Downloading BS2000 Resolutions

Subsequent FTP sessions to copy the downloaded corrections can lead to problems under BS2000. In this case, SNT* errors can occur during decoding the corrections on BS2000.

Since the availability of the BS2000 FTP server Version V04.0, it is necessary to use the command literal ftyp binary to prevent that new line characters (X'15') result in a line feed (record change).

The default setting, when FTP is started, is ftyp text. In this case, new line characters (X'15' in EBCDIC) cause a line feed (record change).

The behavior of "older" FTP versions was wrong.


FTP>literal ftyp binary
FTP>literal file sagnet.out,recsize=80,recform=f,blksize=(std,1),open=update,fcbtype=sam
FTP>put sagnet.out