends loop processing.
*invokeany = The completion of any one loop ends loop processing.
Determines how the results from multiple concurrent loops are fused into one or more variables:
*true = the single output variable defined in <fuse> holds all the results of concurrent loops"by value".
*false = the output variable defined in <fuse> holds a structure that references iterative variables containing the results of each concurrent loop - results"by reference". The output variable name is the base name used for iterative variables, such as $summary (the output variable), $summary1 (one loop's results), $summary2 and so on.
This attribute is only meaningful when parallel="yes" and tasks="invokeall".
The order in which concurrent loops are assigned or fused in variables is not determinant.
Determines a timeout period, in seconds, for each thread when loops are processed concurrently (parallel="yes").

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