Function name | Return value | Parameters | Description |
ABS | number | number value | Returns the absolute value of the number supplied. |
ADD_EXTRAPARAM | text | text payload, textfieldname, textvalue | This function is deprecated. Use the DICT_SET function instead. Takes an existing extraParam value and adds the specified field and value to it. |
CEIL | number (whole number) | number value | Returns the ceiling integer value of the number passed. This is the smallest possible integer that is larger than the value supplied. |
CONCAT | text | text prefix, text suffix | Concatenates two strings and returns the result as a string. |
CONCAT | text | text prefix, choice suffix | Concatenates an enumeration value to a string, and returns the result as a string. |
CONCAT | text | text prefix, number suffix | Concatenates a number to a string, and returns a string. |
CONDITIONAL | text | condition condition text true_result text false_result | Functions like an IF statement. The first parameter is the expression to be evaluated, similar to a condition in an IF statement. The second and third parameters are the values to return according to the result of the condition. The second parameter represents a true result. The third parameter represents a false result. See Example of CONDITIONAL function. |
DICT_GET | text | text dictAsString text key | Reads the dictionary specified by dictAsString and returns the value of the specified key. Specify the dictionary in dictionary<string,string>.toString() format. Returns an empty string if the key is not present or the string representation of the dictionary is "". |
DICT_GETORDEFAULT | text | text dictAsString text key text default | Reads the dictionary specified by dictAsString and returns the value of the specified key. Specify the dictionary in dictionary<string,string>.toString() format. Returns the specified default text if the key is not present or the string representation of the dictionary is "". |
DICT_HASKEY | boolean | text dictAsString text key | Reads the dictionary specified by dictAsString and returns true if the specified key exists in that dictionary. Specify the dictionary in dictionary<string,string>.toString() format.. |
DICT_SET | text | text dictAsString text key text value | Reads the dictionary specified by dictAsString and adds or replaces the specified key/value pair. Specify the dictionary in dictionary<string,string>.toString() format. An empty string for dictAsString is treated as an empty dictionary. Returns a string representation of the dictionary. |
FLOOR | number (whole number) | number value | Returns the floor integer value of the number passed. This is the largest possible integer that is smaller than the value supplied. |
GET_EXTRAPARAM | text | text payload, text fieldname | This function is deprecated. Use the DICT_GET function instead. Returns the value from extraParam data of the specified field, else an empty string. |
HAS_EXTRAPARAM | boolean | text payload, text fieldname | This function is deprecated. Use the DICT_HASKEY function instead. Returns true if the extraParam data has the specified field value. |
ISFINITE | boolean | float value | Returns true if value is finite, that is, it is not infinite or NaN. |
ISINFINITE | boolean | float value | Returns true if value is infinite, that is, it is positive or negative infinity. |
ISNAN | boolean | float value | Returns true if value is NaN, that is, it is not a number. |
MAX | number | number value1, number value2 | Returns the largest of two numbers. |
MIN | number | number value1, number value2 | Returns the smallest of two numbers. |
POW | number | number value, number exponent | Returns the value of the first parameter to the power of the second parameter. |
REPLACE | text | text value, text old, text new | Replaces all string occurrences of old in value with new. |
RND | number | number lower bound, number upper bound | Returns a random number between the specified boundaries. |
ROOT | number | number value, number exponent | Returns the value of the first parameter root of the second parameter. |
ROUND | number | number value, number decimal_places | Rounds a float to a given number of decimal places. You can specify a negative number for decimal_places to round in the opposite direction. See Example of ROUND function. |
TO_BOOLEAN | condition | text value | Converts a string to a Boolean value, and returns the Boolean value. This function is case insensitive. |
TO_NUMBER | number | choice value | Converts an enumeration to a number, and returns the number. |
TO_NUMBER | number | text value | Converts a string to a number, and returns the number. |
TO_TEXT | text | condition value | Converts a Boolean value to a string, and returns the string. |
TO_TEXT | text | number value | Converts a number to a string, and returns the string. |
Value | Decimal places | Result |
12345.6543 | 4 | 12345.6543 |
12345.6543 | 3 | 12345.654 |
12345.6543 | 2 | 12345.65 |
12345.6543 | 1 | 12345.7 |
12345.6543 | 0 | 12346.0 |
12345.6543 | -1 | 12350.0 |
12345.6543 | -2 | 12300.0 |
12345.6543 | -3 | 12000.0 |
12345.6543 | -4 | 10000.0 |
12345.6543 | -5 | 0.0 |