Apama Documentation : Building and Using Dashboards : Dashboard Property Reference for Graphs, Tables and Trends : Graph Objects : Google map : Map graph: Map group
Map graph: Map group
The properties in this group specify the position, zoom level and label behavior in the map object. This group contains the following properties:
If the labelsZoomThreshold property is set to a value greater than zero, a label balloon appears next to each marker when the zoom level is greater than or equal to that value. The label text in the balloon is the name assigned to the marker by the first column in valueTable. A label can be closed by clicking its "x" button. The label reappears if the display is closed and reopened or if the zoom threshold is reached. The default value of labelsZoomThreshold is zero which disables the labels.
The latitude property specifies the latitude of the point on which the map is to be centered.
The longitude property specifies the longitude of the point on which the map is to be centered.
The selectedMarker property specifies the name of the marker to select.
The zoom property specifies the zoom level of the map, between 0 and 21.
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