MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in EMML | Writing Mashups in EMML | Controlling Mashup Processing Flow | <for>
<for> Example
This looping statement processes any children statements in a repeated loop for the specified count. The count may be static or may use expressions to define a dynamic limit. The increment is always one.
You can use most EMML statements within <for>. You can also use <break> within this statement to forceably stop loop processing.
Can Contain
( Statements Group | ( Variables Group ) | ( presto:beginTransaction | presto:commitTransaction | presto:rollbackTransaction ) | ( ( macro:custom-macro-name | any element in a non-EMML namespace )* ) | ( break ) | ( variables ) )+
Allowed In
mashup | catch | else | elseif | for | foreach | if | macro | operation | sequence | try | while
The name for the counter variable for this looping statement. The scope for this variable is limited to the <for> loop.
The number or expression that defines the number to use as the counter for the first loop. The increment is always one.
The number or expression that defines the number of the last loop to execute. Expressions must evaluate to an integer value.

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