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Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory Class Reference

EngineClientFactory is a factory for classes that implement Apama messaging or correlator management interfaces. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ICorrelatorManagement CreateCorrelatorManagement ()
 Create a new object for performing management operations on an Apama Correlator. More...
static ICorrelatorManagement CreateCorrelatorManagement (string host, int port, string processName)
 Create a new object for performing management operations on an Apama Correlator. More...
static IEngineClient CreateEngineClient ()
 Create a new instance of IEngineClient implementation that enables a client process to communicate with an engine in a variety of ways by exposing almost all of the functionality via a single interface. More...
static IEngineClient CreateEngineClient (string host, int port, string processName)
 Create a new instance of IEngineClient implementation that enables a client process to communicate with an engine in a variety of ways by exposing almost all of the functionality via a single interface. More...
static IMessagingClient CreateMessagingClient ()
 Create a new object for sending and receiving Apama Events, Monitor injections, etc. More...
static IMessagingClient CreateMessagingClient (string host, int port, String processName)
 Create a new object for sending and receiving Apama Events, Monitor injections, etc. More...

Detailed Description

EngineClientFactory is a factory for classes that implement Apama messaging or correlator management interfaces.

Member Function Documentation

static ICorrelatorManagement Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateCorrelatorManagement ( )

Create a new object for performing management operations on an Apama Correlator.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

the new IMessagingClient instance.
static ICorrelatorManagement Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateCorrelatorManagement ( string  host,
int  port,
string  processName 

Create a new object for performing management operations on an Apama Correlator.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

hostthe hostname of the machine where the Engine is running on.
portthe port of the Engine on the machine it is running on.
processNamethe name of the engine client
a new instance of ICorrelatorManagement implementation.
static IEngineClient Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateEngineClient ( )

Create a new instance of IEngineClient implementation that enables a client process to communicate with an engine in a variety of ways by exposing almost all of the functionality via a single interface.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

a new instance of IEngineClient implementation.
static IEngineClient Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateEngineClient ( string  host,
int  port,
string  processName 

Create a new instance of IEngineClient implementation that enables a client process to communicate with an engine in a variety of ways by exposing almost all of the functionality via a single interface.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

hostthe hostname of the machine where the Engine is running on.
portthe port of the Engine on the machine it is running on.
processNamethe name of the engine client
a new instance of IEngineClient implementation.
static IMessagingClient Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateMessagingClient ( )

Create a new object for sending and receiving Apama Events, Monitor injections, etc.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

the new IMessagingClient instance.
static IMessagingClient Apama.Engine.Client.EngineClientFactory.CreateMessagingClient ( string  host,
int  port,
String  processName 

Create a new object for sending and receiving Apama Events, Monitor injections, etc.

This call does not actually establish the connection to the Apama component - use IBaseClient.ConnectNow() to do this, after setting the required host and port information.

Ensure that the returned object is disposed, by calling the Dispose() method or with a 'using' block.

hostthe hostname of the machine where the Engine is running on.
portthe port of the Engine on the machine it is running on.
processNamethe name of the engine client
the new IMessagingClient instance.
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