Loading Fixes in BS2ZIP format to BS2000

Software AG provides fixes for BS2000 in the ZIP format in addition to the SNTDECOD format. Follow these instructions to obtain a fix in BS2ZIP format.

Step 1: Download the ZIP File from Empower

The icon for BS2ZIP-format is to be found in the right column of the download field as shown in the following example table. The main difference to the SNTDECOD format is that several fix components (including SMA-tables) can be put into one data set for download.

Operating System Fix File Type Download Readme
BS2000/OSD ALLIS99 Natload (Summary)



BS2L099 Load

Step 2: Transfer the ZIP File from the PC to BS2000

After downloading the ZIP file from Empower, the file must be transferred to your BS2000 system.

On your PC you may have a look at the content of the file, but no further processing is possible there. The transfer of the ZIP file should be executed with FTP mandatory using binary format.

ftp>quote ftyp binary
ftp>put pppvvv-BS2tnnn.ZIP

Where the name of the ZIP file (pppvvv-BS2tnnn.ZIP) consists of the following:

  • ppp: productcode

  • vvv: version

  • t : type of fix

  • nnn: number of fix

Contents of the ZIP file:

  • pppvvv.tnnn: one or more files (NATLOAD-fixes, Loadlibs, etc.)

  • pppvvvtnnn.TABS: SMA-Tables for this fix.

Please refer to the manual BS2ZIP - Zip Archiving in BS2000 by Fujitsu to get more information about transferring ZIP files, e.g. if you would like to use openFT instead of FTP.

Step 3: Extract Files using BS2ZIP

To extract the files in BS2000, follow the instructions below:

//     END

Step 4: Install with SMA

Start of instruction setTo install the fix extracted ZIP files

  1. Load the SMA tables (file pppvvvtnnn.TABS) into SMA.

  2. Invoke the function T (Tapes) in the SMA application.

  3. Select 'Access datasets by Volser'.

  4. Enter the line command 'DA' (=’datasets’) for the volser SAGNET.

  5. Enter the line command 'MA' (=’mark for copy’) for all datasets.

  6. Press the PF3 key.

  7. Enter the line command 'SE' for the volser SAGNET.

  8. Proceed with the installation of the fixes as usual.