MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Working in MashZone NextGen Hub | Update Mashables, Mashups or Apps in Bulk | Find and Select Multiple Artifacts for Update
Find and Select Multiple Artifacts for Update
1. Put the cursor in Search, enter search terms if desired and press Return to open the Search Results page.
2. Click Bulk Updates. The Bulk Updates page opens with a Search field.
3. Enter part of the name, description or a tag to get a list of artifacts and click Search. Or simply click Search to select all artifacts.
4. Set the check box next to each of the artifacts that you want to update. Or set the check box in the column headings to select all the artifacts in this list.
5. Complete one of these updates:
*Add To or Remove Multiple Artifacts From Favorites
*Update the Category, Provider or Tags in Bulk
*Change the Status of Multiple Artifacts
*Delete Multiple Artifacts
*Update Run Permissions for Multiple Artifacts
*Update Caching for Multiple Mashables or Mashups
*Feature or Unfeature Multiple Artifacts

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