Loading Binary Host Files to OpenVMS

All corrections (INPL etc.) of Software AG products for OpenVMS on VAX and ALPHA are stored within Empower as savesets.

Since PC files are not blocked, the savesets must be reblocked after they have been transferred to your OpenVMS system. To achieve this, use the method described below.

Reblock and Install via VMS Command

  1. In order to download the correction file from the Empower server to your PC, choose the download icon.

  2. Use a file transfer system which is available for your local PC to your VMS system. Transfer the files as binary, not as ASCII.

  3. To get the proper block size that has been used with the backup command on your OpenVMS system, issue the following command:

    $ BACKUP /LIST <correction-file-name>/SAVE 
  4. In order to convert the file into a FIX record format with this block size, issue the following command:

    $ SET FILE/ATTR=(RFM:FIX,LRL:<block-size>) <correction-file-name>

    Note that the default block size is 8192 for backup savesets on tape and 32256 for those on disk, but the block size can be chosen freely.

  5. This file should be backed up like a normal saveset. To unpack the correction from the saveset into the working directory, use the following command:

    $ BACKUP <correction-file-name>/SAVE *.*
  6. Install the correction as described in the documentation provided with the correction. The installation of the correction is finished.