APPC Connection Scenarios - 3-tier Communications Server Configuration
Connecting to a Db2 for z/OS
If you plan to connect to a Db2 for z/OS region via APPC/LU 6.2 over AnyNet/MPTN, the following is a sample configuration scenario using the IBM Communications Server 6.0.2 for Windows.
1. Start the IBM Communications Server SNA Node Configuration program and select Scenarios+AnyNet SNA over TCP/IP Gateway from the main menu.
2. Click the Node element in the Definition Hierarchy by Function tree view, and then click the Create button.
3. Define an example network node with APPN.CONNXDb2.
CP Alias = CONNXGW, Block ID is 05D, Physical Unit ID is 00000.
4. Click the Devices element in the Definition Hierarchy by Function directory, and then click the Create button.
5. Select AnyNet SNA/IP from the Device Type dialog box
6. The Define an AnyNet SNA over TCP/IP Device dialog box appears. For this example, the SNA domain name suffix is set to CONNX.Db2390.COM. Accept the defaults for the Routing Preferences, Performance, and Reactivation dialog box tabs.
7. Define a Partner LU. - Click the CPI-C and APPC element in the Definition Hierarchy by Function directory, click on the Partner LU 6.2 LUs element, and then click the Create button.
The Define a Partner LU 6.2 dialog box appears.
8. For this example, define a Partner LU = CONNXDb2.LU1 with a partner LU alias = Db2LU1.
9. Click the CPI-C and APPC element in the Definition Hierarchy by Function directory, click the Modes element, and then click the Create button.
The Define a Mode dialog box appears.
For this example, the mode name is IBMRDB, which is preconfigured at the host and optimized for DRDA traffic.
10. Select the Advanced tab.
Enter the following:
Maximum negotiable session limit - 128
Receive pacing window size - 7
Auto activate sessions - 0
Class of Service name - #CONNECT
Check the "Use default RU size" checkbox.
11. Click the CPI-C and APPC element in the Definition Hierarchy by Function directory, select Transaction Programs, and then click the Create button.
The Define a Transaction Program dialog box appears. The default DRDA Application Server APPC transaction program is = 0x07F6C4C2, which is entered as 076DB.
12. Save the configuration file and set it as the default.
For this example, the following entries must be added to the winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on the same server:
123.456.789.12 LU1.CONNXDb2.CONNX.Db2390.COM
123.456.789.12 LU1
123.456.789.120 is a sample dotted TCP/IP address, which must match the TCP/IP address defined to the target Db2 DDF region.
LU1.CONNXDb2.CONNX.Db2390.COM is the full symbolic TCP/IP address of the target host, in luname.netid.DNS-suffix order. The default AnyNet/MPTN DNS suffix is; for the purposes of this example, the DNS suffix was changed to CONNX.Db2390.COM.
The IBM Communications Server MPTN driver forms a symbolic name in luname.netid.DNS-suffix order from its configuration, and looks up the dotted TCP/IP address in the hosts file. If the entry is not in the local hosts file, it is resolved at the TCP/IP domain name server(s).