MashZone NextGen 10.2 | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Apps and Workspaces | Publishing, Managing, Sharing and Using Apps | Embed an App in HTML Pages
Embed an App in HTML Pages
To embed an app in an HTML page in your intranet or in a web application, you must update the HTML code for that page. You may need to edit the page directly, in a text editor or your choice, or use features in the system that manages the page.
* To embed an app
1. In MashZone NextGen Hub, open the app from search results, favorites or bookmarks.
2. If desired, change the input parameters and other visual settings that you want to use for this app in this HTML page. See Edit App Properties for instructions.
3. Click Publish > Embed.
4. Copy the <script> tag from the Embed window and paste this tag into the HTML page where you want to embed this app.

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